Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate SNS Reeal in diretta: storia di un esproprio - Notizie, informazioni e commenti

Quante SNS T1 + Lt2 Nominale Sub oggetto del furto avete in portafoglio

  • 10k

    Votes: 19 12,8%
  • 20k

    Votes: 8 5,4%
  • 30k

    Votes: 3 2,0%
  • 50k

    Votes: 39 26,2%
  • 75k

    Votes: 6 4,0%
  • 100k

    Votes: 18 12,1%
  • 150k

    Votes: 17 11,4%
  • 200k

    Votes: 13 8,7%
  • 300k

    Votes: 17 11,4%
  • 500k+

    Votes: 9 6,0%

  • Total voters
The Dutch activist representing a number of Maltese investors in SNS-Reaal, Frans Faas, did not have exactly comforting news to those who had sought his help in trying to recoup their investments.

Mr Faas told investors grouped in a foundation:

1. Cassation/Appeal from the Dutch State

As announced before, the Dutch State has filed an appeal against the preliminary verdict of the Enterprise Chamber at the High Council.

It is quite difficult (and unnecessary) to summarise this 84-pages long appeal. It is the task of the High Council to judge on a proper interpretation of the Intervention Act. The outcome is unclear, especially because the Intervention Act has never been challenged before.

However I would like to share with you three headlines from the appeal which might be relevant:

A. The Dutch State argues that the Enterprise Chamber should not take into account the prices paid on the Stock Exchange just before the expropriation.

In my opinion this argument will not be honoured because in the explanatory/accompanying notes to the Intervention Act, the stock price is explicitly mentioned as – one of the – relevant measures on which a compensation should be based. Furthermore, originally it was supposed to be the only measure.

B. The Dutch State argues that the Enterprise Chamber could not argue that the compensation would definitely be higher than zero.

This is a statement that we initially can understand because the Enterprise Chamber argues that they need support from experts to determine the value but on the other hand has concluded for itself that the outcome should be higher than zero and the experts – to be nominated – should accept that. In my perception the Enterprise Chamber has already concluded that – in any case – the prices paid on the Stock Exchange must play a vital role and because these prices – even close to the expropriation – were significantly higher than zero, the outcome statistically must be higher than zero and furthermore has taken into account that according to the European Council of Human Rights an expropriation without any compensation is only justified in exceptional cases.

Even if the High Council would honour this argument from the Dutch State it is no problem because I believe we have overwhelming evidence as to the positive value of the company and/or their bonds.

C. The Dutch State argues that the Enterprise Chamber should not exclude future effects of decisions taken prior to the nationalisation in determining the value of the securities at the moment the bonds were expropriated.

This is a tricky point because it refers to the intended decision of the Dutch Central Bank to withdraw the banking permit of SNS (the so-called SREP-decision). It must be clear that if the Dutch Central Bank would have taken this decision (and any appeals against it were turned down), this inevitably would have had a deteriorating effect on the value (and price) of the bonds.

Whatever the High Council is going to decide on this point is unclear, but the Foundation is convinced of the fact that the two countermeasures it has taken will prove to be fruitful in order to mitigate any negative effects (see below).

We are expecting a verdict from the High Council within three to six months.

2. Procedure against the Dutch Central Bank

We have informed you in the past that the Dutch Central Bank has declared the Foundation ‘inadmissible’ in our appeal against them and we have initiated a procedure at the Administrative Court of Rotterdam in order to challenge this decision. Around year-end we expect the hearing where we could explain our complaints and around April 2014 we expect a verdict. In the light of a specific part of the cassation-procedure this procedure, in which all participants of the foundation take part without any extra charge, this procedure is more important than originally thought and we will devote more effort in order to get a prosperous verdict.

Even if the judges from the Administrative Court in Rotterdam will not honour our complaints there is a second appeal possible at the Council of State. Because of the increased importance of the role of the Dutch Central Bank we will definitely exhaust all legal possibilities in order to get a positive verdict.

3. Procedure at the European Court of Human Rights (only relevant for those who have applied)

After we had initially filed our appeal at the ECHR in a timely manner (deadline 23 August) the ECHR came up with a number of bureaucratic questions/requests, which caused an extra administrative burden. Thanks to the dedication of our participants (for which I am grateful) we have managed to take this additional hurdle again in time and have submitted all relevant paperwork this week (two weeks ago).

