Sarà ora di metter qualche soldino in un fonzo azionario?

Secondo Marc Faber: Guadagni sicuri per chi investe in azionario Asia nei prossimi 3 mesi con orizzonte temporale di 5-10 anni.
Le obbligazioni invece potrebbero entrare in un mercato orso di lungo termine della durata di 15-20 anni

April 07, 2009
Marc Faber, the investor who recommended buying U.S. stocks before the steepest rally in more than 70 years, said the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index may drop as much as 10 percent before resuming gains.
The measure may decline to about 750 and rebound , Faber, 63, said in a Bloomberg Television interview in Singapore. Global stock markets are unlikely to fall below their October and November lows, he said.
“We need some kind of correction, maybe around 5 to 10 percent, and after that we can maybe rally more into July,” said Faber, the publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom report. “The economic news, while it won’t be good, the rate of getting worse will slow down.”
The S&P has rallied 25 percent from a 12-year low since March 9, when Faber advised investors to buy U.S. stocks, saying government actions will boost shares. Asian equities are among the best bets for global investors because they are attractively valued and will benefit the most from a global economic rebound, Faber said.
He told investors to abandon U.S. stocks a week before 1987’s so-called Black Monday crash and said in August 2007 that U.S. shares were entering a bear market. The S&P 500 peaked two months later before retreating as much as 57 percent.
Commodities, Banks
Faber said he bought some commodity producers in November and is now less “interested” in these companies after some stocks more than doubled. He is also buying some bank stocks and predicted that Citigroup Inc., shares could “easily rebound” to around $5 from $2.72 currently.
“The rebound potential for some of these banks and financial institutions is quite high,” Faber said.
In Asia, stocks offer “much better value” than U.S. shares, and investors should seize the opportunity to buy the region’s equities on “every setback,” Faber said. Japanese stocks also “look interesting,” he added.

“If you buy Asian equities in the next three months, over the next five to 10 years, for sure you will make money,” he said. “Asian exporting countries will benefit the most from an expansion when it happens.”
Faber is less favorable on bonds, saying they are entering a “long-term bear market” that can last for the next 15 years to 20 years.

L' opinione riportata non è una esortazione a disporre investimenti, per i propri investimenti ognuno può decidere autonomamente.
In effetti se diamo un'occhiata all'ETF Lyxor China En. possiamo notare come la media mobile a 200gg si stia appiattendo e le quotazioni stiano attaccando la resistenza posta a 86 Euro circa, nonchè siano sopra alla succitata media.
Potrebbe essere una buona occasione per entrare, sulla forza o magari sulla ci sarà.
Gli indicatori macro che nel 2006-07 fornivano forti segnali ribassisti, recentemente sembrano indicare una prossima ripresa dell’economia Usa e dei listini, secondo gli analisti di Lipper.

L’ Asset Allocation è la pietra angolare non soltanto nel mondo della gestione delle pensioni, laddove la combinazione delle attività con le passività nel lungo termine si trasforma in una vera e propria scienza, ma nella costruzione di qualsiasi portafoglio di investimento che abbia delle ambizioni di lunga gittata. Negli ultimi tempi, si sono moltiplicati gli sforzi per innovare antichi modelli o per creare nuovi modelli con l’obiettivo di offrire una risposta ad eventi e cicli molto negativi come quelli vissuti negli ultimi diciotto mesi.

I nuovi studi tesi a dimostrare che un buon modello di asset allocation rappresenta il contributo principale al buon comportamento di un portafoglio si sono moltiplicati. Anche se la tattica e la selezione di valori possono giocare un ruolo rilevante -ed esistono analisti finanziari che arrivano a posizionarla sullo stesso piano o al di sopra dell’asset al location- sembra evidente che la struttura del portafoglio sia determinante.

A tasl proposito, basti pensare che l’aver individuato indicatori del ciclo ribassista che stava per avvicinarsi nel 2007 con una rapida virata verso la liquidità o addirittura con l’opzione di posizioni short, ha sicuramente consentito di ottenere un comportamento migliore rispetto alla media del mercato. Si tratta di un risultato che difficilmente può essere realizzato con il ricorso alla selezione accurata dei titoli o alla tattica aggressiva.

