Situazione Ucraina

Trump Will Never Give Ukraine US Security Guarantees - New York Times

Ukraine is struggling: It has been steadily losing ground since the summer, its army faces an increasingly severe shortage of soldiers, and Russia has gained six times more territory so far this year than it did in all of 2023.

▪️The elected American president not only wants to end the conflict without taking responsibility for the defence of Ukraine, but also to reduce the US commitment to ensuring the security of the European region, writes the NYT.

▪️The US military is expected to redirect its efforts to the Asia-Pacific region to counter China's growing influence. In this regard, we can expect that US military activity in Europe will decrease, and Europe will provide the main support to Ukraine.

▪️Confirming Trump's intentions, future presidential adviser Mike Walz noted that Trump's team is now studying ways to end Russia's war against Ukraine - forever, and not just pause it.

Lebanon was recently invaded by Israel, I don't recall it getting NATO or European security guarantees when a ceasefire was signed.

secondo momento di riflessione.... per noi privilegiati a confronto prezzi da schiavismo :-o

secondo momento di riflessione.... per noi privilegiati a confronto prezzi da schiavismo :-o

Interessante questo sito :up:


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🇺🇸 Trump

claims to have received signals from Ukraine about the desire to resolve the war . He said his team is going to talk to Verkhovna Rada and Zelensky to end the war. He also said he is ready to reconsider the Biden administration's "stupid" decision to approve the use of American weapons to strike deep into Russia.

✨ The most interesting thing is that all parties in the current war understand perfectly well that even if, in the event of negotiations, a truce is miraculously achieved , it will be temporary. The military preparations of NATO countries are obvious; in Germany, even the dates for the readiness of industry and society for war have been named several times (2029-2030). And our military-political leadership perfectly understands the threats posed by the North Atlantic Alliance, as became clear from public speeches at the Russian Defense Ministry Board.

...there was already such a period in history, called the Interbellum, which denoted the period between the First and Second World Wars.

And all of Trump's efforts, as is evident from NATO's actions, are not aimed at achieving peace, but at gaining a breathing space for even larger-scale military preparations .

Buoni per il cibo in Russia.
Scarseggia il cibo e si introducono i razionamenti. Lo dice un russo

Un russo che parla inglese. Quindi si capisce benissimo

Stasera ho imparato una cosa nuova.

La Russia comprava semi dalla Monsanto. Adesso non glieli vendono più. I semi della Monsanto non sono semi normali. Se pianti qualcosa con quei semi e usi parte del raccolto per seminare di nuovo > non funziona. Li hanno modificati in modo che uno deve comoprarli per forza da loro. Qualcosa nasce lo stesso ma ogni anno che passa sempre meno. Dopo 3 anni i semi diciamo " improvvisati " sono sterili.

Quindi una bella gatta da pelare

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