Saras (SRS) Saras!!! (1 Viewer)


Invecchiare fa schifo
pabletto ha scritto:
certo mario...scusa il ritardo...
fermi...allineati e coperti...almeno fino a novembre e il giorno del cda capiremo che morti di fame sono i ratti...

Alla saras ti sei dato???
Trader nonnetto :p


zunino 6 grande!
non ne raccoglie short ma la tengono giù...
inefficienza totale...non creano manco mercato...
e stallano attesa di ribasso...


zunino 6 grande!
pabletto ha scritto:
no assolutamente!
guardati le aziende usa di raffinazione...$OSX

grande sporting

ma brutto il mercato...

SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) 12.09.2006 - Oil and gas stocks extended their downward spiral Tuesday, closing with widespread losses across the sector as crude prices tumbled below $64 a barrel, their seventh consecutive loss

Lehman Brothers lowered its outlook on independent refiners to neutral from positive on predictions that refining margins will fall through 2007.
Among the factors crimping profits, Lehman cited a lack of the "one time" events that roiled the market in 2006, a gradual increase in refining capacity over the next 2 to 3 years, increased gasoline imports from Europe and slower gasoline demand growth in the U.S. than the historical 1.5% to 1.6% annual increase.
The Lehman downgrade clipped Valero Energy Corp. (VLO ), Tesoro petroleum, Sunoco and Delek.

On Monday, Bear Stearns listed Valero as one of the companies most likely to perform well in a sector confronting weaker market fundamentals. Valero finished the day with a 0.8% gain at $51.32, one of the few winners in Tuesday's sell-off, while Sunoco dropped 1.3% to $63.04.

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