Situazione Ucraina

E ve lo ripeto per l'ennesima volta.
Russi ed ucraini sono fatti della medesima pasta
e non me ne frega nulla. Che si facciano la guerra fra di loro.

Mi preoccupo della nostra esistenza. Della nostra vita.
Problemi di bilancio. Facile che la bionda ursula imponga una tassa di nome ukro tax
Ukraine Faces Massive Budget Gap

Taxes are weapons. Before the war, half the economy was in the shadows,” Danylo Hetmanstev, head of the Verkhovna Rada’s tax committee, told Financial Times. Tax evasion has been one of many issues facing Ukraine since it first declared independence. Tax revenues have risen since the war began and Increased taxes on windfall profits have helped to offset some $3 bn of the $41 bn gap between domestic revenues and its $87 bn budget. Military spending accounts for nearly half of the budget.

Proposed solutions range from spending cuts to printing money, But short of full funding by its partners, any solution is likely to be “unpleasant,” according to Roksolana Pidlasa, chair of the Verkhovna Rada’s budget committee. Domestic revenues are only 46 bn. With only half of the $37 bn gap in funding being committed by the US, EU, and IMF, there are serious concerns about Ukraine’s future even off of the battlefield. Little chance remains that the deadlock in the US House of Representative will be broken. And next year's budget is even more unlikely to see funding since budget talks are set to take place in October, ahead of US presidential elections.

Ukraine’s government has proven either unwilling or unable to transition to a sustainable wartime economy. Pidlasa says that over half of Ukraine’s economy is in the service sector and that such a transition would only cripple their economy. “If we drafted everyone to work on military production, who’s going to pay for ordering the shells and hardware? Somebody has to pay taxes,” she said.

Ukraine’s dream of mobilization of 500,000 recruits would “cost [an additional] $8.6 bn in salaries, basic equipment, food and training.” Such an achievement is unlikely given a report last week in the Washington Post that there is currently no "clear mobilization strategy — or even agreement on how many more troops Ukraine needs."

@Slavyangrad | Nagasaki Nightmare 👋
Mettiamolo bello in chiaro.
Bravi. Bravi.
Quando vi brucerete le mani, sarà troppo tardi.....per noi.

"Personale militare della Nato è già presente in Ucraina".

Lo ha dichiarato durante una conferenza il ministro degli Esteri polacco, Radoslaw Sikorski,
senza precisare la nazionalità dei militari presenti nel paese in guerra contro la Russia da oltre 2 anni.

"Vorrei ringraziare gli ambasciatori di quei Paesi che hanno preso questo rischio.
Questi Paesi sanno chi sono, ma non posso rivelarli. Contrariamente ad altri politici, non li elencherò", ha affermato Sikorski.

Nei giorni scorsi, attraverso un audio intercettato dalla Russia e diffuso da media di Mosca,
ufficiali tedeschi avevano suggerito la presenza di militari britannici in Ucraina.

Precedentemente il Regno Unito aveva confermato l'invio di piccole unità nel Paese per l'addestramento medico.

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