TBOND BUND (VM 1984) 2012: la profezia dei Maya o la rinascita

Test della Pirelli per presentare dei nuovi pneumatici Rally per autostoriche
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[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-K7CV1xx1uA&feature=endscreen&NR=1"]Test Alen, Andreucci, Kankkunen Pirelli P7 Corsa Classic - YouTube[/ame]

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A proposito! L'altro giorno al TG hanno fatto vedere i ritrovi dei kart d'epoca. Manco sapevo esistessero! :lol:

PS: mostruoso il deltone ECV
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Ditro, avevo letto che le cartucce Fed per proseguite con l'operazione Twist erano agli sgoccioli, qui sembra leggere la conferma tra le righe......

Rosengren Says Renewed Fed Operation Twist to Spur Growth - Bloomberg

The Boston Fed Chief said any new accommodation would hinge on the Federal Open Market Committee reaching a consensus. Also, the form of any easing would “partly depend on how the consensus formed.”
A second Operation Twist would be “limited in scope because it’s limited by the amount of securities we hold,” he said. “If you want to do something more substantial, then you would have to do it through greater clarity on communication or expanding the balance sheet,” he said.

Dopo purchased $2.3 trillion of securities in two rounds of large-scale asset purchases ce ne buttano ancora?????:mmmm:
Fed Stimulus Odds Climb to 80% After Jobs: Morgan Stanley - Bloomberg

The U.S. central bank is close to completing its program to replace $400 billion of shorter-term debt in its holdings with longer maturities by the end of this month to support the economy by keeping down borrowing costs. The program, known as Operation Twist, ends this month. The FOMC meets June 20.

al 20 di Giugno non ci arrivo.....:sad:........mi prende l'esaurinemto prima.....:wall:
Ditro, avevo letto che le cartucce Fed per proseguite con l'operazione Twist erano agli sgoccioli, qui sembra leggere la conferma tra le righe......

Rosengren Says Renewed Fed Operation Twist to Spur Growth - Bloomberg

The Boston Fed Chief said any new accommodation would hinge on the Federal Open Market Committee reaching a consensus. Also, the form of any easing would “partly depend on how the consensus formed.”
A second Operation Twist would be “limited in scope because it’s limited by the amount of securities we hold,” he said. “If you want to do something more substantial, then you would have to do it through greater clarity on communication or expanding the balance sheet,” he said.

Dopo purchased $2.3 trillion of securities in two rounds of large-scale asset purchases ce ne buttano ancora?????:mmmm:

Hanno appiattito la curva, tolto i profitti alle banche che si son dovute ingegnare con i trader balenotteri oppure con i collocamenti di FB, un discreto fallimento complessivo salvo forse per l'immobiliare ma solo in piccola parte..

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