Notizie sparse sul mercato di oro e argento fisici (2 lettori)


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Milliardari cinesi stanno acquistando oro fisico in gran quantità dalla Svizzera.
La Svizzera ha le piú importanti raffinerie al mondo. Lì arriva l'oro in forma grezza che viene trasformato in lingotti.
In Asia lo standard é il lingotto da 1 kg, mentre in occidente é quello da 400 once.
Egon von Greyerz, fondatore e manager di Matterhorn Asset Management (Svizzera).

L'articolo: l'oro che sta arrivando in Svizzera per essere raffinato non proviene dai produttori (le compagnie minerarie) ma da Londra e NY, dove stanno le banche, centrali e non.
Questo, secondo von Greyerz, è un indizio che le banche stanno vendendo o prestando l'oro che hanno in deposito per conto dei loro clienti.

Again last month we saw imports of gold into Switzerland and then exports to Asia and India. Last month, over 70% of the gold import figures (into Switzerland) came from London and the United States.
We again see that Switzerland is buying the 400 ounce bars from the UK and US bullion banks and converting them into 1 kilo bars and then shipping them on to Asia. Last month there was hardly any buying from the mines. It all came out of London and New York.

And that proves again, Eric, that central banks are either leasing their physical gold into the market or selling it covertly. And that gold that’s coming into the market in London and New York, before it used to stay in London and stay in New York and it would be traded between the various banks, these banks now get the gold from the central banks and then they give the central bank an IOU. Again, in normal times, the gold used to stay in London and New York. Now that gold is going via Switzerland to China and India and it will never come back. China is never going to send it back, nor is India.

Greyerz - China Just Took Delivery Of A Massive Amount Of Gold From London & New York - King World News


Forumer storico
metti subito il link alla cripto che stiamo prima :D
metti anche il ruolo che hai
non fraintendermi, non c'e' niente di male, importante e' che sia tutto alla luce del sole altrimenti diventa un lavorio subdolo di dubbio gusto...e che probabilmente infrange la policy del sito che ti ospita
Ultima modifica:


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pul back?


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Fino al 1914 la Russia era il paese con le maggiori riserve auree al mondo.

Poi arrivarono i bolscevichi e le vendettero quasi tutte.
Il governo comunista riprese ad accumulare e nel 1941 si arrivò al picco di 2000 tonnellate.
Il minimo fu raggiunto all'inizio dell'era Yelzin, nel 1991, con 250 tonnellate.

In questo mese la Russia ha superato il picco del 1941, possedendo attualmente poco più di 2000 tonnellate.

Ma la cosa forse più importante é il fatto che a differenza della maggioranza degli altri paesi, come per esempio l'Italia, che affidano in custodia le loro riserve ad altri paesi (New York, Londra o Parigi), la Russia (ma anche la Cina) le sue riserve le custodisce all'interno dei suoi confini, 2/3 a Mosca, 1/3 tra San Pietroburgo e Yekaterinburg.


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East trusts in physical gold while West prefers 'mindless optimism' – Claudio Grass to RT

"Whoever buys physical precious metals, be it an institution, an individual or as we see now, central banks from different countries, largely have the same reasons for doing so: They all want to regain independence and sovereignty."

Un'intervista sul perché certi paesi, in particolare Russia, Cina e India, stanno accumulando riserve auree. In sintesi, due sarebbero i motivi: primo, la sfiducia nell'attuale sistema monetario, e secondo, a cui non avevo pensato, la volontà di tornare ad essere autonomi e sovrani.
In effetti un paese non è sovrano fintanto che il valore delle sue riserve monetarie viene deciso da fuori.
Interessante anche l'ultima domanda, dove si distingue tra investimento in gold-traded ETFs e investimento in oro fisico.

"Governments lie; bankers lie; even auditors sometimes lie: gold tells the truth."