In the light of a specific part of the cassation-procedure described in this e-mail this legal procedure is an excellent part of our strategy whereby we keep the Dutch judges under pressure and we are more than happy that we have initiated it (and a huge part of the participants has followed us). In the unlikely case however that the final verdict of the Enterprise Chamber will bring a negative outcome (compensation 0) we still have this second route to follow in order to get a proper compensation for the expropriation.

4. Next update

Based on our current estimate of future developments we expect the next update not earlier than around Christmas. Hopefully you will understand that we must have something substantial to communicate before we send you a new update. Although we understand your ‘ímpatience’ it is therefore not necessary to send us an e-mail requesting whether there is any news because you might have experienced that we are quite alert. Thank you for your understanding!

Times lengthening on SNS-Reaal case - The Malta Independent
The Dutch activist representing a number of Maltese investors in SNS-Reaal, Frans Faas, did not have exactly comforting news to those who had sought his help in trying to recoup their investments.

Mr Faas told investors grouped in a foundation:

1. Cassation/Appeal from the Dutch State

As announced before, the Dutch State has filed an appeal against the preliminary verdict of the Enterprise Chamber at the High Council.

It is quite difficult (and unnecessary) to summarise this 84-pages long appeal. It is the task of the High Council to judge on a proper interpretation of the Intervention Act. The outcome is unclear, especially because the Intervention Act has never been challenged before.

However I would like to share with you three headlines from the appeal which might be relevant:

A. The Dutch State argues that the Enterprise Chamber should not take into account the prices paid on the Stock Exchange just before the expropriation.

In my opinion this argument will not be honoured because in the explanatory/accompanying notes to the Intervention Act, the stock price is explicitly mentioned as – one of the – relevant measures on which a compensation should be based. Furthermore, originally it was supposed to be the only measure.

B. The Dutch State argues that the Enterprise Chamber could not argue that the compensation would definitely be higher than zero.

This is a statement that we initially can understand because the Enterprise Chamber argues that they need support from experts to determine the value but on the other hand has concluded for itself that the outcome should be higher than zero and the experts – to be nominated – should accept that. In my perception the Enterprise Chamber has already concluded that – in any case – the prices paid on the Stock Exchange must play a vital role and because these prices – even close to the expropriation – were significantly higher than zero, the outcome statistically must be higher than zero and furthermore has taken into account that according to the European Council of Human Rights an expropriation without any compensation is only justified in exceptional cases.

Even if the High Council would honour this argument from the Dutch State it is no problem because I believe we have overwhelming evidence as to the positive value of the company and/or their bonds.

C. The Dutch State argues that the Enterprise Chamber should not exclude future effects of decisions taken prior to the nationalisation in determining the value of the securities at the moment the bonds were expropriated.

This is a tricky point because it refers to the intended decision of the Dutch Central Bank to withdraw the banking permit of SNS (the so-called SREP-decision). It must be clear that if the Dutch Central Bank would have taken this decision (and any appeals against it were turned down), this inevitably would have had a deteriorating effect on the value (and price) of the bonds.

Whatever the High Council is going to decide on this point is unclear, but the Foundation is convinced of the fact that the two countermeasures it has taken will prove to be fruitful in order to mitigate any negative effects (see below).

We are expecting a verdict from the High Council within three to six months.

2. Procedure against the Dutch Central Bank

We have informed you in the past that the Dutch Central Bank has declared the Foundation ‘inadmissible’ in our appeal against them and we have initiated a procedure at the Administrative Court of Rotterdam in order to challenge this decision. Around year-end we expect the hearing where we could explain our complaints and around April 2014 we expect a verdict. In the light of a specific part of the cassation-procedure this procedure, in which all participants of the foundation take part without any extra charge, this procedure is more important than originally thought and we will devote more effort in order to get a prosperous verdict.

Even if the judges from the Administrative Court in Rotterdam will not honour our complaints there is a second appeal possible at the Council of State. Because of the increased importance of the role of the Dutch Central Bank we will definitely exhaust all legal possibilities in order to get a positive verdict.

3. Procedure at the European Court of Human Rights (only relevant for those who have applied)

After we had initially filed our appeal at the ECHR in a timely manner (deadline 23 August) the ECHR came up with a number of bureaucratic questions/requests, which caused an extra administrative burden. Thanks to the dedication of our participants (for which I am grateful) we have managed to take this additional hurdle again in time and have submitted all relevant paperwork this week (two weeks ago).

