
Va cosi

What a coincidence that:

1. Trump announces the creation of a US Sovereign Wealth Fund.

2. He says he wants 50% of Ukraine’s rare earth minerals.

3. He tried to have Zelen transfer it into a ‘Reconstruction Develop Fund’.

4. The head of the Russian Sovereign Wealth Fund is part of the delegation meeting with Rubio in Saudi Arabia.
Contate le bandiere “complott on”

The number 14 is used by white supremacists as a shorthand reference to the so-called "14 Words," which is the most popular white supremacist slogan in the world: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." The slogan was coined by David Lane, a member of the white supremacist terrorist group known as The Order (Lane died in prison in 2007). The numeric symbol 14 is used even in those countries where the translated version of the slogan comes to fewer or greater than 14 actual words.

Because of its symbolic significance, white supremacist groups use the number widely, either by itself or in conjunction with other numeric symbols, especially 88 (which stands for "Heil Hitler"). Thus white supremacists may incorporate the number 14 into the names of groups or publications, into screen names or e-mail addresses, or virtually anywhere else
libertà di espressione

Last week, Kaya Walker, president of the NYU College Republicans, said this about Barron Trump:

‘He’s sort of like an oddity on campus. He goes to class; he goes home.’

Today, she was forced to resign.

It's a cult
Màsk critichi l'UE e gli Stati Membri ma non dice niente sulla democrazia in russiamerda.

Ogni singolo partito di estrema destra in Europa è filoputiniano (anche molti partiti di sinistra, peraltro).

Màsk approva in Germania AfD e, facendo figure di merda con le notizie inventate (che peraltro i suoi lettori non interpreteranno come tali) in UK punta a far vincere l'estrema destra.

In tutto questo, c'è gente che ancòra crede e diffonde la balla (che peraltro non viene più raccontata nemmeno da putin) che la russia combatte i nazisti.

Per fortuna i russi sono enormemente più coglioni dei tedeschi, altrimenti ci sarebbe da preoccuparsi moooolto seriamente.

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