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Below is a chart of the 5-year credit default swap (CDS) price for Goldman Sachs (GS). This represents the cost per year to insure $10,000 of GS debt for five years.
While default risk is up today, it is still below the level it was at in late February. (Click to enlarge)
ALTRE BANCHE NEL MIRINO - Oltre a Goldman Sachs, altre banche potrebbero essere coinvolte nella causa per frode intentata dalla Securities and Exchange Commission. Lo riporta l'agenzia di stampa France Presse, secondo cui la Sec non avrebbe escluso di allargare le indagini, ma avrebbe evitato di rispondere a una domanda specifica su Deutsche Bank.
More from Goldman (GS): The company lost money on the transaction in question; extensive disclosure was provided; ACA, the largest investor, selected the portfolio; and Goldman never represented to ACA that Paulson was going to be a long investor. Shares +1.3% AH. (PR)
Henry Blodget believes the SEC's case against Goldman Sachs (GS) is "very weak." Goldman should have a "strong argument" that it was not required to disclose the involvement of Paulson & Co., Blodget says, because "it is clear from the e-mail snippets the SEC cites that ACA had full control over which securities were selected for the final portfolio."
Hanno continuato, imperterriti, a fare in questi ultimi mesi quello a cui sono abituati ...
Purtroppo molti uomini "Goldman" sono nei posti chiave dove si decide: probabilmente una bella multa e nulla più.