In the light of a specific part of the cassation-procedure described in this e-mail this legal procedure is an excellent part of our strategy whereby we keep the Dutch judges under pressure and we are more than happy that we have initiated it (and a huge part of the participants has followed us). In the unlikely case however that the final verdict of the Enterprise Chamber will bring a negative outcome (compensation 0) we still have this second route to follow in order to get a proper compensation for the expropriation.

4. Next update

Based on our current estimate of future developments we expect the next update not earlier than around Christmas. Hopefully you will understand that we must have something substantial to communicate before we send you a new update. Although we understand your ‘ímpatience’ it is therefore not necessary to send us an e-mail requesting whether there is any news because you might have experienced that we are quite alert. Thank you for your understanding!

Times lengthening on SNS-Reaal case - The Malta Independent

Praticamente un anno solo per discutere il ricorso del ministro:wall:
Infatti nessuno ha detto che Akros lo fà gratis

Akros è una banca particolare,e lo sai prima che se trasferisci paghi 10 euro,ma non ci mettono le settimane ma 3gg lavorativi,quindi mi và bene cosi.
Se uno volesse potrebbe impuntarsi e non ti farebbero pagare,ma ripeto a ME va bene cosi.

Questa mania di perfezionismo ti fà passare a volte la voglia di dare info a chi non le sà:rolleyes:

aggiungo che sono 10 eurini spesi bene, akros trasferisce rispetto ai tempi di altre banche a velocita' della luce
(cosa che alcune volte fa guadagnare ben piu' di 10 euro)
aggiungo che sono 10 eurini spesi bene, akros trasferisce rispetto ai tempi di altre banche a velocita' della luce
(cosa che alcune volte fa guadagnare ben piu' di 10 euro)

Ovviamente un tipo attento e preparato capisce quello che volevo dire.:up:Io pagherei 10 euro anche Iw se mi trasferisce in 3gg
11 novembre 2013, 17:42

Top SNS REAAL deve abilitare periodo di nazionalizzazione .
Stichting Beheer SNS REAAL ha presentato una petizione alla Corte distrettuale di Amsterdam, a SNS REAAL per lo svolgimento di un'udienza preliminare di testimoni . Questo ha reso la Fondazione ha annunciato , dopo la chiusura del mercato .

La Fondazione ritiene che il nazionalizzata SNS REAAL ex azionista principale di informazioni inesatte fornite , rendendo impossibile per la Fondazione di raggiungere l'adeguata compensazione .

Da testimoni , la Fondazione "La disponibilità di informazioni pertinenti in possesso della SNS REAAL sicuro " . Qualcosa di cui la Fondazione è assolutamente necessario , come ministro Jeroen Dijsselbloem esplicitamente dichiarato di essere a condividere . Informazioni rilevanti non richiesta

Anche improvvisamente e senza giustificazione ritirare la denuncia presentata contro la decisione del SREP Nederlandsche Bank ha portato la Fondazione a procedere a interrogatori .

Infine , i testimoni sono anche assicurare che i conducenti interessati e funzionari pubblici responsabili per il periodo precedente la nazionalizzazione della SNS REAAL
Fondazione vuole testimoni SNS REAAL

Lunedì 11 novembre 2013, 20:23 am | Leggi 155 volte

UTRECHT - Stichting Beheer SNS REAAL ha depositato un ricorso presso il tribunale di Amsterdam di tenere un'udienza preliminare sul corso degli eventi che alla fine hanno portato alla nazionalizzazione del settore bancario e assicurativo .

