Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate SNS Reeal in diretta: storia di un esproprio - Notizie, informazioni e commenti

Quante SNS T1 + Lt2 Nominale Sub oggetto del furto avete in portafoglio

  • 10k

    Votes: 19 12,8%
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    Votes: 8 5,4%
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    Votes: 3 2,0%
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    Votes: 39 26,2%
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    Votes: 18 12,1%
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    Votes: 17 11,4%
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    Votes: 13 8,7%
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    Votes: 17 11,4%
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    Votes: 9 6,0%

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Genationaliseerd SNS Reaal boekt EUR2,9 mrd af op vastgoed
6-6-2013 08:54
AMSTERDAM SNS Reaal nv (SR.AE) heeft in 2012 en het eerste kwartaal van 2013 EUR2,9 miljard afgeboekt op de vastgoedfinancieringen van het probleemonderdeel Property Finance. Dit leidde tot een nettoverlies van in totaal EUR2,6 miljard, maakt de genationaliseerde bank en verzekeraar donderdag bekend.

De bank, onder leiding van de nieuwe topman Gerard van Olphen, zegt stevige sancties te verwachten van de Europese mededingingsinstanties voor de ontvangen staatssteun. Uiterlijk 22 augustus zal een herstructureringsplan bij de Europese Commissie worden ingediend.

De bank, die in februari moest worden genationaliseerd, stelde de publicatie van de jaarcijfers tot twee keer toe uit, om een goed beeld te kunnen bieden van de financiele toestand na de nationalisatie.

Over 2012 werd een jaarverlies geboekt van EUR972 miljoen, door bijzondere waardeverminderingen bij Property Finance van EUR941 miljoen. De winst op de overige activiteiten in 2012 werd tenietgedaan door bijzondere posten van EUR602 miljoen negatief, waaronder afboekingen op goodwill.

Over het eerste kwartaal van 2013 werd nog eens EUR2 miljard aan voorzieningen genomen op de Property Finance portefeuille, wat leidde tot een kwartaalverlies van EUR1,6 miljard. Het risico op de problematische vastgoedportefeuille is daarmee gedaald tot EUR5 miljard.

De nationalisatiemaatregelen, waarbij de Nederlandse overheid in totaal EUR3,7 miljard investeerde in de financiele groep, herstelden de kapitaalpositie tot een core Tier 1-ratio van 14,9%, van 6,1% eind 2012.

De double leverage van de holding werd met behulp van de kapitaalinjectie door de staat bovendien verlaagd tot 105%, van 127%.

Dow Jones Newswires
The ‘Stichting SOS-NS’, who act on the interest of expropriated subordinated bondholders  considers the annual report of SNS Reaal, issued today, more as a political document written in order to legitimize the nationalization of the company by the Dutch State rather than an attempt to make an evaluation of its management policies and decisions possible.
Investors, who apparently have been misled the last years while hiding the imminent problems within the real estate by creative accounting have seen themselves  confronted with sudden and imminent write downs on this troubled investment. Most likely on instruction of the Minister of Finance, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, who appointed new management after the nationalization, the conclusions from the unprofessional and severely scrutinized Cushman & Wakefield report are now nevertheless incorporated in the annual report.  
The foundation also criticizes the timing of the issuance of the annual report.  Expropriated bondholders are awaiting the (preliminary) verdict of the Enterprise Chamber on the compensation issue and it seems that SNS tries to influence this procedures by  presenting the losses right now although they are merely a result of highly subjective provisions.
Furthermore the trading update on the first quarter of 2013, also issued today, which shows a net operational profit of € 99 million, confirms in the opinion of the foundation, the viability of the remaining operation (banking and  insurance activities). It therefore considers the lack of compensation offered by the Dutch State for the expropriated subordinated bondholders as unjustified and sees good opportunities to challenge this in the respective Courts (Enterprise Chamber and European Council for Human Rights)    
End of message
Further information:    
Frans Faas
Chairman Stichting SOS-NS
00 31 623122456
Ultima modifica:
Speriamo che anche le considerazioni dell'associazione Faas postate da Maxolone giungano ai vertici dell'Enterprise Chamber !!!!
The ‘Stichting SOS-NS’, who act on the interest of expropriated subordinated bondholders considers the annual report of SNS Reaal, issued today, more as a political document written in order to legitimize the nationalization of the company by the Dutch State rather than an attempt to make an evaluation of its management policies and decisions possible.
Investors, who apparently have been misled the last years while hiding the imminent problems within the real estate by creative accounting have seen themselves confronted with sudden and imminent write downs on this troubled investment. Most likely on instruction of the Minister of Finance, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, who appointed new management after the nationalization, the conclusions from the unprofessional and severely scrutinized Cushman & Wakefield report are now nevertheless incorporated in the annual report.
The foundation also criticizes the timing of the issuance of the annual report. Expropriated bondholders are awaiting the (preliminary) verdict of the Enterprise Chamber on the compensation issue and it seems that SNS tries to influence this procedures by presenting the losses right now although they are merely a result of highly subjective provisions.
Furthermore the trading update on the first quarter of 2013, also issued today, which shows a net operational profit of € 99 million, confirms in the opinion of the foundation, the viability of the remaining operation (banking and insurance activities). It therefore considers the lack of compensation offered by the Dutch State for the expropriated subordinated bondholders as unjustified and sees good opportunities to challenge this in the respective Courts (Enterprise Chamber and European Council for Human Rights)
End of message
Further information:
Frans Faas
Chairman Stichting SOS-NS
00 31 623122456

Io e il mio compagno di merende Amor avevamo pronosticato zillion (multiplo di trillion) di perdite. Ci eravamo sbagliati. Questa era un banca deboluccia ma lontana dal fallimento. Che vergogna...
Io e il mio compagno di merende Amor avevamo pronosticato zillion (multiplo di trillion) di perdite. Ci eravamo sbagliati. Questa era un banca deboluccia ma lontana dal fallimento. Che vergogna...

Questo si è sempre saputo,300 italiani ci hanno investito svariati milioni,e non erano di certo dei Pirla.

Qlc pensa che ce la siamo cercata..,cercarsela era andare su Bankia o Banche Greche,eppure è andata molto meglio che su questi olandesi del ......:rolleyes:

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