Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate SNS Reeal in diretta: storia di un esproprio - Notizie, informazioni e commenti

Quante SNS T1 + Lt2 Nominale Sub oggetto del furto avete in portafoglio

  • 10k

    Votes: 19 12,8%
  • 20k

    Votes: 8 5,4%
  • 30k

    Votes: 3 2,0%
  • 50k

    Votes: 39 26,2%
  • 75k

    Votes: 6 4,0%
  • 100k

    Votes: 18 12,1%
  • 150k

    Votes: 17 11,4%
  • 200k

    Votes: 13 8,7%
  • 300k

    Votes: 17 11,4%
  • 500k+

    Votes: 9 6,0%

  • Total voters
sono tornato ora dalle vacanze e ho letto tutto
spettacolo sns...
non ho parole..

e non avere parole è la migliore cosa che si puo fare in questo momento

abbiamo la fortuna di essere un gruppo compatto con zorba e claudio che sono i migliori..

i commenti di rabbia e frustazione non servono a nulla:
o si postano documenti o notizie importanti
o meglio postare poco o niente

e lo dico dopo aver visto azzerato il 20% del mio portafoglio

per zorba e claudio, fate quello che potete.
non è il mio campo, per cui purtroppo non posso aiutare granche..
avendovi conosciuto di persona, so gia che qualsiasi risultato, anche zero, sarà di sicuro il meglio che avrete potuto fare

buon lavoro ragazzi
e grazie

Tutto questo pero da piu speranze di vincere la causa sia in olanda che in eventuale sede europea

Facevano cac e poi swap avevi ben poco da fare causa... Esempio con la grecia non credo che si tirera fuori molto qui è talmente allucinante che in sede europea non potranno far finta di nulla

Come minimo dovrebbero darci azioni ....
lo spero di cuore per tutti quelli che hanno subito il furto, e per il futuro buon andamento dei mercati finanziari, ma ho l'impressione che in europa comandino persone lontane dal modo civile di convivenza, almeno come la si intende sulle rive del mediterraneo
Claim for expropriation SNS

French Faas
Added: Monday, February 4, 2013, 06:50
Update: Monday, February 4, 2013, 07:52
The activist shareholder French Faas fighting the legality of the expropriation of subordinated bonds of SNS. He shall address the Bondholders Foundation SNS on.

Faas is director of the foundation. He has previously deployed for bondholders of companies like Versatel and Getronics. Claim Lawyer William Schonewille is lawyer of the foundation. He has experience in collective lawsuits from victims of such share-leasing products.

The foundation will the legality of the nationalization challenge to the Council of State.

The website of the foundation will be called sosns.nl.

Faas is the second who submits a claim for the nationalization of SNS. The Association of Stockholders, VEB , announced on Friday the expropriation subject to appeal to the Enterprise.

The famous French activist shareholder Faas is challenging the legality of the nationalization of the SNS subordinated bonds. This reports the FD.

Faas makes Monday announced the formation of the Foundation Bondholders SNS. It is the second initiative for recovering damages from the nationalization of banking and insurance SNS. Last Friday, the Association (VEB) has announced that it will contest the expropriation by the Enterprise. Faas has in the past, including efforts to bondholders of Versatel, Getronics, ADN and Econosto.
ciao ragazzi vi seguo da tempo ma non mi ero mai reg. mi spiace di farlo ora visto che sono dentro con 50k di sns 11,25% .............
Sijbrand director Jan De Nederlandsche Bank said that already the end of 2011 it was clear that SNS "no longer able could be deemed to own its financial position sufficiently up to standard. " This is in stark contrast to statements of SNS during the meeting with shareholders in the spring of 2012. The problems in the real estate branch were then by SNS directors and auditors KPMG as much smaller than suggested now comes out. This cries out for explanation under oath of stakeholders. Expropriation And then there's the expropriation by the State. Shareholders and subordinated bondholders get nothing back, an unprecedented measure, made ​​possible by a two year old law. minister Dijsselbloem light of the decision to the nationalization of SNS was the Minister of Finance unavoidable and necessary to depositors and the financial system to save. But how necessary was the expropriation anyway? Problems with SNS were highly concentrated in the real estate stuck Property Finance. Insured through SNS (Reaal, Axa) had little to fear. Their policies are well shielded. And SNS Bank could in principle continue to run as long as depositors their deposits are not massively took away. DNB speaks of an exodus of savings, but that seems very modest compared to the massive savings that the bank had been entrusted.
More about SNS
Real acute concerns about the availability of money - liquidity - are therefore relative. When SNS play especially problems with solvency, so ask whether SNS his financial obligations. Justifies expropriation of the whole group including all healthy parts? Taxpayers Minister Dijsselbloem in the notes to its decision made ​​it clear that there was chosen a solution that taxpayers as little as possible will become. The question is whether the expropriation before the correct route. The State wants the billions involved in the rescue (partly) back by pieces of SNS in time back to the market. Shall investors and other market participants in the future to pay for many companies that just may be expropriated?
Mi sembra di capire che anche srlev sia ancora sospesa...
Cioè ancora non scambia ma il book si muove, denaro a 96.10 e lettera a 93.50....
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