Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate SNS Reeal in diretta: storia di un esproprio - Notizie, informazioni e commenti

Quante SNS T1 + Lt2 Nominale Sub oggetto del furto avete in portafoglio

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The Council of State holds next Friday a hearing on the nationalization of SNS. The past few days have been 49 reported that parties at the highest administrative court appeal against the expropriation decision by the Dutch State. These are mainly misled investors from home and abroad, reported the State Council Thursday.
The Board will assess whether Jeroen Dijsselbloem Minister (Finance) reasonableness of his decision to come, said a spokeswoman. That is, was the minister legally authorized to carry out the nationalization? And: he has properly exercised its discretion?

Dijsselbloem pleads that the nationalization was necessary because the bank-insurer otherwise would have gone bankrupt. He decided all shareholders on the basis of the Intervention to expropriate. Also, owners of subordinated loans have lost their money, but they were also served as SNS went bankrupt. They have deliberately taken risks, the minister said Friday.

Appeals against the decision may still until Monday at the Council of State are presented. By law, the Council then the end of the month rule. That decision is binding.
The shareholders association VEB's behalf misled investors three legal procedures implemented over the nationalization of banking and insurance SNS.
The association signs on behalf of former shareholders of SNS objected to the nationalization by the State Council.
Also wants the association through a legal procedure, a fee for misled investors pan out. In addition, the VEB an mismanagement procedure itself against the former head of the bank and insurer. The association would like to know more or investors in recent years precisely informed about the losses in the real estate branch of SNS.

The problem is that the latter procedure for mismanagement at the Enterprise can only be brought by shareholders of a company. SNS was last week by Minister of Finance Dijsselbloem nationalized. This came all the shares of the ailing company owned by the government. Former shareholders can therefore no procedure in the Enterprise Applications.

The VEB has therefore written a letter to Minister Dijsselbloem which the association asks him if he is a survey on behalf of the request to submit. Another possibility is that the minister VEB authorizes a special survey says VEB director Jan Maarten Slagter. He calls it a flaw in the legislation that the nationalization former shareholders no survey may request:

"If there is no survey, it means that the old administration accountable never have to account to the former capital."
At the Council of State are dozens appeals entered against the nationalization decree. Next Friday, the highest administrative court hearing in which the parties can explain their appeal.

Slagter says that the principle is correct if the judge "this most far-reaching decision" tests. In addition, there is some substance to things on the nationalization, he says. "There was a new appreciation of the real estate loans made. On this basis there was a capital shortfall that a deadline had to be supplemented. "That did not work and SNS was nationalized. "This appreciation was crucial. Then a second opinion is in place. "
VEB gaat drie procedures voeren tegen nationalisatie SNS :: nrc.nl
insomma secondo knight capital la 155 vale 100

Non direi che ha detto questo. C'e' comunque del valore.

Il punto e' comunque un altro. SNS era in procinto di fallire da un momento all'altro?

Purtroppo Luca/Zorba sara' molto impegnato ma mi piacerebbe chiedergli su che cosa si basa la causa. Aspetti legali e/o economici?
Ultima modifica:
Non direi che ha detto questo. C'e' comunque del valore.

Il punto e' comunque un altro. SNS are in procinto di fallire da un momento all'altro?

Purtroppo Luca/Zorba sara' molto impegnato ma piacerebbe chiedergli su che cosa si basa la causa. Aspetti legali e/o economici?

Via Mail mi ha risposto questo:

[FONT=&quot]Le due azioni legali che esperiremo in Olanda sono le seguenti:[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]- Il ricorso al Consiglio di Stato olandese (Raad van State), avente ad oggetto l’opposizione all’espropriazione;[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]- Il successivo ricorso alla Corte d’Appello di Amsterdam, avente ad oggetto la revisione dell’indennizzo per l’espropriazione.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Stiamo lavorando sul primo ricorso, mentre il secondo è demandato al termine del procedimento presso il consiglio di Stato.[/FONT]
si ma dice anche che la Pf è della banca,ma la holding è garante..Come al solito tutto e il contrario di tutto

dice però anche
"However, even adding the negative bank NAV still would still not impair the HoldCo sub debt. "

nell'ipotesi che ci sia capitale residuo dopo il pagamento di tutto ciò che ha seniority superiore, il valore deve essere 100 punto e basta.

Poi ovviamente tra qui e riprendersi il nominale non c'è il mare, c'è l'oceano.

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