I modelli di asset al location sono diversi ma la maggior parte utilizzano dati più o meno elaborati che possono essere di tipo macro o di mercato.

Gli analisti di Lipper hanno recentemente concentrato la propria attenzione sia su alcuni indicatori macro che avrebbero potuto fornire forti segnali ribassisti nel biennio 2006-2007, sia su quali potrebbero essere attualmente i segnali che i mercati ci stanno inviando per il futuro.

Dal punto di vista storico, il team di Lipper sostiene che esisteva un incontestabile ed elevato numero di allarmi, già a partire dalla seconda metà del 2006, sulla fine ormai prossima del ciclo rialzista e sul probabile arrivo di una fase recessiva. Una forte inflazione delle materie prime (in primis il petrolio), un rialzo del costo del denaro da parte della Federal Reserve, un’inversione della curva dei tassi ed un’inflazione non sostenibile degli assets immobiliari.

Nel giugno del 2007 la combinazione dei suddetti elementi era già ben consolidata, ma le Borse non avevano ancora dato segnali di cedimento. A questa breve analisi non bisogna dimenticare di aggiungere che l’attuale crisi è permeata dall’elevatissimo leverage sulle attività immobiliari che la maggior parte delle entità teneva ben nascosto.

Questa è la storia, ma cosa ci stanno comunicando gli indicatori? E’ probabile che le variabili più importanti da prendere in considerazione –sempre secondo l’analisi di Lipper- siano il livello dei tassi Usa, gli ultimi dati sulle vendite al dettaglio, sul mercato immobiliare e sulla massa monetaria. E non andrebbero sottovalutati neanche il Baltic Dry Index, i prezzi delle materie prime e i risultati di alcune aziende di primaria importanza. Infine, i dati puramente contrarian come i livelli dei flussi di investimento in azioni da parte degli investitori retail. Tutto, proprio tutto, sembra indicare una prossima ripresa dell’economia Usa e dei listini. Ai posteri -come sempre- l’ardua sentenza."
A cura di Gialanella
Rialzo del 13% in Aprile per l' indice DJ Stoxx 600 , il più grande rialzo mensile da quando esiste questo indice europeo

April 30 (Bloomberg) -- Europe’s Dow Jones Stoxx 600 Index erased its loss for the year with a record monthly rally as earnings from BASF SE and BG Group Plc beat estimates and speculation grew that the worst of the global recession is over.
BASF, the world’s biggest chemical company, rallied 7.4 percent and BG Group, the U.K.’s third-largest natural-gas producer, increased for a second day. British Sky Broadcasting Group Plc rose 4.7 percent as the Britain’s biggest pay- television provider said operating profit and sales climbed.
The Stoxx 600 added 1.5 percent to 200.23. Europe’s regional benchmark has climbed 13 percent in April, the biggest monthly gain since data for the index started in 1987, as companies including Siemens AG and Eni SpA reported better-than- expected earnings and investors speculated U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner’s plan to purchase illiquid assets from banks will pull the global economy out of its recession.
“All the things are in place for the bear market to have ended,” Anthony Bolton, president of investments at Fidelity International, said in an interview with Bloomberg Television in Hong Kong. “When there’s a strong consensus, a very negative one, and cash positions are very high, as they are at the moment, I’d like to bet against that.”
Fidelity International is the London-based affiliate of Fidelity Investments, the world’s largest mutual-fund company. Bolton’s Special Situations Fund beat the FTSE All-Share Index on an annual basis by 6 percentage points from 1979 through 2007, according to Fidelity.

30 Aprile 2009 15:47 NEW YORK
Accelerazione nel settore manifatturiero.
Nel mese di aprile l'indice che misura l'attivita' manifatturiera nell'area di Chicago e' salito a quota 40.1 dai precedenti 31.4 punti di marzo.

