Tbond Bund (VM69) 2013: Bandits Unchained tra Krug bubbles and balls

Comunque ritornando al cross l'aspetto molto interessante che ho preferito bypassare nell'analisi di cui sopra è il fatto che il deficit commerciale USA ha ragginto un minimo dal 2007.. siamo a 38 miliardi di dollari di deficit commerciale e la maggiore causa di questo calo è questo:

The oil and gas picture is improving. The trade deficit for petroleum-based goods alone shrank from $326 billion in 2011 to about $291 billion last year. That’s still a big deficit, but oil imports fell by about $24 billion. Meanwhile, petroleum-related exports rose by more than $10 billion. According to analysis of the data by IHS Global Insight, an international consulting group, oil imports in December hit their lowest level since December 1999.

Read more: Sebastien Galy On Declining US Oil Imports - Business Insider


questo secondo me è il trend che sta cambiando e darà forzza al dollaro nei prossimi mesi...


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Comunque ritornando al cross l'aspetto molto interessante che ho preferito bypassare nell'analisi di cui sopra è il fatto che il deficit commerciale USA ha ragginto un minimo dal 2007.. siamo a 38 miliardi di dollari di deficit commerciale e la maggiore causa di questo calo è questo:

The oil and gas picture is improving. The trade deficit for petroleum-based goods alone shrank from $326 billion in 2011 to about $291 billion last year. That’s still a big deficit, but oil imports fell by about $24 billion. Meanwhile, petroleum-related exports rose by more than $10 billion. According to analysis of the data by IHS Global Insight, an international consulting group, oil imports in December hit their lowest level since December 1999.

Read more: Sebastien Galy On Declining US Oil Imports - Business Insider


questo secondo me è il trend che sta cambiando e darà forzza al dollaro nei prossimi mesi...

L'unico rischio ed è la ragione per cui penso che prima il cross euro dollaro possa ancora farsi un gro in su è dovuto alle decisioni fiscali che docranno prendere gli USA entro marzo che potrebbero pendere da una parte o dall'latra del trend sul breve/medio.. ma poi la strada secondo me è segnata...


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L'unico rischio ed è la ragione per cui penso che prima il cross euro dollaro possa ancora farsi un gro in su è dovuto alle decisioni fiscali che docranno prendere gli USA entro marzo che potrebbero pendere da una parte o dall'latra del trend sul breve/medio.. ma poi la strada secondo me è segnata...

scenario del tutto logico e presino auspicabile per noi
se non fosse che il dollaro pagherà il fiscal cliff e si riprenderà
e noi pagheremo un bel casino politico ancota per sei/nove mesi

scommessa: contratti di solidarietà a gogo da maggio


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Articolo Reuters molto interessante..... innazitutto i tedeschi rompono a tutti e non solo a noi italiani... :D e poi interessante lo studio DB citato...

February 10, 2013

ECB's Asmussen : French Problems Lie Within, Not in Forex


BERLIN (Reuters) - European Central Bank Executive board member Joerg Asmussen has said France's economic problems are not a function of the euro exchange rate but lie within the country, rejecting calls from France for a medium-term target for the euro.
France is set to raise concerns about the euro's strength at talks among euro zone finance ministers on Monday and at a mid-February meeting of G20 economic powers, but other governments are more concerned about the health of the euro zone's second largest economy.
"The core of the problem lies inside the country and not in the foreign exchange rate," Asmussen told the Handelsblatt newspaper, according to excerpts released on Sunday of an interview appearing in Monday's edition.
"I am glad that the French government has made increasing competitiveness into its central topic."
Calls by French President Francois Hollande on Tuesday for the euro zone to set a medium-term target for the euro got a frosty response from Berlin, which opposes intervening on currency markets.
ECB President Mario Draghi said on Thursday that the central bank would monitor the economic impact of a strengthening euro, feeding expectations that a climbing currency could open the door to an interest rate cut, and sending the euro lower.
Asmussen said it was "extremely important" that France meet its public deficit target this year. The EU has a structural deficit ceiling of 3 percent of gross domestic product.
"If forecasts point to the target being missed, it is in the Paris government's own interest to take additional measures," Asmussen was quoted as saying.
Concerned that weakness in the French economy could hurt Germany and the zone as a whole, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble last year asked a panel of advisers to look into reform proposals for France.
A foreign exchange target would be a bigger help for France than Germany, a study by Deutsche Bank last month suggested.
It said France's exporters start being priced out of world markets when the euro rises above $1.22-$1.24 - a level it has already long left behind, to trade around $1.33 now.
Germany's higher value-added exports only start to be disadvantaged when the exchange rate is above $1.54. Until that point, there is little damage to the German economy, and indeed some benefit from a strong euro because it keeps the prices of imported goods and hence inflation in check.
(Reporting by Annika Breidthardt; Editing by Kevin Liffey)
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Marc Faber : "What would you do if you were a strategist for the military in China, and you knew all the raw materials come here from the Strait of Malacca - and you have an American fleet around, and military bases and naval bases? I think you would be very concerned," he said. "I am quite negative, I think we will head into huge tensions - not just in the Middle East, but also in South-East Asia because that is the backyard of China." , Dr Marc Faber told the Mining Indaba forum in Cape Town South Africa on Tuesday

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