Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate SNS Reeal in diretta: storia di un esproprio - Notizie, informazioni e commenti (40 lettori)

Quante SNS T1 + Lt2 Nominale Sub oggetto del furto avete in portafoglio

  • 10k

    Votes: 19 12,8%
  • 20k

    Votes: 8 5,4%
  • 30k

    Votes: 3 2,0%
  • 50k

    Votes: 39 26,2%
  • 75k

    Votes: 6 4,0%
  • 100k

    Votes: 18 12,1%
  • 150k

    Votes: 17 11,4%
  • 200k

    Votes: 13 8,7%
  • 300k

    Votes: 17 11,4%
  • 500k+

    Votes: 9 6,0%

  • Total voters


Forumer storico
rispondevo al fatto che uno stato europeo si è arrogato il diritto di espropriare (per il bene della sua comunità) un titolo di credito (vantato nei confronti di una banca del suo paese) di più cittadini italiani depositati in italia

sto cercando ma giurisprudenza non ne trovo :)

è un fatto molto grave

tanto per farti un esempio che c'entra relativamente: se prendi una multa in olanda quanto ci mettono a riprendersi i soldi se non paghi tu di tua spontanea volontà entro i termini prescritti?

sull'esproprio in sè credo non ci si giochi tanto la partita...riminiscenze di diritto amministrativo...quanto piuttosto, come dicevo prima, sulle garanzie del procedimento che ihmo sono in gran parte venute meno
poi mi piacerebbe avere una vs. opinione...se la mia riflessione fosse priva di significato lasciate perdere...che fine fanno i titoli nazionalizzati/espropriati?


Forumer storico
Dutch Parliament will hold hearing on nationalisation
of SNS Reaal (Bloomberg)
Dutch lawmakers will question the central bank on its role
in supervising SNS Reaal NV, which was nationalized last
week. The inquiry, prompted by a 3 February letter from
Henk Nijboer of the Labor Party and Mark Harbers of the
Liberal Party VVD, was backed by a majority of
lawmakers. Parliament also decided to question the
bank’s board of directors and its auditor. The hearing will
be preceded by a debate between lawmakers and
Finance Minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem today. The date for
the hearing has yet to be set


Nuovo forumer
SNS Investors Challenge Dutch-Ordered Wipeout at Highest Court

The Netherlands’ top administrative court said at least 25 SNS Reaal NV investors appealed the government’s decision to take control of the nation’s fourth- largest bank and expropriate the securities they owned.
As of yesterday, 25 investors, mostly not institutions, had filed an appeal to the Council of State, said Wendy van der Sluijs, a spokeswoman for the court in The Hague. The deadline for appeals is Feb. 11, 10 days after the SNS nationalization decree. The court will subsequently organize a hearing and present its ruling before the end of the month, she said.
Finance Minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem took control of SNS Reaal on Feb. 1 after real-estate losses brought the bank to the brink of collapse. The nationalization included issued shares and subordinated bonds. It’s the first time European authorities have immediately wiped out holders of subordinated debt of a bailed-out bank, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
“I expect many legal actions to come against the Dutch government, although the actions themselves are irreversible under the law,” said Sweder van Wijnbergen, a professor of economics at the University of Amsterdam.
The appeals so far came from investors in countries including the Italy, Germany, Belgium, Andorra and Indonesia, as well as the Netherlands, Van der Sluijs said. Dutch newspaper Het Financieele Dagblad reported the appeals earlier today.
Bailout Costs
After the financial crisis led to the nationalization of the Dutch parts of Fortis and ABN Amro Holding NV in 2008 and the bankruptcy of DSB Bank NV, the Netherlands adopted legislation allowing the state to take control of banks’ assets, liabilities or stock.
The Dutch state says the bailout of SNS Reaal will cost taxpayers 3.7 billion euros ($5 billion) in write-offs and capital injections, and the government is also providing 6.1 billion euros in loans and guarantees. The expropriation of subordinated creditors reduced the rescue costs for the state by about 1 billion euros, Dijsselbloem said on Feb. 1.
Several other court procedures may follow. The Enterprise Chamber of the Amsterdam Court of Appeal will set the compensation the Dutch state must pay to expropriated investors. Such compensation should be zero for shares and loans, according to Dijsselbloem. Investors who object to the compensation offer can appeal to the Enterprise Chamber.
VEB, a Dutch investor group, will be considering all legal options, Chairman Jan Maarten Slagter said in an interview. Besides an appeal, VEB has asked Dijsselbloem to enable the Enterprise Court to order a probe into SNS Reaal’s management since its 2006 stock-market listing, according to a statement on the group’s website.
SNS Reaal suffered problems as a result of “mismanagement at a bank where wrong choices were made,” Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte told reporters on Feb. 1. “Big blunders and big mistakes have been made.”