Lo ha comunicato la Purchasing Management Association di Chicago, l'associazione dei manager responsabili degli ordini di acquisto del settore manifatturiero.

Il dato si e' rivelato superiore alle attese degli economisti, che erano per un incremento a 35 punti.
scusate se mi intrometto!
cmq anche io stavo pensando di investire qualche cosa in un fondo azionario o eventualmente di fare trading azionario con un buon broker (che broker però che mi dia affidabilità sento solo pareri negativi fino ad adesso)
tuttavia adesso ho qualche soldo in fondi eurizon principalmente azionario e obbligazionario, poco bilanciati (che reputo non servano proprio a niente tanto vale puntare su un certificato a sto punto)
cmq chiedevo visto i recenti spunti dell'asia, è possibile investire in un fondo asiatico, secondo voi? cosa ne pensate?
BNP Paribas Asset Management

Committee meeting of February 8, 2010

Allocation decisions[FONT=Arial Narrow,Arial Narrow][FONT=Arial Narrow,Arial Narrow]

  1. We have maintained our overweight in equities, since fundamentals are still positive. We prefer the developed markets.
  2. We are neutral in the government bond market, where the lack of inflationary pressure is offset by the cyclical recovery and the high volume of issuance. We prefer US to UK bonds.
  3. Overweight in credit, where fundamentals are improving and technical factors are still positive. Be on the lookout for a reversal however, given the many long positions in this market.
  4. Positive bias on commodities is maintained.
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  1. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Narrow,Arial Narrow][FONT=Arial Narrow,Arial Narrow] [/FONT]

[/FONT]Developed equity markets [FONT=Arial Narrow,Arial Narrow][FONT=Arial Narrow,Arial Narrow]

  1. Our greatest overweight is the United States, where the economic outlook is upbeat, earnings forecast revisions are improving and monetary policy remains expansionary.
  2. Overweight in the United Kingdom and the euro area, in consideration of their relatively attractive valuations and exposure to the global recovery (especially the euro area). The UK economy's vulnerabilities are offset by the pound's weakness (boosting exports and repatriated earnings) and the BoE's accommodative monetary policy. Although euro area public finances are deteriorating, investor fears are exaggerated.
  3. We have adopted an almost neutral position in Japan, mainly for technical reasons.
  4. We are underweight in Canada and Australia, despite their exposure to commodity prices. Unfavourable technical factors, negative earnings revisions and the CAD's strength could weigh on the Canadian market, while Australian equities could suffer from monetary tightening and relatively high valuations.
  1. [/FONT]
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[FONT=Arial Narrow,Arial Narrow][FONT=Arial Narrow,Arial Narrow] [/FONT]

Emerging equity markets
[FONT=Arial Narrow,Arial Narrow][FONT=Arial Narrow,Arial Narrow]
  1. We are underweight in the BRIC countries, except for Russia and we expect the Chinese market to be adversely affected by monetary tightening and now unfavourable investor sentiment. Relatively high valuations and a turn in leading economic indicators are likely to weigh on the Indian and Brazilian markets.
  2. Overweight in Korea and Taiwan, where equities are likely to benefit from upbeat earnings prospects and relatively attractive valuations.
  3. We are now overweight in Turkey due to the pickup in business confidence and buoyant technical factors.
[/FONT][FONT=Arial Narrow,Arial Narrow][FONT=Arial Narrow,Arial Narrow]....[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial Narrow,Arial Narrow][/FONT]
Feb. 17, 2010,

Because of this marked improvement in the sell-to-buy ratio, David Coleman, Vickers editor, views "the recent downturn as likely being only a near-term correction. We remain cautious, but are increasingly optimistic about the future performance of the overall markets."
A similar conclusion is reached by Jonathan Moreland, editor of Insider Insights, another investment advisory service that exploits the behavior of corporate insiders. Noting the increasing pace of purchases from insiders, Moreland has decided to "buy the dip."

