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Germany Sees Monte Paschi Bailout Eroding Bank-Failure Rules

Wolfgang Schaeuble’s Finance Ministry remains skeptical about Italy’s plan to protect individual investors and would prefer them to seek individual compensation through the courts rather than en masse as Italy plans, according to officials familiar with internal discussions, who asked not to be identified because the talks are private. Lawmakers from the ruling coalition urged the European Commission to fully enforce the rules for failing banks.

State Support
In a bailout that is slated to cost 8.8 billion euros ($9.5 billion), Italy is using a provision that allows state support for solvent banks in exceptional circumstances. To avoid misuse of that clause for old-style bail-outs, the law states that such support mustn’t cover “losses that the institution has incurred or is likely to incur in the near future” and instead seeks to protect a sound bank against a shock from external influences out of its control.

A key element that irks the Germans is Italy’s plan for 40,000 individual investors who own Monte Paschi’s Tier 2 subordinated bonds to receive 2 billion euros of senior notes in a transaction effectively funded by the Italian government, the officials said. Italy justifies the deal by claiming that Monte Paschi mis-sold the securities, understating their risk. Other subordinated creditors will be forced to convert into equity.

No one was immediately available for comment at Germany’s finance ministry. An Italian Treasury official declined to comment.
Interpretatela poi voi...

Italia: Padoan, Procedura Ue sarebbe grave problema reputazione

MILANO (MF-DJ)--Le parole del ministro dell'economia Pier Carlo Padoan a margine dell'incontro dell'Ecofin a Bruxelles ai microfoni di Class Cnbc.
Ha fatto bene ad iscrivere a bilancio sotto la voce "perdite" la parecipazione in Atlantide, l'unico fondo nato per inabissarsi. Per il resto su UC sono fiducioso.

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