Indici Italia L'ultima goccia sempri 'da mutanna èèèèèèè.......

Cell se passa 1,45€ prossimi target 1,60€ e 2,10€.

Io di Cell ne ho accumulate parecchie, ieri ne ho mollate la metà per monetizzare un po' ma sono convinto che nel medio periodo l'obbiettivo dei 2 euro sia raggiungibile. :up:

Aspettando segnali dal capo-Treno io mi tengo aperto lo short di ieri su Unicredit, poi oggi non mi sembra che abbiano tutta sta spinta al rialzo
comunque la giornata di oggi dovrebbe dirci molto: credo che siamo in chiusura di quinto giornaliero: il sesto sarà importantissimo.....speriamo sia debole...

Certo i segnali che arrivano dal fronte valutario mi sembrano tutt'altro che incoraggianti per chi è short.....

Boh :)
Se poi ci aggiungi che Ucg sta per incrociare al rialzo il macd e idem per molti titoli europei altro che caduta.

Glenn Neely Predicts Largest Vertical Drop of Decade – Market to Decline 50% in Next 6 Months

June 15, 2009 – Glenn Neely, founder of NEoWave Institute and prominent Elliott Wave analyst, today announces a startling prediction: The S&P 500 is forming a major top in June, which will be followed by a large decline, eventually pushing the stock market to record lows for the decade.

"Technically speaking, according to NEoWave a correction began at last October's low; the March-June rally is the final leg of that correction," Neely explains. "The March-June rally is now ending, allowing the bear market to resume. During the next six months, the S&P will decline 50% or more, breaking well below 500!" Currently, the S&P is hovering around 917.

Glenn Neely is providing this information not as a specific trade recommendation but as a general public service announcement. A prominent Elliott Wave analyst, Neely was recently recognized in Timer Digest's May issue as the #1 stock market timer for the past 12 months.

For those who want detailed trading strategies and insight, Neely provides specific recommendations to subscribers of the NEoWave Trading Service.


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Glenn Neely Predicts Largest Vertical Drop of Decade – Market to Decline 50% in Next 6 Months

June 15, 2009 – Glenn Neely, founder of NEoWave Institute and prominent Elliott Wave analyst, today announces a startling prediction: The S&P 500 is forming a major top in June, which will be followed by a large decline, eventually pushing the stock market to record lows for the decade.

"Technically speaking, according to NEoWave a correction began at last October's low; the March-June rally is the final leg of that correction," Neely explains. "The March-June rally is now ending, allowing the bear market to resume. During the next six months, the S&P will decline 50% or more, breaking well below 500!" Currently, the S&P is hovering around 917.

Glenn Neely is providing this information not as a specific trade recommendation but as a general public service announcement. A prominent Elliott Wave analyst, Neely was recently recognized in Timer Digest's May issue as the #1 stock market timer for the past 12 months.

For those who want detailed trading strategies and insight, Neely provides specific recommendations to subscribers of the NEoWave Trading Service.

ciao over

danno sp a 450 x dicembre?

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