Procedura per il rimborso delle obbligazioni Sns Reaal e Sns Bank (2 lettori)


Bond..... solo BOND
eh ieri in mezz'ora al telefono alla fine sono riuscito a strappargli, oltre alle promesse, la pec
[email protected]
spero sia corretta
Inserisci il codice fiscale che trovi in basso nell'estratto conto e ti uscira' l'indirizzo PEC giusto di qualsiasi banca (archivio obbligatorio del Ministero dell sviluppo economico)



Forumer storico
ok modulo SNS - Compensation Request Form inviato con firma elettronica (prima ho provato a fare upload della signature page ma il sistema è andato in tilt) ... un secondo dopo mi è arrivato questo :
Dear Claimant,

This email serves as confirmation that we have received your Compensation Request Form.
This is the first step to be taken in the process.

Please now instruct your prime broker or custodian in order to evidence you are the beneficial owner of the Notes as indicated in your Form.

When instructing your prime broker or custodian please include your Unique Instruction Reference (which is XXXX XXXX XXXX) so that we can match your form with the electronic instruction(s) we receive via the Clearing Systems.

We will only contact you in case there is any issue with your submission.

Kind regards,

Kroll Issuer Services Limited
Corporate Action Agent for SNS Bank
[email protected]
Lunedì vado in filiale a fare successivo step

Buon week a tutti !


Forumer storico
ok modulo SNS - Compensation Request Form inviato con firma elettronica (prima ho provato a fare upload della signature page ma il sistema è andato in tilt) ... un secondo dopo mi è arrivato questo :
Dear Claimant,

This email serves as confirmation that we have received your Compensation Request Form.
This is the first step to be taken in the process.

Please now instruct your prime broker or custodian in order to evidence you are the beneficial owner of the Notes as indicated in your Form.

When instructing your prime broker or custodian please include your Unique Instruction Reference (which is XXXX XXXX XXXX) so that we can match your form with the electronic instruction(s) we receive via the Clearing Systems.

We will only contact you in case there is any issue with your submission.

Kind regards,

Kroll Issuer Services Limited
Corporate Action Agent for SNS Bank
[email protected]
Lunedì vado in filiale a fare successivo step

Buon week a tutti !
Mi spieghi in cosa consiste?

Chi ha posizioni cointestate, deve presentare due domande o una??


It's time to play the game
ok modulo SNS - Compensation Request Form inviato con firma elettronica (prima ho provato a fare upload della signature page ma il sistema è andato in tilt) ... un secondo dopo mi è arrivato questo :
Dear Claimant,

This email serves as confirmation that we have received your Compensation Request Form.
This is the first step to be taken in the process.

Please now instruct your prime broker or custodian in order to evidence you are the beneficial owner of the Notes as indicated in your Form.

When instructing your prime broker or custodian please include your Unique Instruction Reference (which is XXXX XXXX XXXX) so that we can match your form with the electronic instruction(s) we receive via the Clearing Systems.

We will only contact you in case there is any issue with your submission.

Kind regards,

Kroll Issuer Services Limited
Corporate Action Agent for SNS Bank
[email protected]
Lunedì vado in filiale a fare successivo step

Buon week a tutti !

Sei già molto avanti allora... :up:


Forumer stoico
ok modulo SNS - Compensation Request Form inviato con firma elettronica (prima ho provato a fare upload della signature page ma il sistema è andato in tilt) ... un secondo dopo mi è arrivato questo :
Dear Claimant,

This email serves as confirmation that we have received your Compensation Request Form.
This is the first step to be taken in the process.

Please now instruct your prime broker or custodian in order to evidence you are the beneficial owner of the Notes as indicated in your Form.

When instructing your prime broker or custodian please include your Unique Instruction Reference (which is XXXX XXXX XXXX) so that we can match your form with the electronic instruction(s) we receive via the Clearing Systems.

We will only contact you in case there is any issue with your submission.

Kind regards,

Kroll Issuer Services Limited
Corporate Action Agent for SNS Bank
[email protected]
Lunedì vado in filiale a fare successivo step

Buon week a tutti !

mi confermi che si tratta di Firma elettronica, crittografata?

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