TBOND BUND (VM 1984) 2012: la profezia dei Maya o la rinascita

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dichiarazioni di draghi divise per argomento


ECB's Draghi says tensions in the market are not yet back to November and December levels
ECB's Draghi welcomes recapitalization of Greek banks
ECB's Draghi says some of the stress indicators are slightly better
ECB's Draghi says interbank markets are still dysfunctional
ECB's Draghi reiterates that banks must strengthen their balance sheets further
ECB's Draghi says subdued credit demand is likely to prevail in the period ahead
ECB's Draghi says underlying pace of monetary expansion remains subdued
ECB's Draghi says is aware that the latest data is to the downside
ECB's Draghi says soft data came in after projections finalized
ECB's Draghi says the baseline scenario of staff forecasts have not changed
ECB's Draghi says 2012 GDP growth between -0.5% and +0.3%
ECB's Draghi says indicators for Q2 point to weakening growth
ECB's Draghi says growth does remain weak in the Euro-zone
ECB's Draghi says economic outlook faces downside risks
ECB's Draghi says the SMP is there but it's temporary, and not infinite
ECB's Draghi says will have to make changes to ESM if want it to become a shareholder in banks
ECB's Draghi says allowing ESM to recapitalise banks would be good in some respects, but ESM being shareholder in banks carries risks
ECB's Draghi says ESM treaty at present time prohibits ESM from recapitalising banks directly
ECB's Draghi says any Spanish decision whether to access EFSF or not should be based on realistic assessment of banks' needs
ECB's Draghi says its up to governments themselves to decide whether they want to tap the EFSF or not, it is not ECB's job to push governments into action
ECB's Draghi reiterates we never pre-commit
ECB's Draghi says market fears about Euro-zone is not correct, but underestimate political commitment
ECB's Draghi says EU leaders should clarify future vision at the next summit
ECB's Draghi confirms he's on a working group looking at the Euro's future
ECB's Draghi says excessive imbalances exist in some Eurozone countries
ECB's Draghi says significant progress has been achieved on fiscal consolidation
ECB's Draghi says governments must restore fiscal positions
ECB's Draghi says ECB is able to act in firm and timely manner
ECB's Draghi says he doesn't think all opportunities offered by 2nd LTRO have been fully exploited and LTROs haven't fully exhausted their effects
ECB's Draghi says ECB will keep liquidity lines open to solvent banks
ECB's Draghi says the issue is whether more LTROs would be effective
ECB's Draghi says the LTROs have prevented other problems and more serious disruptions
ECB's Draghi reiterates that non-standard measures are temporary in nature
ECB's Draghi says the main refinancing operations will continue to be conducted for as long as is necessary; extending the operations until the end of the January 15th 2013
ECB's Draghi says first hints that upward inflation shifting might stop and be coming back
ECB's Draghi says higher commodity prices and indirect taxes are one off effects; inflation expectations are more anchored than they were before
ECB's Draghi says risks to projected inflation rates are broadly balanced
ECB's Draghi says ECB staff expects inflation to fall below 2% in early 2013; ECB staff revises 2012 inflation to 2.3% to 2.5% vs. Prev. 2.1% to 2.7%
ECB's Draghi says price developments to remain in line with price stability
ECB's Draghi says inflation likely to stay above 2% in 2012
ECB's Draghi says a few council members called for a rate cut today
ECB's Draghi says the rate decision today was a consensus
ECB's Draghi says there are still very low nominal rates; rates are very low
Twitter / MarioPlatero: Draghi, grande maestro di

Timing is on Euro's Side: Firewall will be launched just after Greek elections, ECB is waiting on the wing...

Are we going to witness a breakup of Greece from the Euro before the elections in Athens? Answer, most probably (90%?) no. The whole euro/sovereign debt management model is centered on the following dynamic/timing: Greek elections/G20in Cabo San Lucas/EU main 4 summit in Rome/Ecb keeping a vigilant eye.
1) Greek elections on June 17th should provide a marginal increase for the center party. Extremes will be more isolated. The scare of the first post election, the current dramatic situation, the impossibility of forming a government, the general (as Bini Smaghi said apparently irrational) will to stay in the euro of the vast majoirty of the Greek population, pressures from all leaders, from Hollande to Obama, should create conditions for a stronger centrist result.
2) If that doesn't happen (and it may possibile of course) chaos may prevail. But the G20 will gather in Cabo San Lucas, in Baja California in Mexico on Monday June 18th/Tuesday 19th. During that gathering the G20 will formally launch a firewall of about 1,1-2 trillion E which will become fully operational hopefully immediately. At that point even if Greece will de facto exit the euro the contagion effect for Spain/Italy will be under control from a psychological view point.
3) Ideally we should also have some progress on the Eurobond/ banks guarantees side of the equation. And ideally that will be discussed during informal meetings in Los Cabo, and ratified again in one form or another at the Rome Summit hosted by Monti with Merkel, Rajoy, Hollande.
4) Also, the Ecb is clearly wait on the wing, ready to intervene with massive liquidity should the situation get dire before the Greek elections. Anyway, the Ecb will play its part once the EU main government will get their act together and provide further liquidity
Will it work? I think it will. Long live the Euro, but I am open for a debate :)
Draghi: le colpe della crisi non sono solo dell'Europa. Crescita più debole, aumenta l'incertezza - Il Sole 24 ORE

Dare tutte le colpe all'Europa non è equilibrato
Lo stesso ha detto che la crisi dell' «Eurozona molto lontana da crisi Lehman. Non è equilibrato affermare che solo l'Europa ha responsabilità nella crisi». Lo ha dichiarato il presidente della Bce, Mario Draghi, in conferenza stampa, a due giorni dalla dura strigliata del presidente degli Stati Uniti, Barack Obama, nei confronti delle autorità europee, accusate di aver affrontato la crisi in maniera errata. «È vero che le tensioni sui mercati al momento sono legate all'Europa ma ci sono altri Paesi che hanno le loro responsabilità e non hanno ancora risolto i loro problemi» ha sottolineato Draghi.

E l'abbronzato che ha voluto capire l'ha capita.........:D:D:D:D
secondo me, quando nel papuozzo di Gipa si legge che Bernakka non piace a Romney,
si può intuire quello che farà la FED ;)

Sono un guru incompreso... :sad::sad::sad::D:D:D
comunque i rally si nutrono di speranza ma se la speranza non viene poi sostituita da una pranzo luculliano la speranza si può rapidamente trasformare in terrore, per cui bella li Obama ieri, bella li Draghi e la sua vision di europa da esplicitare, bella li bernanke ed il QE.. ma le carte vanno mostrate.. per cui per il momento il mio scenario è per il momento baciato dalla fortuna ma i cambiamenti sono sempre dietro l'angolo, alla faccia di caruso... :lol::lol::lol:

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