Di recente, i risultati di Repsol e più in generale l'attività della oil company spagnola sono stati sotto la lente di due agenzie di rating. Moody's ha ridotto l'outlook sul debito di Repsol, portandolo da stabile a negativo.
In realtà, i significativi rinvenimenti di giacimenti petroliferi e di gas consistenti verificatisi di recente (entrambi offshore, in Brasile e in Venezuela) vedono entrambi Repsol cointeressata nel futuro sfruttamento in misura significativa, avendo giocato un ruolo primario nelle attività di prospezione in virtù delle particolari tecnologie sviluppate per l'esplorazione delle piattaforme sottomarine. Ciò che sostiene le aspettative di successo nella strategia di rafforzamento nell'upstream varata da Repsol tempo addietro.
L'abbassamento dell'outlook è invece dovuto ad un indebolimento della marginalità operativa e della capacità di generazione di cash flow, con conseguente aumento dei livelli del debito attesi per fine 2009.
I bassi prezzi del petrolio e del gas (ai quali ultimi Repsol è particolarmente esposta tramite la controllata argentina YPF, in corso di graduale disinvestimento) ed insieme la debolezza del margine nelle attività di raffinazione (molto consistenti nella penisola iberica) hanno portato ad una riduzione dell'utile operativo del 58% nei primi 6 mesi del 2009 rispetto ad analogo periodo del 2008.
Un parziale miglioramento è atteso nella seconda metà dell'anno per effetto di una serie di fattori (ripresa dei prezzi petroliferi, effettività delle misure di contenimento dei costi varate dalla società ecc.), e tuttavia rimangono critici sotto tale profilo l'elevata esposizione ai prezzi del gas sull'upstream e la debolezza del margine per l'attività di raffinazione sul downstream.
La ridotta capacità di generazione di cash flow da un lato, e dall'altro la consistenza del capex ed il pagamento del dividendo 2008 genererà un flusso di cassa negativo per l'intero 2009 ed in conseguenza, fra l'altro, una crescita del leverage ed un deterioramento di alcuni parametri finanziari legati al debito.
Il disinvestimento di ulteriori quote di YPF oltre a quella già ceduta viene valutato positivamente in termini di accrescimento della flessibilità finanziaria di Repsol in virtù del prezzo incassato dalla vendita, ma è incerto nei tempi di attuazione.
Eventuali segnali di debolezza dei bond (magari ci fossero) sarebbero da leggere quali opportunità di acquisto, IMHO...
Moody's changes outlook on Repsol's Baa1 to negative from stable
Approximately USD9.8 billion of rated debt securities affected
London, 24 September 2009 -- Moody's Investors Service today changed the outlook for Repsol YPF S.A.("Repsol") to negative from stable. Moody's ratings include Repsol's Baa1 issuer rating, the Baa1/P-2 senior unsecured debt ratings of Repsol International Finance B.V. and the Baa3 preferred stock rating of Repsol International Capital Limited.
The revision in Repsol's outlook reflects Moody's expectation that the challenging operating conditions currently faced by the group, both in its upstream and downstream businesses, are likely to result in some marked deterioration in operating profitability and cash flow generation in fiscal 2009 leading to an increase in debt levels at year-end (even accounting for Gas Natural on an equity basis).
This, in turn, would leave the group's debt-protection metrics weakly positioned for the current Baa1 rating category at a time when much uncertainty remains with regard to the timing and scope of further divestment in YPF as well as the level of financial flexibility such transaction would provide permitting Repsol to strengthen its financial profile in the context of its core upstream growth strategy.
Moody's notes that Repsol's profitability has, in recent quarters, been significantly impacted by lower oil and gas prices, and very weak refining margins, as evidenced by the 58% year-on-year decline in operating profit (on a current cost basis) reported in the first half of 2009.
The recent recovery in the price of crude combined with additional operating and capital cost savings expected to accrue from the various measures initiated by management earlier in the year, and the recent decision of the Argentinean government to raise both residential and industrial local gas prices, should benefit financial results in the second half of the year.
However, Moody's believes that any improvement will be constrained by Repsol's above average exposure to the gas (60% of total production ex YPF) and refining sectors, in which trading conditions remain pretty challenging despite the expectation of higher demand going into the winter season and the recent evidence of a pick-up in industrial activity.
In this context, Moody's further notes that the profitability of Repsol's highly complex refineries has been particularly affected by the sharp deterioration in demand for gasoil at a time when inventories were historically elevated, and the narrow spreads between light and heavy crude oil resulting from OPEC production cuts.
Overall, Moody's believes that weaker operating cash flow generation combined with the maintenance of sizeable capex despite the deferral of some non-strategic projects (as Repsol is eager to capitalise on its recent upstream exploration successes in key growth areas such as Brazil and the Gulf of Mexico)
and the payment of the company's 2008 dividend, will lead to a substantial cash deficit in full year 2009, even though proceeds from planned asset disposals are projected to fully offset the group's EUR1.08 billion participation in Gas Natural's capital increase carried out to partially fund the EUR15.6 billion acquisition of Union Fenosa.
As a result, Moody's expects Repsol to report higher debt leverage at the 2009 year-end (accounting for Gas Natural on an equity basis) and, in turn, some significant deterioration in credit metrics, with Retained Cash Flow to Net Debt likely to fall clearly below the through-the-cycle average of 35% that Moody's considers as commensurate with the group's Baa1 rating.
However, Moody's also notes that Repsol management remains firmly committed to further divestments of its holdings in the YPF subsidiary following the initial sale of a 14.9% interest to Argentinean industrial holding company Grupo Petersen for approximately USD2.2 billion in February 2008.
While the scope and timing of any potential future sale of an additional stake in YPF is highly uncertain at this juncture, Moody's would be looking to Repsol to take advantage of the added financial flexibility provided by such transaction to shore up its financial profile in the context of the ongoing execution of its core upstream strategy that has recently been enhanced by noticeable exploration successes.
Also, Moody's believes that Repsol's liquidity remains satisfactory despite expectation of weaker internal cash flow generation in the short-term.
At the end of June 2009, Repsol had EUR2.2 billion in cash and EUR3.3bn in undrawn credit lines (excluding Gas Natural). Following further refinancing completed since mid-year, Repsol should have sufficient committed availabilities to cover any potential cash shortfall from activities and debt maturities scheduled in the next twelve months.
A stabilisation of the outlook would be predicated on Repsol's ability to reposition its financial profile and credit metrics more in line with its Baa1 rating, while making further progress in the execution of its core upstream strategy in parallel with further divestment in YPF.
Moody's also notes that the change in Repsol's rating outlook to negative does not have any ramification for YPF S.A.'s Ba1 global local currency rating, which is largely based on standalone considerations given Repsol's stated strategic objective to reduce its current 84% ownership in and exposure to its Argentinean subsidiary.
Moody's previous rating action on Repsol was the change of outlook to stable from negative on the Baa1 rating on 3 June 2008.
For the assignment of this rating, Moody's has used its methodology for the Global Integrated Oil & Gas Industry, published in October 2005, and available on
OpenDNS in the Rating Methodologies sub-directory under the Research & Ratings tab. Other methodologies and factors that may have been considered in the process of rating this issuer can also be found in the Rating Methodologies sub-directory on Moody's website.
Headquartered in Madrid, Spain, Repsol YPF, is a major integrated oil and gas company with a strong downstream presence in the Iberian peninsular and upstream concentration in Latin America though expected to reduce as a result of its strategy to rebalance its portfolio through the partial divestment of YPF. In 2008, the group had sales revenues of EUR58 billion and produced 1.0 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (including YPF's contribution)