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Trump to pull 20,000 US troops from Europe – Italian media The US president could also demand that the EU pay for the remaining American personnel, ANSA news agency has reported Read Full Article at Read more...
Trump to pull 20,000 US troops from Europe – Italian media The US president could also demand that the EU pay for the remaining American personnel, ANSA news agency has reported Read Full Article at Read more...
Paghiamo... paghiamo....
Sono loro che non pagano mai ( cit. Cermis )
Gli piace vincere facile...
Da itagliano, mi fa venire in mente la storiella del tipo che si picchiava il pollicione col martello, fuori dall' uscio, un passante gli chiede stupito " ma sei pazzo e lui "no, no ! Godo, godo....quando mi manco!!!!! " ( cit. Il glabro )