Corporate insiders' buying picks up Mark Hulbert - MarketWatch
16 March 2010
Bob Doll, chief strategist for fundamental equities at BlackRock, believes there are plenty of positive surprises to come which will keep this cyclical bull market on track.
He thinks the global economy remains in 'subpar recovery mode,' but is optimistic about improving economic data.
'As last week’s data shows, there is still room for positive economic surprises,' Doll , manager of the $1.24 billion BGF US Flexible Equity Fund , said.
'Likewise, we believe there remains ample upside potential for corporate profits over the coming months and quarters. The main risk to markets, in our view, is the possibility of the economic recovery failing to become self-sustaining.'
Employment is the crucial variable in the equation, according to Doll, and he expects it to turnaround imminently.
'With jobs still being lost on a monthly basis, it is understandable that pessimism and cynicism about the state of the economy continues to run strong,' he said. 'Most observers rightly believe that employment gains will need to occur before a self-reinforcing mechanism is in place to drive the economy.
'In our view, strong corporate balance sheets, improving profit margins and increases in business confidence mean that companies should ramp up their hiring efforts soon. Once positive employment conditions begin to clearly emerge, we expect the debate will shift to the path of Federal Reserve policy.'
He expects investors confidence to be given a lift by continued improvements to economic growth, while other factors are also adding further support.. ...​

April 26 (Bloomberg) -- Even after the biggest rally since the 1930s, U.S. stocks remain the cheapest in two decades as the economy improves.
Earnings estimates for Standard & Poor’s 500 Index companies from Apple Inc. to Intel Corp. and CSX Corp. climbed 9.1 percent on average in April, twice the gain in their prices and the largest monthly increase since at least 2006, data compiled by Bloomberg show. The benchmark gauge for American equities is trading at 14.2 times forecasts for its companies’ profits, lower than any time since 1990, except for the six months after Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. collapsed.
Income is beating analysts’ estimates by 22 percent in the first quarter, making investors even more bullish that the rally will continue after the index climbed 80 percent since March 2009. While bears say the economy’s recovery is too weak for earnings to keep up the momentum, Fisher Investments and BlackRock Inc. are snapping up companies whose results are most tied to economic expansion.
“The stock market is incredibly inexpensive,” said Kevin Rendino, who manages $11 billion in Plainsboro, New Jersey, for BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager. “I don’t know how the bears can argue against how well corporations are doing.”

“We’re in a time period where the concerns we had in 2007 and 2008 have been taken care of or are past,” Kenneth Fisher, who oversees about $40 billion as chairman of Fisher Investments in Woodside, California, said in a April 20 Bloomberg Television interview. “If you’re waiting for a market pullback or individual stock pullbacks, you could be waiting a long time.”

“The earnings story is very supportive of the market even after the rally over the last year,” said Liz Ann Sonders, chief investment strategist at Charles Schwab Corp., which oversees $1.4 trillion in client assets from San Francisco. “The recovery is real, it’s V-shaped and it’s got legs.”

Stocks in U.S. Cheapest Since 1990 as Analysts Boost Estimates - BusinessWeek
April 28 -- The largest equity-market ddecline since February is failing to spur selling by the biggest U.S. money managers, who say losses will prove temporary as gains in earnings make stocks too cheap to pass up.

Greece and Portugal’s credit downgrades yesterday are no reason to doubt forecasts for profit growth exceeding 50 percent at Standard & Poor’s 500 Index companies through 2011, said Kenneth Fisher, who oversees about $39 billion as chairman of Fisher Investments.


Companies in the S&P 500 may increase profits 29 percent this year and 19 percent in 2011, the biggest two-year advance since 1998, estimates from more than 1,500 analyst compiled by Bloomberg show. The index is priced at 14.8 times the average prediction for 2010 income. Should the forecasts prove accurate, the S&P 500 would be trading at its lowest multiple since the 1990s, excluding the six months after New York-based Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. declared bankruptcy in September 2008.

