Titoli di Stato Italia Trading Titoli di Stato III° (Gennaio 2010 - Dicembre 2011) (62 lettori)

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Political Instability ‘Key Risk’ for Italy’s Finances, S&P Says

By Lorenzo Totaro - Nov 2, 2010 3:04 PM GMT+0100 Tue Nov 02 14:04:29 GMT 2010

Standard & Poor’s Ratings Service warned that political instability may jeopardize Italy’s bid to cut the budget deficit, even as it affirmed the credit rating of the euro-region’s most indebted economy.
Italy’s ratings “could come under downward pressure if political instability were to impede the implementation of the current plan,” S&P said in a statement today, affirming Italy’s A+ long-term and A-1+ short-term sovereign credit rating with a “stable” outlook. “Potential political instability could be a key risk,” S&P said.

Surging borrowing costs triggered by Greece’s near-default and Europe’s sovereign-debt crisis prompted Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s government to pass deficit cuts worth 24.9 billion euros ($34.9 billion). The budget adjustment, which parliament approved in July, aims to reduce the deficit an additional 1.6 percent of gross domestic product to bring the shortfall within the European Union limit of 3 percent of GDP in 2012 from 5.3 percent last year.

The yield premium, or spread, that investors charge to hold Italian 10-year bonds over comparable German bunds, the European benchmark, widened by 6 basis points to 151.5 basis points today, the most in almost a month.
Berlusconi’s grip on power has weakened since his long- standing ally, Gianfranco Fini left the ruling People of Liberty party three months ago and founded a splinter group which has enough votes to sink the government. Tensions between the two intensified this week amid newspaper reports that Berlusconi allegedly secured the release of a 17-year-old woman from police custody in Milan.

Rift with Fini

Fini said Oct. 31 that Berlusconi will have to resign should it prove he used his powers to secure her release. When asked about the case, Berlusconi didn’t deny intervening, saying he only sent a friend to the police station to take custody of the girl because of the woman’s “tragic circumstances.”

“The increasing fragility of the current governing coalition makes implementing growth-enhancing structural reforms politically more challenging in the near term,” S&P said today.
On Sept. 29, Italy’s government maintained its budget- deficit forecast, while predicting stronger economic growth this year and higher debt. GDP will increase 1.2 percent in 2010, up from the 1 percent the government predicted on May 6. The $2.3 trillion economy will expand 1.3 percent next year.

Debt Levels

The government raised its debt forecast to 118.5 percent of GDP this year and 119.2 percent next year. It kept its deficit target of 5 percent of GDP this year and 3.9 percent next.
“Even if the government’s measures are fully implemented, we expect the gross debt ratio in Italy to touch 120 percent in 2011,” S&P credit analyst Eileen Zhang said in today’s report.

While Moody’s Investors Service has kept its rating of Italy unchanged at Aa2 since May 2002, S&P has been more willing to cut, slashing its rating twice in that period -- in July 2004 to AA- and again in October 2006 to A+. On May 7, Moody’s said that Italy is not among the countries most at risk from Europe’s debt crisis and its credit outlook for 2010 remained stable.

The euro region’s third-largest economy emerged in the third quarter of 2009 from its worst recession since World War II. It grew 0.5 percent in the three months through June as exports more than offset flat consumer spending.


Dicono di noi.


"Minori spese e buon andamento incassi fiscali"
(Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor) - Roma, 02 nov - Il fabbisogno
del settore statale di ottobre "riflette una contenuta
dinamica della spesa dell'Amministrazione statale e lo
slittamento al mese di novembre di alcuni pagamenti", spiega
il Tesoro. Inoltre, dal lato degli incassi, il saldo del
mese sconta, in linea con le stime, il minor gettito
dell'imposta sostitutiva su interessi e altri redditi da
capitale, in larga parte compensato dal buon andamento
complessivo degli altri incassi fiscali.


Forumer storico
Btp pesanti in chiusura, curva più piatta, resta tensione spread

martedì 2 novembre 2010 18:11

MILANO, 2 novembre (Reuters) - Finale di seduta con il segno
meno per i benchmark Btp, vittime dei realizzi che tornano a
concentrarsi sui mercati periferici a vantaggio della carta

Per quanto meno aggressive di quelle sul reddito fisso
irlandese, portoghese o spagnolo, le vendite non possono
risparmiare i governativi italiani che mostrano una nuova
tensione nello spread su Germania.

Sugli schermi Reuters YLDS5 il premio di rendimento del
Btp settembre 2020 rispetto al Bund della stessa scadenza segna
così un massimo di seduta a 148,1, livello intraday più elevato
dall'8 ottobre scorso.

"Nessun motivo particolare per vendere Italia... il mercato
si sta facendo prendere dal nervosismo e si nota un aumento
della volatilità in attesa della decisione Fed di domani sera ma
anche del risultato delle elezioni Usa di 'mid-term', che
dovrebbero sancire una netta sconfitta dei democratici" spiega
un operatore.

Particolarmente aggressive invece le vendite di reddito
fisso irlandese, con un effetto domino che fa del Portogallo la
prima vittima.

Di questa mattina la notizia che la maggioranza del primo
ministro Brian Cowen si è ridotta in parlamento a soli tre
seggi, mettendo ulteriormente a rischio il passaggio della
prossima finanziaria di austerity di Dublino.

