Titoli di Stato paesi-emergenti Obbligazioni Brasile e Petrobras

Brazilian economist Roberto Castello Branco looks set to become chief executive of national oil company Petrobras in incoming president Jair Bolsonaro’s government. (FT)
RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) - A University of Chicago-trained economist named on Monday to head Brazil's Petrobras will not privatize the state-run company, but wants to push ahead with selling non-core assets and to focus on oil exploration and production.
Brazil's inflation came in slower than expected for the month through mid-November, supporting expectations that the country's policy makers won't change its key interest rate this year.
The IPCA-15 index increased 0.19% following a 0.58% rise in the previous month. Bloomberg's median forecast was for a 0.24% increase
Odebrecht quer renegociar dívidas

The cash-strapped construction unit of Odebrecht, the Brazilian group at the centre of a corruption scandal that has rocked Latin America, said Monday it will miss a debt payment, triggering a restructuring of billions in bonds. (FT)
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SAO PAULO--Brazil's current account surplus widened in October from September as foreign direct investment increased, the country's central bank said Tuesday,
Brazil recorded a current-account surplus of $329 million in October, from a surplus of $32 million in September.
The 12-month current-account deficit reached $15.4 billion in October, from $14.5 billion the month before, the bank said.
The 12-month current-account deficit was equal to 0.8% of gross domestic product, versus 0.75% of GDP reported for the previous month.
Net foreign direct investment reached $10.4 billion in October, up from $7.8 billion in September, and rose to $75 billion in the 12 months through October from $70.8 billion in the year through September, the bank said.
Brasile: Ocse, paese registra la maggiore crescita del commercio estero tra i membri del G-20 (2)
Brasilia, 28 nov 17:42 - (Agenzia Nova) - Secondo il documento, la guerra commerciale in corso tra Stati Uniti e Cina starebbe favorendo le esportazioni brasiliane. Grazie a questa diatriba, la previsione degli analisti è che l'export di prodotti brasiliani all'estero chiuderà il 2018 con un risultato record, il migliore degli ultimi cinque anni. Pubblicato a pochi giorni dall'inizio dei lavori del G-20 a Buenos Aires, in Argentina, il documento conferma l'allerta lanciata nei giorni scorsi dall'Organizzazione mondiale del commercio (Omc), secondo cui il flusso di esportazioni ed importazioni starebbe perdendo forza. Secondo l'Ocse, il commercio mondiale non avrebbe registrato progressi nel terzo trimestre dell'anno a causa della riduzione del flusso di importazioni ed esportazioni, rimanendo positivo solo grazie all'aumento delle quotazioni del petrolio. (segue) (Brb)
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Brazil's Petroleo Brasileiro SA (PBR), or Petrobras, is considering divestment of up to $15 billion, Reuters reports Thursday, citing "one person with knowledge of the matter."
The idea is being discussed as part of the oil company's 2019-2023 business plan, the report said.
Petrobras' board will consider the business plan next month, the report said.
Brazil's gross domestic product, GDP, increased less than expected at annual rate during the third quarter.
On a yearly basis, gross domestic product rose 1.3 percent (+1.0), compared to analyst consensus, which awaited an increase of 1.6 percent.

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