FTSE Mib Futures solointraday - Cap. 2 (3 lettori)

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Forumer storico
Io proprio non riesco a capire come cavolo riescono a non farmi entrare. Sono 15' minuti che ho un ordine a 6746 e dove si arrestano ... 6746,5.


Fed's Fisher-QE3 is Wall Street wishful 'fantasy'

SAN MARCOS, Texas, Feb 15 (Reuters) - A top Federal
Reserve official had a message Wednesday to investors worldwide:
don't expect anything more from the Fed.
Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street economists have for
months predicted the U.S.central bank will embark on a third
round of quantitative easing, or QE3, adding to purchases of
long-term securities that have already pushed the Fed's balance
sheet to nearly $3 trillion.
"There will be no QE3," Dallas Fed President RichardFisher
told reporters after a speech here. "I think it's a fantasy of
Wall Street -- it's not going to happen, it's not necessary."
There is no need for interest rates to go any lower, he
said, barring a drop into deflation or some unexpectedshock.

(Reporting by Ann Saphir; Editing by Chizu Nomiyama)
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