Francesca Betta

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Milliardari cinesi stanno acquistando oro fisico in gran quantità dalla Svizzera.
La Svizzera ha le piú importanti raffinerie al mondo. Lì arriva l'oro in forma grezza che viene trasformato in lingotti.
In Asia lo standard é il lingotto da 1 kg, mentre in occidente é quello da 400 once.
Egon von Greyerz, fondatore e manager di Matterhorn Asset Management (Svizzera).

L'articolo: l'oro che sta arrivando in Svizzera per essere raffinato non proviene dai produttori (le compagnie minerarie) ma da Londra e NY, dove stanno le banche, centrali e non.
Questo, secondo von Greyerz, è un indizio che le banche stanno vendendo o prestando l'oro che hanno in deposito per conto dei loro clienti.

Again last month we saw imports of gold into Switzerland and then exports to Asia and India. Last month, over 70% of the gold import figures (into Switzerland) came from London and the United States.
We again see that Switzerland is buying the 400 ounce bars from the UK and US bullion banks and converting them into 1 kilo bars and then shipping them on to Asia. Last month there was hardly any buying from the mines. It all came out of London and New York.

And that proves again, Eric, that central banks are either leasing their physical gold into the market or selling it covertly. And that gold that’s coming into the market in London and New York, before it used to stay in London and stay in New York and it would be traded between the various banks, these banks now get the gold from the central banks and then they give the central bank an IOU. Again, in normal times, the gold used to stay in London and New York. Now that gold is going via Switzerland to China and India and it will never come back. China is never going to send it back, nor is India.

Greyerz - China Just Took Delivery Of A Massive Amount Of Gold From London & New York - King World News

wow davvero molto interessante


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Se avete metalli depositati presso qualche banca, state in guardia...

Eric, over the last few months we have been observing Swiss and German banks enforcing cash and gold withdrawal limits for clients. Currently, Swiss banks are capping client cash withdrawals to between 100,000 – 200,000 euros. Although the onus is placed upon individual banks to decide cash withdrawal limits for their clients, we have recently seen these limits enforced more strictly. This has to be an unannounced official mandate as it is now being widely reported by our clients…

It’s important to understand that these cash withdrawal limits also determine physical gold withdrawal limits. It is the strictly enforced physical gold withdrawal limits that have our attention. Following at least 10 similar reports to us of banks refusing to deliver clients’ physical gold bars, this week a very wealthy client sought to remove 500 kilos of his physical gold from a German bank for safekeeping in a secure, independent vault. The bank refused delivery of his gold bars.

These refusals to deliver bullion are now resonating loudly enough to prompt something to be officially sanctioned soon. Cash restrictions are already in place, however, the problem officials potentially face is being forced to go to market to buy thousands of tonnes of gold bullion to meet the surge of requests to withdraw bullion. That is simply not going to be allowed happen as the bulk of unallocated exposure sits on the balance sheets of the too-big-too fail bullion banks…

We are also evidencing a large move to allocate and remove gold and silver from the interconnected legacy banking system. This is creating a supply shortage ahead of season. And I strongly suspect the blatant officially rigged price decline into such a tight physical gold market is coordinated with officials quietly slamming the back door on clients looking to remove gold out of the legacy system.

MAJOR ALERT: Andrew Maguire Says Major German Bank Just Refused To Hand Over Client's Physical Gold - King World News


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Due settimane dopo...

It’s happened again. Just two weeks ago King World News reported that a German bank refused to return a client’s 1/2 tonne of gold. Here we are just two weeks later and London whistleblower Andrew Maguire just told KWN that now a Swiss Bank just refused to return a client’s gold the bank was supposedly storing for the client.

As we discussed in our last KWN interview,over the last few months we have been observing Swiss and German banks enforcing cash and gold withdrawal limits for clients. Currently, Swiss banks are capping client cash withdrawals to between EUR100K to EUR200K. Although the onus is placed upon individual banks to decide cash withdrawal limits on their clients, we have recently seen these limits enforced more strictly and the banks are using this as an excuse for not delivering client-held gold...

