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Bos 4 Mod
JPM On Greek Banks: Volatility But Also Gains For Those Who Have Patience

Greek banks - near-term share prices are likely to remain volatile, JPMorgan says in a report dated 18th January, but it believes that more patient investors with 6-12 months time horizon could get the opportunity to benefit from cyclical recovery twice.

The first time was March - September 2009 (Greek banks recovered 200- 300% from February lows) and second time 2H2010 as the market prices in 2011 recovery and sees more concrete evidence on fiscal consolidation progress which could offer substantial upside >50% from present levels.

The firm says its preferred picks are NBG (50% non-Greek earnings, mostly Finansbank Turkey, NBG likely to remain one of the most profitable European bank with strong capital base- 11.1% 2009E core tier 1), Alpha (strong capital base, more conservative asset mix) and Bank of Cyprus (less exposure to Greece and strong Russian business potential).

JPM also notes it has met with top 5 largest Hellenic banks (NBG, Alpha, EFG, Piraeus, Bank of Cyprus) in Athens last week and managements are now more cautious on the short-term outlook and Greek asset quality, which is likely to recover later than previous expectations (1H10) despite all banks reporting generally stable performance in the final quarter of 2010.


Bos 4 Mod
UniCredit Is Underweight On Greek Banks

UniCredit sees Greek Banks as trapped in the Minotaur’s maze, noting, in a 19th January report, that it is ‘underweight’ on Greek banks.

Furthermore, it lowers its ratings for Alpha Bank and NBG while reiterating the same ratings for Eurobank and Piraeus Bank.

UniCredit also sets new 12M target prices:

-Alpha Bank: 5.7 euro (vs a previous 12.10 euro)
-Eurobank: 5.6 euro (vs a previous 8 euro)
-NBG: 14.4 euro (vs a previous 23 euro)
-Piraeus Bank: 5.6 euro (vs a previous 7.4 euro)

“The historical correlation between Greek CDS and banks΄ share prices suggests, with CDS currently at 313bp, 52% further downside for the Greek banks,” the firm says, cutting EPS estimates by 22% p.a. on average, as we believe that reducing the government deficit will lead to a prolonged Greek recession.


Forumer storico
sulle banche greche proprio in questi giorni mi stava venendo in mente, di vedere le azioni:D:D. è da vedere bene la cosa, il problema è che negoziarle non è semplice:(:(


Forumer storico
strano quel 74 sula FP. HSBC e' stata in lettera a 72.5-73 tutto il giorno
Anche i prezzi della ASR sono alti, si prende a 110.5

Il 74 su FP pensavo fosse dipendente da una £ lievemente calante (non ho avuto modo, però, di controllare).

Poichè, comunque, l'ho presa per il cassetto, non mi sono applicato più di tanto.

La quotazio ne di ASR, invece, fosse stata anche 110, l'avrei ritenuta non eccitante.
L'altra, se sono veri i dati che hai postato (38 di Amount Out), non penso sia possibile trovarla.

Quello che mi ha intrigato è che IW sulla Gerling 440 dava ancora assenza di denaro e presenza di lettera a 92. Ho tentato, naturalmente di prenderla ma non sono stato eseguito.

L'altre Gerling, invece, naviga oramai sui 102,5 per cui (a questi prezzi) non la ritengo più interessante (intendiamoci bene le mie me le tengo e non le mollo).
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