Imperturbabile intanto il secondario italiano all'annuncio
di Standard & Poor's, che intorno a metà seduta ha confermato il
rating sovrano della Repubblica - 'A+' sul lungo termine con
outlook stabile - dando di fatto credito ai piani governativi di
rientro di deficit e debito.

Ultimo fenomeno da segnalare sulla curva dei rendimenti, in
linea a quanto si è visto anche ieri e si osserva oggi
sull'intero mercato del debito, una performance meno negativa
dei titoli lunghi ed extra-lunghi.


proudly a senior
acquistando il btp con scadenza 15 dicembre 2012 che ha cedola 2% e la quota e' sotto i cento e' quindi piu' conveniente che acquistare bot x un anno?

Btp-15Dc12 2% - Borsa Italiana

calcolando che oggi vale 99.93 e che tra un anno lo rimborseranno a 100 dovrei guadagnare oltre che due cedole al 2% anche la mggiorazione della quota da 99.3 a 100 che poi sara' comunque tassato al 12.5% come x le cedole?

Ciao............il BTP 2012 non lo rimborseranno fra un anno ma fra più di 2......è anche logico che renda di più del bot annuale..........il confronto al limite lo potresti fare con il Ctz-31ag12 IT0004634124

ma il endimento effettivo è molto simile, intorno all1,75%.......





tassi EONIA

dal 04/10/10 al 02/11/10
04/10/10 0,670
05/10/10 0,516
06/10/10 0,438
07/10/10 0,402
08/10/10 0,396
11/10/10 0,390
12/10/10 0,762
13/10/10 0,726
14/10/10 0,742
15/10/10 0,745
18/10/10 0,778
19/10/10 0,810
20/10/10 0,843
21/10/10 0,862
22/10/10 0,849
25/10/10 0,859
26/10/10 0,860
27/10/10 0,849
28/10/10 0,785
29/10/10 0,724
01/11/10 0,683
02/11/10 0,664


Political Instability ‘Key Risk’ for Italy’s Finances, S&P Says

By Lorenzo Totaro - Nov 2, 2010 3:04 PM GMT+0100 Tue Nov 02 14:04:29 GMT 2010

Standard & Poor’s Ratings Service warned that political instability may jeopardize Italy’s bid to cut the budget deficit, even as it affirmed the credit rating of the euro-region’s most indebted economy.
Italy’s ratings “could come under downward pressure if political instability were to impede the implementation of the current plan,” S&P said in a statement today, affirming Italy’s A+ long-term and A-1+ short-term sovereign credit rating with a “stable” outlook. “Potential political instability could be a key risk,” S&P said.

Surging borrowing costs triggered by Greece’s near-default and Europe’s sovereign-debt crisis prompted Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s government to pass deficit cuts worth 24.9 billion euros ($34.9 billion). The budget adjustment, which parliament approved in July, aims to reduce the deficit an additional 1.6 percent of gross domestic product to bring the shortfall within the European Union limit of 3 percent of GDP in 2012 from 5.3 percent last year.

The yield premium, or spread, that investors charge to hold Italian 10-year bonds over comparable German bunds, the European benchmark, widened by 6 basis points to 151.5 basis points today, the most in almost a month.
Berlusconi’s grip on power has weakened since his long- standing ally, Gianfranco Fini left the ruling People of Liberty party three months ago and founded a splinter group which has enough votes to sink the government. Tensions between the two intensified this week amid newspaper reports that Berlusconi allegedly secured the release of a 17-year-old woman from police custody in Milan.

Rift with Fini

Fini said Oct. 31 that Berlusconi will have to resign should it prove he used his powers to secure her release. When asked about the case, Berlusconi didn’t deny intervening, saying he only sent a friend to the police station to take custody of the girl because of the woman’s “tragic circumstances.”

“The increasing fragility of the current governing coalition makes implementing growth-enhancing structural reforms politically more challenging in the near term,” S&P said today.
On Sept. 29, Italy’s government maintained its budget- deficit forecast, while predicting stronger economic growth this year and higher debt. GDP will increase 1.2 percent in 2010, up from the 1 percent the government predicted on May 6. The $2.3 trillion economy will expand 1.3 percent next year.

Debt Levels

The government raised its debt forecast to 118.5 percent of GDP this year and 119.2 percent next year. It kept its deficit target of 5 percent of GDP this year and 3.9 percent next.
“Even if the government’s measures are fully implemented, we expect the gross debt ratio in Italy to touch 120 percent in 2011,” S&P credit analyst Eileen Zhang said in today’s report.

While Moody’s Investors Service has kept its rating of Italy unchanged at Aa2 since May 2002, S&P has been more willing to cut, slashing its rating twice in that period -- in July 2004 to AA- and again in October 2006 to A+. On May 7, Moody’s said that Italy is not among the countries most at risk from Europe’s debt crisis and its credit outlook for 2010 remained stable.

The euro region’s third-largest economy emerged in the third quarter of 2009 from its worst recession since World War II. It grew 0.5 percent in the three months through June as exports more than offset flat consumer spending.


Dicono di noi.
sempre impeccabile nei tuoi post tommy.complimenti per il lavoro che svolgi:up:
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