Titoli di Stato paesi-emergenti Obbligazioni Brasile e Petrobras

Fitch rebaixa rating do Rio de Janeiro para C após dificuldades do Estado para pagar juros de dívida
quinta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2016 19:02 BRT

SÃO PAULO (Reuters) - A agência de classificação de riscos Fitch Ratings rebaixou a nota de crédito do Rio de Janeiro para 'C', ante 'B-', citando que o Estado entrou novamente em período de carência após não pagar obrigações financeiras com outra instituição multilateral e devido à expectativa de que a situação seja recorrente.

Segundo a Fitch, o Rio de Janeiro não cumpriu muitas de suas obrigações entre maio e meados de setembro junto a instituições federativas e multilaterais, somando 160 milhões de dólares.

Fitch rebaixa rating do Rio de Janeiro para C após dificuldades do Estado para pagar juros de dívida | Negócios | Reuters

Ho capito bene? Addirittura declassato a C? come un titolo Junk?
Sembra un esagerazione.....
By The Wall Street Journal Interactive EditionSept. 23, 2016, 7:59 a.m. EST
Petrobras agreed to sell a 90% stake of its natural-gas pipeline unit to a consortium led by Brookfield Asset Management for about $5.2 billion.
By The Wall Street Journal Interactive EditionSept. 24, 2016, 8:10 p.m. EST
Brazil’s Supreme Court gave the green light to prosecutors to open a probe into corruption allegations tying President Michel Temer.
Brazilian voters thrashed the leftist Workers’ Party in municipal elections on Sunday but gave no clear sign of support for President Michel Temer as recession and corruption fatigue favored abstention and outsiders.

The leftist party of ousted President Dilma Rousseff, known as PT, lost control of Sao Paulo, the country’s largest city, and won in only one of the 26 capital cities. Even if the PT wins all of the run-off elections it still disputes on Oct. 30, the party will lose 59 percent of the municipalities it controlled, according to data compiled by newspaper Folha de S. Paulo.

The demise of the PT and gains of ruling coalition parties may give a short-term boost to Temer’s plans to cap spending and cut pension benefits. But deep-seated disillusionment over corruption and recession favored candidates seen as outsiders, fueled anti-Temer sentiment in Rio de Janeiro, and spells uncertainty for the 2018 presidential race.

"This is far from being a victory for President Temer," said Rafael Cortez, political analyst at business consulting firm Tendencias. "The PMDB hasn’t yet reaped the potential benefits of controlling the federal government, partly because it’s so associated with the corruption scandals."

By The Wall Street Journal Interactive EditionOct. 10, 2016, 6:37 p.m. EST
Prosecutors filed new corruption charges against former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, for allegedly using influence to obtain government loans for a construction... Full Story
Il mio punto di vista resta "up" per Brasile, Petrobras e Vale.

Non andarsi ad infognare in titoli "domestici" e "regionali" (è una repubblica federale).

Ciao Tommy
cosa ne pensi del brasile 37 a 115
avevo ridotto la mia esposizione a 120xx . presto per accumulare a 115 ?
solo un 'opinione ci mancherebbe ...

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