ETC Natural Gas (11 lettori)


personalmente non ritengo opportuno tenere in carico un tale etc oltre gennaio
Ovviamente spero di liberarmene prima ed in gain


Nulla è Casuale
anche io come Klein posso tenere fermo il gas anche per 5 anni Ma ciò non toglie che il modo di operare dei MM (da ciò che so dietro ci dovrebbe essere la Goldmann che specula sullo short) è divenuto intollerabile.
Questo modo di operare allontana gli inestitori ed è controproducente per loro stessi a lungo Non può durare...devono per forza darci una boccata di ossigeno

Forse ancora non hanno capito il monito che è stato dato a Gordon Allen.

[ame=]YouTube - RESURECTED MILLIONAIRE doesn't care about money! Heaven & Hell. NDE[/ame]

NDE of Financial Investor

For 30+ years Dr. Rev. Allen had been a successful businessman and private investment banker founding his own firm that expanded from its Seattle head office to the UK and to continental Europe.

Rev. Allen excelled in investment sales and gained national recognition as a young man on his way to success. He was recruited as vice president of marketing for dealer development and sales training by Hammond Industries.

This was Rev. Allen's first experience with a corporation formed for the promotion of its products and primarily for the promotion of its stock. At the age of twenty-four, he took the risk and went with the corporation receiving generous cash and stock incentives. His new mentor, the corporate president, taught him the real world of major deal making and capital formation.

The Rev. Allen traveled the entire U.S. and Canada promoting the corporation's products and stock, conducting sales training for distributor salesmen, and directing activities for national industry shows. He married in his late twenties and moved on to earn a living in the international markets for investments and the sale of real goods. He owned several companies, dealing with import-export and financial industries.

Rev. Allen became a single parent, raised his three children, and bought and sold several enterprises. He was the key figure in Charterhouse Equities Corporation. The clients of the firm are as they were then, large private investors who use the service for the preservation of capital and for the movement of the equity of fixed assets across borders.

Charterhouse Equities was used as a holding company for the various companies and assets that came in and moved through the accounts of the client base, in addition to his own holdings.

In 1993, Rev. Dr. Allen experienced what is commonly called a near death experience, a truly life changing event for anyone but an event that profoundly changed the direction of his own life.

In this new context he applied the skills and talents given and reviled to him for all persons poor and under privileged where he found them. Over a short time he had traded in his whole being for service to others in the name of God with no mental reservations or hesitations what so ever. His heart was totally on fire with the love of good and the joy of being in-service to others in God's name.

He was surprised to discover that the reality of the on fire heart really is true and not just a romantic artist expression. For the next twelve years, Gordon Allens mission was to work with the poor and disadvantaged as a counselor and minister. Hands on one on one with the very real issues of these unfortunate individuals who in one way or another have had their life put on hold.

He formed a public housing consumers union and helped in obtaining subsidized housing for all. And to share his spiritual encounter, which proved to him that there is indeed life after death and a God who loves us all, and that God is not prejudiced by money or social status or place in life.

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