L'ex socio di maggioranza, con una capacità di 1,1 miliardi persi con l'espropriazione , vuole attraverso l'esame di , tra gli altri, (ex) amministratori della banca assicurazione ancora ottenere tutte le informazioni necessarie per la causa dinanzi alla Camera Enterprise di risarcimento di danni . La fondazione dice così lontano per aver potuto perché SNS REAAL non ha dato tutte le informazioni. Sua non è una buona difesa nel procedimento

L'Enterprise sezione della Corte di Appello di Amsterdam ha ordinato a luglio in una decisione provvisoria di un esperto per determinare se gli investitori truffati hanno diritto ad un risarcimento . Tale decisione è Jeroen Dijsselbloem ministro delle Finanze è andato in cassazione alla Corte Suprema . Ciò significa che la procedura di compensazione richiede ancora tempo . "Questo è un motivo importante per la società con l'ascolto dei testimoni della disponibilità di informazioni pertinenti in possesso della SNS REAAL sicuro da immaginare. Directory "

responsabilità pubblica

La fondazione sostiene l'audizione di testimoni , tra cui alcuni funzionari del ministero delle Finanze e la Banca centrale olandese , vogliono anche portare un processo che ha coinvolto la responsabilità pubblica per il periodo precedente la nazionalizzazione il 1 ° febbraio 2013. Andare

Dijsselbloem ha deciso di nazionalizzare la preoccupazione finanziaria, perché secondo lui , minacciava di crollare. SNS Il gruppo era venuto in grande difficoltà dal fallito ' avventura vera ' e dalla crisi . Il crollo del gruppo , la stabilità del sistema finanziario olandese sono stati compromessi .
SNS REAAL : BinckBank takes over fund supermarkt Fundcoach from SNS Bank
11/12/2013 | 02:26am US/EasternRecommend:
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

BinckBank NV ("BinckBank") and SNS Bank NV ("SNS Bank") have agreed on the takeover of fund supermarket Fundcoach ("Fundcoach") by BinckBank. Fundcoach is currently part of SNS Bank.

With the takeover of Fundcoach, BinckBank responds on changes in the market following the abolition of kickback fees. After the takeover, BinckBank's market share increases to over € 1 billion in managed funds. BinckBank is convinced that economies of scale are a precondition to offer a sustainable and independent range of mutual funds.

Guido van Aubel, Managing Director at BinckBank:
"First of all, I would like to welcome the customers of Fundcoach. I emphasize that BinckBank, as an investment specialist, will carefully listen to the great need of investors for mutual funds. The market share of households that invest in mutual funds continues to rise. This confirms the appetite among Dutch retail investors for mutual funds.As a consequence of the abolition of kickback fees as per 1 January 2014, we expect that some retail investors might be sensitive to the high advisory fees for mutual funds. Combined with a declining range of mutual funds offered by the major banks, this could lead to a shift towards 'execution only'. With the mutual fund supermarket, BinckBank customers have access to a wide variety of high-quality mutual funds not offered by major banks. BinckBank will also add ETFs to its product range. This fits perfectly with providing the DIY investor who wants to investindependently without the daily hustle and bustle of the stock market."

Ton Timmerman, Director Customer Relationship Management & Commercial Support at SNS Bank:
"We are pleased this agreement enables our SNS Fundcoach customers to be accommodated at a company with a good track record in the area of retail investing. SNS Bank will focus on its core banking activities such as savings, payments and mortgages. This ambition requires a different ind of investment solutions for retail customers".

Fundcoach has over 30,000 customers and the assets under management amount to over € 600 million. Completion of the takeover is envisaged for the second quarter of 2014, provided DNB gives approval by issuing a Declaration of no objection for both SNS Bank and BinckBank.

Hai capito binck....
Questa penso sia una brutta notizia.

Fondazione liquidazione del debito SNS bancarotta
Pubblicato il 12 Nov 2013 alle 16:25 Fallimento

L'AIA (Reuters) - Una fondazione che è stato istituito per saldare il debito privato della banca e assicuratore sulla nazionalizzazione della SNS REAAL sia stata dichiarata fallita. Questo studio legale ha BarentsKrans, che agisce per conto di diversi soggetti che hanno perso denaro attraverso l'espropriazione, ha riferito Martedì. Un portavoce per l'Olanda corte centrale ha confermato che il fallimento è stato.
All'inizio di febbraio, la nazionalizzazione subordinati debiti privati ​​di SNS trasferiti alla fondazione privata Liquidazione debito SNS REAAL. In precedenza era chiaro che la fondazione non avrebbe mai potuto pagare perché mancavano capitale e nessuna attività svolte debiti.
E 'bene che ora può essere stabilito che il subordinato creditori privati ​​niente da aspettarsi dalla fondazione,'' il curatore ha detto l'avvocato William Schonewille di BarentsKrans. Essi possono ora, nel suo pensiero di ogni altra azione legale.

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