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100% perpetual
quotazione ba-ca w70

isin DE000A0DYW70

prima della chiusura mi hanno riferito di quotazione in rialzo

55 bid e 58 ask

si sta cominciando a muovere !! :D


Forumer storico
Bank of Ireland

vi e' scappata la notizia? a me e' scappato il coraggio , mi sto ritirando dai perpetual :(:(:(

The Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland
Discretionary Coupon Payments
19 January 2010

The EU Commission has indicated that, in line with its policy and pending its assessment of
the Bank’s restructuring plan (which is required in compliance with State aid rules), that the
Bank should not make coupon payments on its Tier 1 and Upper Tier 2 capital instruments
unless under a binding legal obligation to do so.
From the Commission’s perspective, this restriction on banks which are subject to
restructuring plans is intended to prevent the reduction of own funds by financial institutions
which are still reliant on State aid to fulfil regulatory capital requirements.
In this context the Bank announces that under the terms of the BOI Capital Funding (No.2)
LP US$800m Fixed Rate/Variable Rate Guaranteed Non-voting Non-cumulative Perpetual
Preferred Securities (“LP2 Securities”) and the BOI Capital Funding (No.3) LP US$400m
Fixed Rate/Variable Rate Guaranteed Non-voting Non-cumulative Perpetual Preferred
Securities (“LP3 Securities”) which both have the benefit of subordinated guarantees from the
Bank that the non-cumulative distribution on these securities, which would otherwise have
been payable on 1 February and 4 February 2010 respectively will not now be paid. The
decision is entirely without prejudice to all of the Bank’s ongoing discussions with the
Commission and its entitlements under the State aid rules and relevant EU Treaties.

The effect of this decision by the Bank will be to trigger the “Dividend Stopper” provisions of
the LP 2 Securities and LP 3 Securities. While these “Dividend Stoppers” remain in force, the
Bank will be precluded, for a period of one calendar year from and including 1 and 4
February 2010 respectively, from declaring and paying any distribution or dividend on its
“Junior Share Capital” and on any “Parity Security
”, which currently comprises the Bank’s
ordinary capital stock (“the Ordinary Stock”), the outstanding non-cumulative Euro and
Sterling Preference Stock (currently 3,026,598 units of €1.27 and 1,876,090 units of £1.00),
the Bank of Ireland UK Holdings plc €600m 7.4% Guaranteed Step-up Callable Perpetual
Preferred Securities,
the Bank of Ireland UK Holdings plc Stg£350m 6.25% Guaranteed
Callable Perpetual Preferred Securities, the BOI Capital Funding (No.1) LP €600m Fixed
Rate/Variable Rate Guaranteed Non-voting Non-cumulative Perpetual Preferred Securities
and the BOI Capital Funding (No.4) LP £500m Fixed Rate/Variable Rate Guaranteed Non-
voting Non-cumulative Perpetual Preferred Securities and the Irish Government €3.5bn
preference stock (“the 2009 Preference Stock”) issued to the National Pensions Reserve Fund
Commission of Ireland (“NPRFC”).
In accordance with the terms of the 2009 Preference Stock, the NPRFC would become
entitled to be issued, on February 20, 2010 or on a date in the future, a number of units of
Bank of Ireland Ordinary Stock (based on the average trading price of Ordinary Stock in the
30 trading days prior to February 20, 2010, assuming the Ordinary Stock was settled on that
date) related to the cash amount of the dividend that would otherwise have been payable
(€250m), should there be no change in these circumstances. The Bank is, however in ongoing
discussions with the Department of Finance and the EC on this and other related matters as
part of our overall engagement on the Bank’s restructuring plan and accordingly, this
outcome is not certain.
The Bank recognises that a longer period where there is non payment of coupons is
unfavourable from the perspective of the holders of the impacted securities. In recognition of
this the Bank is examining the merits of further liability management subject to regulatory
and other approvals.



la casa non fallisce
venduta la bpvn 71,25
10k di deutsch postbank de000a0den75 a 58
20k di ba ca k8 salita a 56 rispetto ai 53,50 che avevo pagato sett scorsa
10k erste a 52
15k deutsche bank de000a0e5jd4 a 63,75

incrociamo le dita!
mii e' dispiaciuto vendere la BPVn, penso valga molto piu' di 70, ma negli ultimi mesi ho sempre cercato di essere disciplinato. stop loss e take profit rigidi. e quando l'ho presa a 61 avevo deciso che se fosse andata veloce a 70 l'avrei venduta
il tempo dira' se ho avuto ragione o no, ma con i gains passati fatti con le perpetue, ho le spalle ben coperte, e siccome alla fine questa e' una immensa bisca, l'importante e' divertirsi! per questo ammiro bosmeld! non l'ho mai visto preoccupato o incazzato, ma sempre contento di "giocare"!
mi dici a parte la velocità di salita il vantaggio dello switch ceh hai fatto a parte che bpvn non è cumulativa ma ha un rendimento del cash molto elevato non ho trovato nulla di paragonabile qualitativamente che rende di più
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