Azioni Italia Titoli al vaglio marzo 2010

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...qui è ancora fermo :)

By JOSH KOVNER The Hartford Courant 1:01 p.m. EST, March 10, 2010

NEW BRITAIN — - Some tradespeople were working up to 90 hours a week at the Kleen Energy construction site in Middletown in the weeks leading up to the Feb. 7 natural-gas explosion that killed six workers, the state labor commissioner Wednesday told a panel looking into causes of the blast.

Linda Agnew, commissioner of the state Department of Labor, said the agency's wage-and-hour unit has reviewed payroll records of 56 contractors that did work at the site in the six months leading up to Feb. 7.

She said that a significant number of workers were working longer than 40 hours a week and that skilled tradespeople were working an average of 50 to 90 hours a week. She said those were unusually high averages, but she said there are no laws restricting work hours.

Senior U.S. District Judge Alan H. Nevas, who is heading the inquiry panel, questioned the absence of work limits and asked Agnew if she thought that hours should be restrained at potentially dangerous work sites. Agnew said the judge's question warranted study.

The frenetic pace of the work at the Kleen Energy plant has been an issue since the explosion. Crews were working seven days a week in preparation for a May or June opening, although regulatory filings show the plant's official start date was in November.

The explosion occurred after a tremendous amount of natural gas pooled behind the power building and was ignited by any one of a number of potential ignition sources. The gas escaped while pipelines were being purged, or cleaned — a dangerous operation that normally requires the area to be evacuated and all power sources to be shut off, investigators said. However, other work was being performed during the purgings at Kleen Energy on Feb. 7, including welding, grinding, pipe-insulating and carpentry, investigators said.

O&G Industries, the general contractor and minority owner of the project, had personnel at the site on Feb. 7, as did Keystone Construction and Maintenance Services, a major subcontractor, and Blue Water Energy Solutions, which was involved in the commissioning of the power plant.

....male non fa :)

mi dispiace per gli operai............speravo potesse risalire senza tali notizie !!!!!
Grazie per l'informazione.....cerco di approfondirla !
Sì vabbeh è successo il 7 febbraio questo si sapeva. Ci sono state contestazioni e qualcuno ha avanzato dubbi sulle centrali a gas... L'errore è stato in fase di startup per la fretta... Non impedirà lo sviluppo del gas come fonte di energia più pulita del carbone e per i veicoli... Sta per partire il trendone ragazzi!;)
ueila ciao magiel:up:
cosa significa ti ho seguito...
ti sei girato??? quando???:eek::eek:
sai proprio oggi pensavo che a 22600 circa non avrei lossato i lev tre settimane fa

è lo sò sai .......anche io se fossi rimasto dentro con tutti i long...magari avrei pure fatto i da 20500 siamo a 22700 storno potrebbe esserci.......... non mi aspetto i crash anzi mi sono pure rotto di sentirli nominare......però dopo 2000 punti up..........

cmq anche io ieri a 22300 circa........
è lo sò sai .......anche io se fossi rimasto dentro con tutti i long...magari avrei pure fatto i da 20500 siamo a 22700 storno potrebbe esserci.......... non mi aspetto i crash anzi mi sono pure rotto di sentirli nominare......però dopo 2000 punti up..........

cmq anche io ieri a 22300 circa........

grande magiel :up:
ma sei riuscito ad uscirne indenne?
hai avuto 2 @@ così. complimenti.

ora così sei corto..... buono a sapersi:D
riapriamo la ditta Magiel & Matley corporation?:D

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