Tbond Bund (VM69) 2014: 2014 il ritorno di Smaug

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Goooood morning bbbbanda !!!!

Alla fine vorrei capire se ľaccordo di cui parlano oggi sia meglio o peggio di quello respinto con il referendum

grazie Madiba :up::up:

The specifics have not yet been published, but it is clear that the deal signed is more punitive and demanding than the one that its government has spent the past five months desperately trying to resist.

The accord follows 48 hours in which Germany demanded control of Greece’s finances or its withdrawal from the euro. Many observers across Europe were stunned by the move.
His conclusion was succinct. “We were set up.”
And he was adamant about who is responsible. I asked whether German attitudes control the outlook of the Eurogroup. Varoufakis went further. “Oh completely and utterly. Not attitudes – the finance minister of Germany. It is all like a very well-tuned orchestra and he is the director.
“Only the French minister [Michel Sapin] made noises that were different from the German line, and those noises were very subtle. You could sense he had to use very judicious language, to be seen not to oppose. And in the final analysis, when Dr Schäuble responded and effectively determined the official line, the French minister would always fold.”
If Schäuble was the unrelenting enforcer, the German chancellor Angela Merkel presented a different face. While Varoufakis never dealt with her, he said, “From my understanding, she was very different. She tried to placate the Prime Minister [Tsipras] – she said ‘We’ll find a solution, don’t worry about it, I won’t let anything awful happen, just do your homework and work with the institutions, work with the Troika; there can be no dead end here.’”
The divide seems to have been brief, and perhaps even deliberate. Varoufakis thinks that Merkel and Schäuble’s control over the Eurogroup is absolute, and that the group itself is beyond the law.

kikashi !!

imho i teteski hanno accettato il patto perchè :
1 aumenta il debito greco , cioè li mette definitivamente in mano al creditore
2 è destinato a fallire, e quindi la grecia mette il cappio al collo
3 loro e solo loro e i loro amici baltici hanno in mano quanlche garanzia, gestita da KFW

qundi tra due anni saremo a ripetere la manfrina, ma con i francia e italia spinti a stritolare la grecia o perdono i soldi
e i tedeski a fare i moderati tanto loro sono garantiti

ma lo FMI swta già romprendo le uoven nel panieren :cool::cool:
vuole l'univa kosa che i tetezki hanno detto ai loro elettori che non accettano: il taglio del nominale :mumble:

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