In settimana tempo permettendo in privato su messanger ti guido all'installazione di neuroshell. Concorderemo per farlo, dipenderà da me ovviamente.
Devo sol anticiparti che io ho la versione 5.0 mentre altri hanno la 5.03 dove girano dei chart più complessi.
Se t'interessa il 5.0 anche per provarci e ti posso assicurare che se sei afferrato con l'AT non avrai nessun problema a costruire un chart e svilupparlo .
Ci vuole tempo e prove di contino, ma c'è gennte già avanti con risultati apprezzabili.
Io lo sperimento in automatico a giorni alterni.
Fammi sapere domani .
Ritornando ad un vecchio discorso di programmi automatizzati che usano i 10 su i mercati azionari, ho trovato un vecchio post..............
E' una vita che l'affermo...........
Il 70% degli scambi in borsa a NY ora è creato da programmi automatici computerizzati che lavorano solo su dati quantitativi
cioè tu vedi che comprano Coca Cola e vendono Apple e pensi che qualcuno abbia letto delle notizie sulla prima e la seconda ma sono invece dei computer che sulla base di algoritmi creati da PHD in matematica applicata hanno deciso di comprare tutti i titoli di un certo tipo tra cui Coca Cola e vendere tutti quelli di un altro tipo come Apple
..........Watch Out For The Quants
Robert Lenzner,
The stock market belongs to the quants.
Some 70% of all equity volume is driven by computer models that suddenly trigger a surge in buy or sell orders that are causing the fragmentation, volatility and use of hidden trading venues. Some 30% of all trades are being done in so-called "dark pools"--37 alternative trading systems that operate like private markets--or through "dark orders"--bids or offers that are never disclosed to the public before they are transacted.
Arguably, this trading activity causes violent moves up and down in a single session that intimidates ordinary investors.
Take Tuesday, Jan. 22, when the Dow opened down 463 points, over 3%, in the wake of plummeting stock prices in Asia and Europe. What looked to be a frightening rout was transformed suddenly and without the slightest advance warning into a huge rally as hundreds upon hundreds of gigantic buy orders, all 1 million shares or more in size, poured into electronic trading systems at Credit Suisse and several other major trading firms.
Dan Mathisson, Credit Suisse managing director and head of advanced execution services, believes these massive orders were from quant hedge funds whose algorithms suddenly decided stocks were cheap and sent out huge buy orders, all over 1 million shares each. Mathisson terms this electronic surge a "stabilizing force."
Mathisson's proof: By the end of the trading session, the Dow 30 had stormed back 338 points to close down only 126 points. Credit Suisse handled 700 million shares, or 7% of the day's volume, just through its electronic trading modem.
"More and more of the world's trading is done by spraying dark orders across multiple destinations using deliberately complicated patterns and algorithmic models that can't be discovered or duplicated. No one knows who's doing what to whom anymore," Mathisson explains. Nasdaq has morphed into the best market to hide information about buying and selling. It is the largest arena for anonymity, traders claim.
Still, every trade must be printed on the consolidated tape that is displayed in investment houses and on television every day. So the trades done secretly are made public immediately after execution.
Wednesday, Jan. 23, was another day of extraordinary volatility. The market made an unusually steep round trip of over 600 points, plummeting and then more than retracing the decline in all of 90 minutes.
Price discovery often happens so fast it overwhelms the amount of cash available. So the market moves to new levels, both up and down, in sharper intraday moves. These moves are executed by means of a maze of unique mathematical formulas that drive orders to fragmented market locations, from exchanges like the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq to electronic communication networks (ECNs) like Archipelago, or to "dark pools" like Goldman Sachs' (nyse: GS - news - people ) Sigma X. All told, on Jan. 23 some 12.6 billion shares were traded.
Goldman's electronic trading outfit in Jersey City, N.J., alone did 1.2 billion shares, or 10% of the total market volume. Some 20%, or 225 million shares, were handled through through Sigma X, a dark pool closed off to anyone but Goldman customers.
As no outsider can get inside Goldman's Sigma X, it gives the firm an edge in navigating the markets. Naturally, Goldman is in the process of trying to centralize all equity orders from every part of the firm, including its block trading desk and the division that services high net wealth clients, to increase its market share of all equities traded.
Goldman, along with the Citadel hedge fund and Knight Capital Group, owns Direct Edge, a broker-dealer that provides one-stop shopping by aggregating orders and using 10 of the most active dark pools to execute orders. In some cases, these dark pools allow outsiders entry to increase their order flow. Dark pools, unfortunately a nefarious-sounding moniker, actually have exotic names like H20, Liquidity Ping, Matchpoint, PIN, MS Pool and Liquifi. All are owned and operated by major financial institutions.
Of course, there's a potentially dangerous side to dark pools, which have become controversial because there's no transparency and orders are hidden.
"Conspiracy theorists see malevolence in matching buy and sells in the dark," says Larry Tabb, founder of the TABB Group, a consulting firm that tracks the development of electronic markets.
There are other potential drawbacks to dark pools. Few things anger a trader more than seeing inaccessible market prints while actively trading in a particular security. Buy-side traders for mutual fund empires, pension funds and banks see dark pools as the most likely place for information leakage.
The Securities and Exchange Commission has officially encouraged the creation of dark pools to compete with the dominant NYSE and Nasdaq exchanges to offer the best price competition. Indeed, dark pools are the direct result of an SEC rule allowing the private National Market System to be formed.
It is a well-kept secret on Wall Street which outside firms have access to these invisible markets. They play an increasingly important role due to the decimalization of the stock market, whereby bids and offers are in minuscule 1 cent differentials. This means that competitors can game the system by bidding $50.01 for a stock to top a $50 bid.
Credit Suisse, for one, puts a huge premium on secrecy. Its "guerrilla" algorithm allows clients to trade very aggressively without the other side of the transaction ever realizing it is part of a trade. Guerrilla operates without sending any signals. It never displays a bid or offer but uses a complicated pattern that is employed in dark pools, ECNs and exchanges.
Credit Suisse is so secretive about its systems that no sales personnel, block traders or investment bankers are allowed access to the bank's electronic operations. The goal is to keep privileged and secret what it does and how it operates. PricewaterhouseCoopers periodically inspects the walls of protection Credit Suisse has created to maintain its competitive advantage.
Credit Suisse is applying for patents on several of its algorithmic models to block the competition from using them. Its algorithmic systems are trading securities in 32 nations, from Europe to South Africa and Asia, while also making huge inroads into the execution of transactions in options, currencies and futures.
Are these changes by which the quants and their algorithms are taking over the stock market beneficial for the small investor, not to speak of the mutual funds, pension funds and bank trust departments that also represent the little guy?
"These days, completing a trade is not an easy task due in part to 'fragmenting liquidity pools.' And with unequal access to these hidden and dark liquidity pools, the quest for liquidity becomes difficult, if not sometimes impossible," says the TABB Group in a recent repor