WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- The Conference Board reported modestly higher consumer confidence in November. The New York-based research organization's confidence index came to 49.5, up from a revised 48.7 for October. "The moderate improvement in the short-term outlook was the result of a decrease in the percent of consumers expecting business and labor market conditions to worsen," noted Lynn Franco, the Conference Board's director of consumer research. "Income expectations remain very pessimistic and consumers are entering the holiday season in a very frugal mood." Confidence had been expected to lessen to 45.5 as opposed to October's original reading of 47.7, according to a MarketWatch survey of economists. The Conference Board commissions a monthly survey based on a representative sample of 5,000 U.S. households. Its index is compared against a 1985 benchmark of 100.

certo che più si ostinano a prenderci in giro ... più alla fine il botto sarà grosso ...:titanic:
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- The Conference Board reported modestly higher consumer confidence in November. The New York-based research organization's confidence index came to 49.5, up from a revised 48.7 for October. "The moderate improvement in the short-term outlook was the result of a decrease in the percent of consumers expecting business and labor market conditions to worsen," noted Lynn Franco, the Conference Board's director of consumer research. "Income expectations remain very pessimistic and consumers are entering the holiday season in a very frugal mood." Confidence had been expected to lessen to 45.5 as opposed to October's original reading of 47.7, according to a MarketWatch survey of economists. The Conference Board commissions a monthly survey based on a representative sample of 5,000 U.S. households. Its index is compared against a 1985 benchmark of 100.

Ultima frantumazio di pelotas Ga'...prometto.....poi mi mandi IBAN e conto finale che regolo il tutto........:)

va tutto da dio tranne che blocca.....

ho detto bastardo di un IE8 scarico firefox e ti fòtto........

succede la stessa identica cosa, se lo stressi un po' apri 2/3/4 schede si inchioda anche lui........

la butto li.......adesso è AVG9 che spacca le palle sui browser.......ho indovinato ???:wall::wall::wall:


  • ScreenHunter_02 Nov. 24 16.01.jpg
    ScreenHunter_02 Nov. 24 16.01.jpg
    149,2 KB · Visite: 322
Ultima frantumazio di pelotas Ga'...prometto.....poi mi mandi IBAN e conto finale che regolo il tutto........:)

va tutto da dio tranne che blocca.....

ho detto bastardo di un IE8 scarico firefox e ti fòtto........

succede la stessa identica cosa, se lo stressi un po' apri 2/3/4 schede si inchioda anche lui........

la butto li.......adesso è AVG9 che spacca le palle sui browser.......ho indovinato ???:wall::wall::wall:

Prova con la vecchia olivetti :D
Ultima frantumazio di pelotas Ga'...prometto.....poi mi mandi IBAN e conto finale che regolo il tutto........:)

va tutto da dio tranne che blocca.....

ho detto bastardo di un IE8 scarico firefox e ti fòtto........

succede la stessa identica cosa, se lo stressi un po' apri 2/3/4 schede si inchioda anche lui........

la butto li.......adesso è AVG9 che spacca le palle sui browser.......ho indovinato ???:wall::wall::wall:

clicca su avviso e inviami quello che scrive

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