Trader tranquillo
In effetti se diamo un'occhiata all'ETF Lyxor China En. possiamo notare come la media mobile a 200gg si stia appiattendo e le quotazioni stiano attaccando la resistenza posta a 86 Euro circa, nonchè siano sopra alla succitata media.Secondo Marc Faber: Guadagni sicuri per chi investe in azionario Asia nei prossimi 3 mesi con orizzonte temporale di 5-10 anni.
Le obbligazioni invece potrebbero entrare in un mercato orso di lungo termine della durata di 15-20 anni
April 07, 2009
Marc Faber, the investor who recommended buying U.S. stocks before the steepest rally in more than 70 years, said the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index may drop as much as 10 percent before resuming gains.
The measure may decline to about 750 and rebound , Faber, 63, said in a Bloomberg Television interview in Singapore. Global stock markets are unlikely to fall below their October and November lows, he said.
“We need some kind of correction, maybe around 5 to 10 percent, and after that we can maybe rally more into July,” said Faber, the publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom report. “The economic news, while it won’t be good, the rate of getting worse will slow down.”
The S&P has rallied 25 percent from a 12-year low since March 9, when Faber advised investors to buy U.S. stocks, saying government actions will boost shares. Asian equities are among the best bets for global investors because they are attractively valued and will benefit the most from a global economic rebound, Faber said.
He told investors to abandon U.S. stocks a week before 1987’s so-called Black Monday crash and said in August 2007 that U.S. shares were entering a bear market. The S&P 500 peaked two months later before retreating as much as 57 percent.
Commodities, Banks
Faber said he bought some commodity producers in November and is now less “interested” in these companies after some stocks more than doubled. He is also buying some bank stocks and predicted that Citigroup Inc., shares could “easily rebound” to around $5 from $2.72 currently.
“The rebound potential for some of these banks and financial institutions is quite high,” Faber said.
In Asia, stocks offer “much better value” than U.S. shares, and investors should seize the opportunity to buy the region’s equities on “every setback,” Faber said. Japanese stocks also “look interesting,” he added.
“If you buy Asian equities in the next three months, over the next five to 10 years, for sure you will make money,” he said. “Asian exporting countries will benefit the most from an expansion when it happens.”
Faber is less favorable on bonds, saying they are entering a “long-term bear market” that can last for the next 15 years to 20 years.
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