ETC Natural Gas (48 lettori)


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Natural gas futures fell from a three-month high after forecasts showed milder weather in the U.S., reducing demand for the heating fuel.
Gas dropped as much as 3.7 percent after the National Weather Service revised its six-to-10-day forecast to show normal or above-normal temperatures in the Northeast. The prior outlook showed colder-than-normal weather across the eastern third of the country.
“At this point, to keep gas going up, you need some real weather demand, which is still not there,” said Subash Chandra, an analyst at Jefferies & Co. in New York.
Natural gas for December delivery fell 10 cents, or 2.3 percent, to $4.171 per million British thermal units at 10:09 a.m. on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Gas has declined 25 percent this year. Prices settled at $4.271 yesterday, the highest level since Aug. 13.
The December contract expires on tomorrow. Gas for January delivery declined 7.9 cents to $4.353.
“Gas probably tops out around $4.50 by yearend,” Chandra said. “Yesterday it was already at almost $4.30.”
New York will have a high of 54 degrees Fahrenheit (12 Celsius) on Nov. 30, 6 degrees above average, according to AccuWeather Inc. in State College, Pennsylvania. Boston will have a high of 53 degrees, 6 degrees above normal.
About 52 percent of U.S. households use natural gas for heating, according to the Energy Department.
Stockpile Report
A department report tomorrow may show that gas stockpiles fell by 7 billion cubic feet last week, according to the median of 7 analyst estimates compiled by Bloomberg. It would be the first stockpile decline of this winter heating season. The five- year average drop for the week is 13 billion cubic feet.
The weekly inventory report is set for release a day earlier than usually because of the Thanksgiving holiday.
Gas inventories gained 3 billion cubic feet in the week ended Nov. 12 to a record 3.843 trillion cubic feet, according to the Energy Department. A surplus to the five-year average narrowed to 9.3 percent from 9.8 percent.
Gas’s decline also followed stocks and other commodities. The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index fell 1 percent to 1,186.44. The Thomson Reuters/Jefferies CRB Index of 19 raw materials dropped 0.6 percent to 295.93.


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hear me very well.. ascoltami molto bene.. che tu fossi atipico, ed uso un eufemismo, anche se probabilmente non sai cosa significhi la parola (esistono sempre i vocabolari che sono quei libroni grossi con le parole dalla a lla z) lo avevo già capito e ti rispondevo per sensibilità che mi contraddistingue, ma non ti azzardare MAI PIU' ad offendermi neppure per scherzo perchè a te ci arrivo anche se tri nascondi dietro un avatar..:down::down::down::down::down::down::down::down:
caro cort mi sà che invece di comprare il gas hai comprato tanto caffe stai un più calmo ti consiglio di investire sulla cammomilla

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