Tbond Bund (VM69) 2013: Bandits Unchained tra Krug bubbles and balls

Intervista del WP con ABE.. ho estrapolato un passaggio chiave....

Q: What is their larger purpose, do you think? What is China trying to achieve with what it is doing in the Senkaku Islands?
Abe: China, as a nation, is a country under the one-party rule of the Communist Party, but it has introduced the market economy. As a country that is under the one-party rule of the Communist Party, normally what they should be seeking is equality of results. And I believe it is fair to say that is probably what constitutes the legitimacy of one-party rule by the Communist Party. But as a result of introducing the market economy, China, has dropped one of its pillars of legitimacy, which was equal results for all.
This has led them to require some different pillars — one of which is high economic growth, and another of which is patriotism.
As part of their effort to seek natural resources needed for their high economic growth, I believe they are moving into the sea.
And the other pillar they are now seeking is teaching patriotism in their education. What is unfortunate, however, is that in the case of China, teaching patriotism is also teaching anti-Japanese sentiment. In other words, their education policy of teaching patriotism has become even more pronounced as they started the reform and opening policy.
In that process, in order to gain natural resources for their economy, China is taking action by coercion or intimidation, both in the South China Sea and the East China Sea. This is also resulting in strong support from the people of China, who have been brought up through this educational system that attaches emphasis on patriotism.
This, however, is also a dilemma faced by China. That is to say, the mood and atmosphere created by the education in China attaching importance on patriotism — which is in effect focusing on anti-Japanese sentiment — is in turn undermining their friendly relationship with Japan and having an adverse effect on its economic growth. And the Chinese government is well aware of this.
Q: Okay, so if you are going to follow this theory through, it means the problem in China is very ingrained. How does Japan counter that, and do you see any solution to the maritime issue, and more broadly, between Japan and China in their overall relationship?
Abe: What is important, first of all, is that their leaders as well as business leaders recognize how deeply ingrained this issue is. Because without having this recognition, they will not be able to find a solution that can produce results. In this context, I wish to make the point that without economic growth, they will not be able to control the 1.3 billion people in China under the one-party rule by the Communist Party.
What is important, first and foremost, is to make them realize that they would not be able to change the rules or take away somebody’s territorial water or territory by coercion or intimidation. Accordingly, for the first time in 11 years, I have increased our defense budget, as well as the budget for the Japan coast guard. It is important for us to have them recognize that it is impossible to try to get their way by coercion or intimidation. In that regard, the Japan-U.S. alliance, as well as the U.S. presence, would be critical.
I believe it will be important to establish rules for ensuring freedom of the sea, not only in the East China Sea, but also including the South China Sea.
Regarding the Senkaku Islands, which is under the valid control of Japan, we need to make them recognize that that current status of Japan’s valid control cannot be changed by coercion or intimidation. Such behavior is going to have an effect on their economic activity at the end of the day, because it will lead to losing the confidence of the international community which will result in less investments in China. I believe it is fully possible to have China to change their policy once they gain that recognition.
Now, while Japan is also gaining profit through our investments in China, China is also enjoying an increase in jobs of 10 million or so as a result of investments being made by Japan in China. Obviously when there is greater risk, Japan’s investment will start to drop sharply, and I believe it would be important for them to realize that.

però c'è un però.. a mio modo di vedere.
Ed è questo qui
<More than 95 percent of Italian companies employ fewer than 10 people. They do not have the resources to invest in research and development and the cash-strapped state is cutting back in its own research funding.>

la famosa 'piccola e media' impresa... in realtà dovremmo dire la 'micro e nano' impresa si sarà resa conto che essere piccoli significa solo produrre 'in piccolo'? più in basso di così, 95%, non si potrà andare no? siamo al fondo e da qui non possiamo far altro che risalire o per risalire ci vuole un cambio di mentalità?

ancora mi ricordo l'anno 2000, che a Sydney mi dissero 'perchè non resti a lavorare qui con noi?' risposta: no!

e la stessa risposta NO è stata nel 2007 e nel dicembre scorso, per lavorare in UK...sarò l'unico kollione che vuole restare in Italia???:clava:
però c'è un però.. a mio modo di vedere.
Ed è questo qui
<More than 95 percent of Italian companies employ fewer than 10 people. They do not have the resources to invest in research and development and the cash-strapped state is cutting back in its own research funding.>

la famosa 'piccola e media' impresa... in realtà dovremmo dire la 'micro e nano' impresa si sarà resa conto che essere piccoli significa solo produrre 'in piccolo'? più in basso di così, 95%, non si potrà andare no? siamo al fondo e da qui non possiamo far altro che risalire o per risalire ci vuole un cambio di mentalità?

ancora mi ricordo l'anno 2000, che a Sydney mi dissero 'perchè non resti a lavorare qui con noi?' risposta: no!

e la stessa risposta NO è stata nel 2007 e nel dicembre scorso, per lavorare in UK...sarò l'unico kollione che vuole restare in Italia???:clava:

Si Wooll però dobbiamo smontare l'assurda mentalità di questo paese.. purtroppo dobbiamo lottare più duro degli altri.. io se fosse per me smonterei proprio l'intero sistema ma per il momento cominciamo dall'italia che comunque è il più duro ma anche il più semplice eprchè come dici tu si parte dal basso... :titanic::specchio::up:
Sul brevissimo possibile un doppio minimo...


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