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Forumer storico
ragazzi oggi sto continuando a cercare qualche cosa, i titoli di OTTIMI emittenti che per me al momento sono più a buon mercato sono quesi:

Axa XS0188935174

Cnp FR0010167247

la cosa bella è che entrambi con Iw non si prendono:sad::sad::sad::wall::wall::wall:

bos riesci a dare una occhiata al pdf di aberdeen che ho caricato nei prospetti e mi confermi post call 7.90 e no cum e no absortion


Forumer storico
By Oliver Suess and Tony Czuczka
Jan. 21 (Bloomberg) -- Hypo Real Estate Holding AG, the
German lender taken over by the state following the credit
crunch, is applying to transfer as much as 210 billion euros
($296 billion) of assets into a so-called bad bank.
The Munich-based lender, wholly owned by the German
government’s Soffin bank-rescue fund, asked the German Financial
Markets Stabilization Agency, a unit of the country’s Finance
Ministry, for permission to separate the assets, it said in an
e-mailed statement today. The transfer will take place in the
second half if approval is given, the company said.
Hypo Real Estate, which doesn’t expect to return to profit
before 2012, plans to cut 1,000 jobs by the following year as
it focuses on real-estate and public-sector financing at its
Deutsche Pfandbriefbank unit. It needed a total of 102 billion
euros in credit lines and debt guarantees from the state and
financial institutions to save it from collapse in 2008.
“We will thus strengthen Deutsche Pfandbriefbank as
the group’s core bank by relieving it of nonstrategic or
sub-performing assets, significantly reducing the size of
its balance sheet,” Chief Executive Officer Axel Wieandt
said in the statement.
The assets to be transferred may include parts of the
public finance and real-estate funding portfolios of Deutsche
Pfandbriefbank and the Dublin-based Depfa Bank Plc unit,
the lender said.

‘Difficult Environment’

The public-finance portfolio “consists of highly-rated
government or government-related assets, which despite their
strong credit quality are currently suffering from lower market
valuations,” Hypo Real Estate said. “Parts of the real estate
financing portfolio are affected by the prevailing difficult
environment that continues to burden this segment.”
Soffin, which took full ownership of Hypo Real Estate in
October following a so-called squeeze-out, views Hypo Real
Estate’s bad bank as “an important part of restructuring,”
spokeswoman Silvia Marenow said in a phone interview from
Frankfurt. “The idea is to split off entire areas of the
business that aren’t needed for the overhaul.”
Shifting the assets will also help Hypo Real Estate meet
an expected demand from the European Union to reduce its balance
sheet, she said. The new institution would be “completely
separate from the core bank,” Marenow said.
Hypo Real Estate would become the second German lender to
transfer assets to a bad bank. Dusseldorf-based state-owned
WestLB AG agreed with Soffin in November to transfer about
85 billion euros of assets into a so-called work-out entity.
From there the assets can be run down or sold, and Soffin can
inject capital into the remaining entity.

quel pezzo non mi piace proprio, paticamente depfa la mettono nella bad bank, quindi anche le sue p. dovrebbero finire lì...:sad::sad::sad::sad:

a dire il vero non è chiaro, se trasferiscano tutta Depfa, oppure solo una parte degli asset, chi ha info al riguardo???

p.s comprato cip Bnp FR0010239319 a 78,5


Forumer storico

quel pezzo non mi piace proprio, paticamente depfa la mettono nella bad bank, quindi anche le sue p. dovrebbero finire lì...:sad::sad::sad::sad:

a dire il vero non è chiaro, se trasferiscano tutta Depfa, oppure solo una parte degli asset, chi ha info al riguardo???

p.s comprato cip Bnp FR0010239319 a 78,5

faccio tutto da solo, i su matto:lol::lol::lol:

FRANKFURT (Dow Jones)---German state-owned real-estate lender Hypo Real Estate Holding AG Thursday said it plans to transfer non-strategic assets worth up to EUR210 billion into a "bad bank."
On Thursday, the company submitted an application for the asset transfer to a separate entity to the German government's Financial Markets Stabilisation Agency, or FSMA, the company said.
Hypo RE said it plans to transfer non-strategic and other assets worth up to EUR210 billion during the second half into "a deconsolidated environment aimed at reducing assets in a value-preserving manner," once all necessary approvals have been received.
Hypo RE was put under state ownership last year after the lender, which was substantially hit by the global credit crisis, required billions of euros in state loans and guarantees. It received EUR102 billion in state and bank loans and state guarantees of which it paid back EUR7 billion in 2009.
The asset transfer will "strengthen pbb Deutsche Pfandbriefbank as the group's core bank by relieving it of non-strategic or sub-performing assets, significantly reducing the size of its balance sheet," said Chief Executive Axel Wieandt.
The bank also said the asset transfer will lower Deutsche Pfandbriefbank's additional capital requirements, will ensure that it can continue to focus on supplying credit for the real-estate industry and the public sector and "accelerate the process of preparing the group for an eventual re-privatization."
The assets to be transferred mainly include parts of the public-finance and real-estate finance portfolios of its Irish subsidiary Depfa Bank PLC and of Deutsche Pfandbriefbank, the group said. But, a number of asset classes held by other group entities could also be transferred, as well as structured products, trading positions exposed to increased default risks and derivatives - mainly used as hedges.
Hypo RE said the use of a "bad bank" is subject to approval by the German government and the European Union. It also reiterated that it expects to receive the European Commission's approval of state aid in the first half, adding that it works closely with the European Commission and is confident that it will be able to convince the commission of the sustainability of its business model.
A spokeswoman for the German finance ministry Thursday also said that the ministry is confident that it will be able to dispel all doubts by the commission in Hypo RE's future business plans.
-By Ulrike Dauer, Dow Jones Newswires; +49 69 29725 500; [email protected]

una parte degli asset di depfa andrà alla bad bank. non tutto.
spero che le p. stiano dalla parte buona, come in TEORIA dovrebbe essere.


Utente Senior
oggi amo il rischio, dopo West LB USD presa pure la RZB XS0253262025
la mamma dice sempre di non comprare perpetual quando salgono, o lo si fa prima o dopo
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