Cat XL

Shizuka Minamoto
SNS Investors Challenge Dutch-Ordered Wipeout at Highest Court

The Netherlands’ top administrative court said at least 25 SNS Reaal NV investors appealed the government’s decision to take control of the nation’s fourth- largest bank and expropriate the securities they owned.
As of yesterday, 25 investors, mostly not institutions, had filed an appeal to the Council of State, said Wendy van der Sluijs, a spokeswoman for the court in The Hague. The deadline for appeals is Feb. 11, 10 days after the SNS nationalization decree. The court will subsequently organize a hearing and present its ruling before the end of the month, she said.
Finance Minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem took control of SNS Reaal on Feb. 1 after real-estate losses brought the bank to the brink of collapse. The nationalization included issued shares and subordinated bonds. It’s the first time European authorities have immediately wiped out holders of subordinated debt of a bailed-out bank, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
“I expect many legal actions to come against the Dutch government, although the actions themselves are irreversible under the law,” said Sweder van Wijnbergen, a professor of economics at the University of Amsterdam.
The appeals so far came from investors in countries including the Italy, Germany, Belgium, Andorra and Indonesia, as well as the Netherlands, Van der Sluijs said. Dutch newspaper Het Financieele Dagblad reported the appeals earlier today.
Bailout Costs
After the financial crisis led to the nationalization of the Dutch parts of Fortis and ABN Amro Holding NV in 2008 and the bankruptcy of DSB Bank NV, the Netherlands adopted legislation allowing the state to take control of banks’ assets, liabilities or stock.
The Dutch state says the bailout of SNS Reaal will cost taxpayers 3.7 billion euros ($5 billion) in write-offs and capital injections, and the government is also providing 6.1 billion euros in loans and guarantees. The expropriation of subordinated creditors reduced the rescue costs for the state by about 1 billion euros, Dijsselbloem said on Feb. 1.
Several other court procedures may follow. The Enterprise Chamber of the Amsterdam Court of Appeal will set the compensation the Dutch state must pay to expropriated investors. Such compensation should be zero for shares and loans, according to Dijsselbloem. Investors who object to the compensation offer can appeal to the Enterprise Chamber.
VEB, a Dutch investor group, will be considering all legal options, Chairman Jan Maarten Slagter said in an interview. Besides an appeal, VEB has asked Dijsselbloem to enable the Enterprise Court to order a probe into SNS Reaal’s management since its 2006 stock-market listing, according to a statement on the group’s website.
SNS Reaal suffered problems as a result of “mismanagement at a bank where wrong choices were made,” Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte told reporters on Feb. 1. “Big blunders and big mistakes have been made.”

Which actions? Del Governo?


Forumer storico
I bond possono stare anche su mobte titoli quando avevo banca generali nell' estratto conto titoli presentavano per ogni titolo anche dovè era depositati

Tutti azioni bond etf erano su monte titoli tranne un bond Barclays in collocamento presso generali che era presso state street bank

Alcune banche big come intesa state street sg ecc ecc possono anche loro fare da depositari titoli

A me binck ancora non ha mandato.... Che pizza


Money Never Sleeps
I bond possono stare anche su mobte titoli quando avevo banca generali nell' estratto conto titoli presentavano per ogni titolo anche dovè era depositati

Tutti azioni bond etf erano su monte titoli tranne un bond Barclays in collocamento presso generali che era presso state street bank

Alcune banche big come intesa state street sg ecc ecc possono anche loro fare da depositari titoli

A me binck ancora non ha mandato.... Che pizza
Anche a me Binck no...chiesto ieri h 14.20 :mumble:
Il problema vero è IW, non so che fare

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