In that last KWN interview we drew particular attention to a German bank refusing to deliver 500 kilos of a client’s physically allocated gold. In this case, the 500 kilos only represented 10 percent of the client’s overall bank holdings. The condition laid down was that the client would first have to deposit an equal value of stocks, bonds, or cash to release the gold. Such a condition strongly suggested that the gold was in fact held in unallocated form and needed to be physically purchased.

It has to be borne in mind that ever since the hard lessons the Germans endured before and after World War II, it became commonplace for German employees to elect to have money deducted from their wages every month to invest in physical gold accounts. This continues today. What had our attention was that it was a German bank that refused to deliver, and we view this as a big deal as it threatens to potentially destroy trust from millions of clients holding gold in German banks. We feel it is our duty to draw attention to this growing lack of trust in the banking system.

Since drawing attention on KWN to this specific situation, we received many concerned phone calls where I advised people to do exactly what we suggested they do in our KWN interview, to test the water and to make a physical delivery request from their banks. As a result, we are now hearing of a slew of refusals to physically deliver anything of size.

So, we thought we would test the water. This week, a Swiss foundation sought delivery of their 420 kilos of gold (which is nearly 1/2 tonne of gold). They were refused. Seeking assistance, the bank was approached by a well-known vaulting partner with an offer to purchase the kilobars directly from the bank at a commercially acceptable premium to spot. This offer should have been immediately accepted as it would have been profitable for the bank. However, this offer was also refused, and the foundation was told to settle their gold account for cash. Clearly the foundation’s gold was not held by the bank in allocated form.

Then we looked at the ‘standard’ Swiss allocated documentation provided to physical clients. To our astonishment these agreements no longer list any bar numbers, just a statement summarizing the number of kilobars held by the bank on behalf of the client. However, the storage costs are charged at the higher allocated rate.

When questioned for bar numbers, the bank representative stated:

“Ich komme nicht drauf wie man einen Auszug einer einzelnen Position erhält. Genügt Ihnen der gesamte letztmonatigen Depotauszug (siehe Anhang)?”

Which translated says:

“I cannot figure out how to get an excerpt from a single position. Are you satisfied with the entire last month’s deposit statement?”

Eric, we are talking about a Swiss bank not having the ability to track individual bar numbers(this is preposterous). This should have every Swiss gold depositor seeking physical delivery.

It is clear that Swiss/European allocated bullion holdings are at the very least pooled under the care of the bank. Furthermore, it is now absolutely clear that no satisfactory audit procedures exist to ensure clients’ physical bars are segregated. Cash settlement and refusals to deliver anything of size are now par for the course and raise a major red flag that client holdings are fractionally held.

WTF Is Going On? Andrew Maguire Now Says A Swiss Bank Just Refused To Hand Over Client's Physical Gold - King World News


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mentre queste sono le riserve auree in Italia negli ultimi 3 anni 2016-2019
le riserve auree italiane sono depositate all'estero, principalmente presso la Bank of England a negli USA.
Un esame se le barre sono ancora là, non c'è mai stato.
Sono state vendute?
Sono state prestate sul mercato per farle fruttare?

C'è poi il problema della proprietà divisa: la stessa barra é venduta a più istituzioni, oppure, dal punto di vista contabile, le stesse barre sono inserite come appartenenti a più stati.
Finchè non ci sono controlli, sulla stessa barra ci possono essere più proprietari: in 25 sono convinti di possedere una barra, ma depositata ce n'è solo una.
È l'applicazione del fractional reserve system, che così bene funziona nelle banche.
Finchè solo una piccola parte dei depositanti chiede i soldi indietro, la banca non ha bisogno di tenere costantemente tutti i depositi a disposizione.
Per cui è possibile che le barre che originariamente appartenevano all'Italia siano sì depositate, ma che su quelle barre vi siano titoli di proprietà diversi, per cui appartengono contemporaneamente all'Italia, Germania ecc.
Finchè non ci sono controlli, perché crederci?

Negli Stati Uniti c'era solo un senatore, due volte a fatto la corsa per diventare il Presidente degli Usa, si chiama Ron Paul, che ha proposto di verificare le riserve auree degli Usa e quelle tenute negli Usa per conto di stati esteri.

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