“I have been cautious since the third week of April, thinking that we were setting up for a correction of somewhere between 5 and 10 percent,” said Jeff Saut, the chief investment strategist at Raymond James & Associates, which manages $230 billion in St. Petersburg, Florida. “Greece, Goldman don’t change my long-term view at all. We’re in a profit cycle recovery. Profits are exploding at the biggest ramp rate in decades and we’re playing to that tune.”
The cost of options to insure against losses in the S&P 500 as measured by the Chicago Board Options Exchange Volatility Index climbed 31 percent yesterday, to 22.8 from 17.5, the biggest increase since October 2008.
DuPont Co., the Wilmington, Delaware-based chemical maker, Atlanta-based United Parcel Service Inc., the largest package- delivery company, and Dearborn, Michigan-based automaker Ford Motor Co. reported profits or sales yesterday that topped analyst estimates, and their shares fell 4.4 percent on average. The declines show Europe is investors’ focus, said David Rosenberg, chief economist for Gluskin Sheff & Associates.

Almost 80 percent of S&P 500 companies reporting results this earnings season have topped analysts’ forecasts, data compiled by Bloomberg show. While profits may be outstripping projections, sales are matching analysts’ predictions when bank and brokerage results are excluded, according to Rosenberg’s data.
The International Monetary Fund last week raised its forecast for worldwide growth this year while cautioning that a failure to contain public debt may have “severe” consequences. Global economic expansion may reach 4.2 percent in 2010, the fastest rate since 2007, the Washington-based fund estimated. “Fiscal fragilities” pose the biggest threat to reaching the forecast, the IMF said April 22.
“I’m not saying we’re out of the woods,” said John Lynch who helps oversee $155.5 billion as chief market strategist at Evergreen Investments. “The recovery is real and profits are strong. The cyclical strength is still very powerful.

Global Stocks $1 Trillion Loss No Reason to Sell for U.S. Funds -
April 30, 2010, 12:01 a.m. EDT

Maddeningly, it's unclear whether the mood out there is too positive (which would be bearish), or too negative (which would be bullish).

On the one hand, individual investors remain profoundly skeptical of the stock market. Domestic equity mutual funds, for example, over the last year have actually suffered a net outflow. That's extraordinary, since the usual pattern is for investors to pour huge amounts of new money into the stock market in the wake of rallies as strong as the one we've experienced over the last year.
Furthermore, according to the latest data for April, there is no sign that this trend is about to change.

On the other hand, investment advisers are bullish right now -- more bullish, in fact, at least by some measures, than they have been in a decade.
Since I devoted a column earlier this week to discussing the mutual-fund flow data, I'm focusing this column on the data showing the mood to be too optimistic.
Consider the Hulbert Nasdaq Newsletter Sentiment Index (HNNSI), which represents the average recommended stock market exposure among a subset of short-term Nasdaq market timers tracked by the Hulbert Financial Digest. This is a useful sentiment measure on which to focus, since the Nasdaq market is one in which sentiment plays a particularly large role (remember the Internet bubble)?
The HNNSI's latest level, at 80%, is dangerously high.
To put this current level of bullishness into perspective, consider that the HNNSI as recently as early February -- at the depths of the January-February stock market correction -- stood at minus 16.1%, or 96 percentage points below where it is today. That represents an extraordinary swing in sentiment for just 2-1/2 months.
In fact, to find another occasion on which the HNNSI was any higher than where it stands now, you have to go back to July 2000, almost 10 years ago. That earlier occasion, need I remind you, came just as the Internet bubble was unraveling and the mood was still quite giddy.
How can a contrarian resolve the inconsistent messages of the mutual-fund flow data and the investment advisory sentiment data?
One way might be to view the advisory sentiment data as having more short-term significance. This helps to make sense of the data, since the mutual-fund flow numbers have painted a largely consistent picture over the last 12 months of investor skepticism, while the sentiment measures based on investment advisers have fluctuated widely -- on the whole, reaching peaks of optimism before the market fell, and reaching troughs of despair before the market rose.
What might this mean for interpreting the sentiment data today? Given the profound skepticism towards the rally among fund investors, the bull market should be given the benefit of the doubt.
However, given the extreme optimism among investment advisers, the odds of a short-term correction are now dangerously high.

Sentiment nears dangerous levels Mark Hulbert - MarketWatch

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