ETC Natural Gas (30 lettori)


Forumer storico

ceduto 10000 LNGA 0.0302 ....

mi sono messo in moto nel treding veloce, voglio uscirne in gain con sto gas... anche se per ora mi ha fatto lossare 80 euro ...

Preso cippino di LWEA 125 pezzi 1.538 pmc 1.635


Forumer storico
calls to morgan stanley have not thank yoary thompson. facebook is building up excitement for a mysterious event on january 15th. see what we're building is all that the invite says. what might be we expecting them to unveil? good morning to both of you. hi. ellis, obviously we have little to work with here this morning but the world building does connote some kind of hardware, doesn't it? could this be a phone if. it seems to be connoting some type of hardware but facebook is a services company, not a hardware company. ould exp something more along the lines of a sm platform or revamped search or just progress on building their new section of their campus they're working on. but one thing we know for sure is their stock just hit a five-month high after they made the announcemetter be something good. low of 17 christina, it is almost to 31 this morning. i wonderoverall is theling among tech gurus that the company's relevance is getting larger just as its stock prices? i think that its relevance is be proven. i don't know if it's getting larger but i think it's becoming proven. as ellis said, i think the language in the invitation indicates it's something big, whether it's a new campus or phone or some sort of platform. this has the feeling of a major announcement. christina, zuckerberg was asked about a p at the tech crunch conference not long ago. he seeme to think it wasn't something they wouldn't pursue. why the turn around no? because you have to be in mobile. this is apace they really need to be in. whether it through their own platform they license to others or their own full phone, mobile nee a space they seriously consider being in. if they weren't considering their own phone, i'd be very surprised. ellis, a lot oftware guys say there's a certain joy of not having to worry about manufacturing, supply chains. hardware it's a lot more difficult. do you think they really want wade into this kin of -- this new territory? i actually don't think they do. i think if tould it might be in the way, way cheaper phones category to hit on some markets where facebook hasn't spread that far yet. when steve jobs said we're not a hardware company. they were a hardware company when they u-turned on that. are they a company that puts out this invitation often? they're not the company that sends out these type of cryptic announcements. usually their events are structured around something like f-8, which is their development conference. they very rarely have these sort of events where you're unclear of what they're talking about. i think the last they were talking about was for their oduct and that was here in new york in november. that's the last time i can remember them sending out a major invites to the press. maybe in the midst of so much attention being placed where ellis is right now, you want to be a part of that story. thanks for your time. we'll see what tuesdaybrings.


Forumer storico
Perchè non può arrivarci nel prossimo mensile?
Anche se risalendo all'inizio?

ovvio che puo' farlo, ma il T+4 attuale e' arrivato a 168gg di vita con oggi se non ho sbagliato il conto

ora se fa un nuovo mensile al ribasso sarebbe un mensile di raccordo per lancio nuovo annuale allora ci puo' stare, oppure fare ancora un T+3 o T+4 al ribasso ma prima di tornarci dovra' salire


Forumer storico

ceduto 10000 LNGA 0.0302 ....

mi sono messo in moto nel treding veloce, voglio uscirne in gain con sto gas... anche se per ora mi ha fatto lossare 80 euro ...

Preso cippino di LWEA 125 pezzi 1.538 pmc 1.635

bravo neo,

io per ora ho tenuto, ma nel range 0,0330 e 0,0360 potrei venderlo

ma magari il grilletto parte prima

ho troppi pezzi dentro 84.410 con pmc 0,0976

devo incominciare a venderne un po :)


Forumer storico
ed ecco il wheat che parte UP :)

vedremo nei prox giorni ma direi NEW T+1 sicuramente, conferma con un T-1 (3-4gg) al rialzo

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