Titoli di Stato area Euro Titoli di stato Portogallo - Tendenze ed operatività

Euro area annual inflation is expected to be -0.2% in April 2016, down from 0.0% in March, according to a flash estimate from Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union.

Looking at the main components of euro area inflation, services is expected to have the highest annual rate in April (1.0%, compared with 1.4% in March), followed by food, alcohol & tobacco (0.8%, stable compared with March), non-energy industrial goods, (0.5%, stable compared with March) and energy (-8.6%, compared with -8.7% in March).

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Seasonally adjusted GDP rose by 0.6% in the euro area (EA19) and by 0.5% in the EU28 during the first quarter of 2016, compared with the previous quarter, according to a preliminary flash estimate published by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union. In the fourth quarter of 2015, GDP grew by 0.3% in the euro area and by 0.4% in the EU28.

Compared with the same quarter of the previous year, seasonally adjusted GDP rose by 1.6% in the euro area and by 1.7% in the EU28 in the first quarter of 2016, after +1.6% and +1.8% respectively in the previous quarter.

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The euro area (EA19) seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate was 10.2% in March 2016, down from 10.4% in February 2016, and from 11.2% in March 2015. This is the lowest rate recorded in the euro area since August 2011.

The EU28 unemployment rate was 8.8% in March 2016, down from 8.9% in February 2016, and from 9.7% in March 2015. This is the lowest rate recorded in the EU28 for seven years, since April 2009. These figures are published by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union.

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Os dados revelam que com uma taxa de 12,1% em Março, idêntica à do Chipre, Portugal tem a quarta taxa de desemprego mais alta da União Europeia, a seguir à Grécia (24,4%), à Espanha (20,4%) e à Croácia (14,9%).

A taxa de desemprego em Portugal apontam agora para 615 mil desempregados, menos 64 mil do que há um ano. Na União Europeia há 21 milhões de pessoas à procura de trabalho, 16 milhões das quais na Zona Euro.

Em Portugal, a taxa de desemprego jovem está agora nos 30,7%, que é também uma das mais elevadas da Europa. Em causa estão 110 mil pessoas com menos de 25 anos que estão activamente à procura de trabalho.

L'ubiquo Dombrovskis commenta la situazione di Portogallo, Grecia e Italia. Video in inglese sotto.

European Commission Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis discusses a number of issues concerning Europe with "On the Move" host Guy Johnson, beginning with Friday’s review by DBRS Ltd. of Portugal's only investment-grade rating. On Greece, he said "We are ready to work very closely with IMF and Greek authorities" to work on legal form for contingency measures." On Italian banks, Dombrovskis said Italy’s Atlante bank-rescue fund is "an important step in the right direction." He said he believes the European Commission sees the fund as fully private initiative that does not entail state aid "We are in a consultation phase with Italian authorities, but our own assessment is that they have made substantial progress addressing the non-performing loans issue."

EC's Dombrovskis Speaks Out About Portugal, Greece, Italy
Dopo l'abbassamento in apertura, si risale, rimanendo sempre sotto la chiusura di ieri.
Grafico rendimenti ventennali periferici di questa settimana (PT blu, ES rosso, IT verde).
Frecciona fucsia in corrispondenza dell'inversione di tendenza del Porto-37 a seguito dell'annuncio di sospensione del trasferimento delle obbligazioni Novo Banco al BES.

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As vendas no comércio a retalho subiram 2,5% no primeiro trimestre, em termos homólogos, com uma subida mais expressiva entre os produtos alimentares, revela a informação publicada pelo Instituto Nacional de Estatística esta sexta-feira, 29 de Abril.

"No primeiro trimestre de 2016, as vendas no comércio a retalho subiram 2,5% em termos homólogos", o que compara com o aumento de 1,4% verificado no último trimestre do ano passado. "O agrupamento de produtos alimentares passou de uma variação de 1,2% no quarto trimestre de 2015 para 3,7% no primeiro trimestre de 2016, enquanto no agrupamento de produtos não alimentares as vendas aumentaram 1,7%", lê-se no destaque.

Vendas no comércio sobem 2,5% no primeiro trimestre

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