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Le banche e l'Europa

Qualche giorno fa il Commissario Europeo Internal Market and Services, Michel Barnier ha tenuto un discorso a Washington sul tema della finanza e dell'Europa.
Estraggo un passaggio:

"..... Basel

My second point is the implementation of Basel III for banks. The Commission will shortly adopt a proposal for all EU banks, regardless of their size. To be precise, we will apply Basel to 8232 banks compared to less than 20 in the USA. We will stick closely to what has been agreed in Basel.

I call on all other jurisdictions to do the same. In time to meet our G20 commitments.

It is the right thing to do. We must have a global level playing field. I can assure you that EU regulators will not accept a global regulatory race to the bottom.

That would not restore confidence in the banking system."

Interessante il riferimento alle banche "regardless of their size", mentre sinora i documenti BIS hanno fatto riferimento alle "Internationally active banks".

Per chi volesse leggere il testo del (breve) intervento ecco il link:

EUROPA - Press Releases - Michel BARNIER Member of the European Commission, responsible for Internal Market and Services Time for delivery: Making the Reforms of the Financial System in Europe and in the United States a reality Brookings Institute Wa


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Le assicurazioni e l'Europa

Lo stesso Michel Barnier oggi ha diffuso una lettera che ribadisce, tra l'altro, l'intenzione del legislatore di rispettare i tempi per Solvency II.
Ecco la lettera:


  • barnier_june_2011_en.pdf
    178,7 KB · Visite: 127


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Aggiornamento ad oggi

Il CV fa notare i primi cali sulle quotazioni, opportunità di acquisto o meglio aspettare ancora?

Per lasciare un riferimento più ampio, come quotazione precedente ho lasciato quella di fine maggio anzichè quella di pochi giorni fa.

ci state viziando, grazie


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XS0231436238 unicredit

In questi giorni è crollata...:cool:
x allinearla alla BaCa ci stà ancora tanta strada da fare, speriamo che si allineino con vista su call.
Invece capisco meno i crolli di Alpha vista la tregua sul debito Grecia e il bilancio non male della banca, se fossi io a decidere in Alpha mi ricomprerei tutte le perpetual al prezzo al meglio di 35 e avrei un utile di 300 milioni da aggiungere in bilancio, hanno 5 billion di liquidità e solo 550 mil di perpetue in giro.


Bos 4 Mod
Sempre su Aib

Aurelius Capital Decries Cover-up by Ireland’s Finance Ministry

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aurelius Capital Management, LP today issued the following statement:

“We are appalled that Ireland’s Finance Ministry has engaged in a cover-up in connection with the subordinated liabilities order (SLO) it obtained in April with respect to Allied Irish Banks. The Ministry extensively redacted as irrelevant five documents produced during discovery. It was only when the High Court was about to review the propriety of those redactions that the Ministry abruptly provided clean versions. It is obvious why the Ministry tried to hide these documents: they fundamentally contradict the basis on which the Ministry procured the SLO. What the Ministry claimed to be irrelevant turns out to be the five most important documents they have produced thus far.

“Moreover, the Ministry continues to withhold hundreds, if not thousands, of pages of other documents the High Court has previously ordered it to produce to us. Given how determined the Ministry is to shield those documents from scrutiny, we infer they would inflict further damage to the Ministry’s case. In light of the Ministry’s false claim of irrelevancy for the five recently produced documents, we have no confidence that the Ministry’s excuses for withholding the remaining discovery materials are valid.

“It is bad enough that the Finance Ministry has displayed a poor grasp of finance and seems willing to turn Ireland into a financial pariah. It only makes matters worse for the Ministry to display a poor grasp of ethics as well. Surely the Ministry would not stoop to such tactics if it had confidence in the merits of its position.”


Aurelius Capital Management, LP
Stephen Sigmund, 917-459-7794
Jennifer Burner, 352-281-5357


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Aurelius Capital Decries Cover-up by Ireland’s Finance Ministry

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aurelius Capital Management, LP today issued the following statement:

“We are appalled that Ireland’s Finance Ministry has engaged in a cover-up in connection with the subordinated liabilities order (SLO) it obtained in April with respect to Allied Irish Banks. The Ministry extensively redacted as irrelevant five documents produced during discovery. It was only when the High Court was about to review the propriety of those redactions that the Ministry abruptly provided clean versions. It is obvious why the Ministry tried to hide these documents: they fundamentally contradict the basis on which the Ministry procured the SLO. What the Ministry claimed to be irrelevant turns out to be the five most important documents they have produced thus far.

“Moreover, the Ministry continues to withhold hundreds, if not thousands, of pages of other documents the High Court has previously ordered it to produce to us. Given how determined the Ministry is to shield those documents from scrutiny, we infer they would inflict further damage to the Ministry’s case. In light of the Ministry’s false claim of irrelevancy for the five recently produced documents, we have no confidence that the Ministry’s excuses for withholding the remaining discovery materials are valid.

“It is bad enough that the Finance Ministry has displayed a poor grasp of finance and seems willing to turn Ireland into a financial pariah. It only makes matters worse for the Ministry to display a poor grasp of ethics as well. Surely the Ministry would not stoop to such tactics if it had confidence in the merits of its position.”


Aurelius Capital Management, LP
Stephen Sigmund, 917-459-7794
Jennifer Burner, 352-281-5357
Robe da matti.. :down: Ma pare che al contrario dell'altro, con Aurelius abbiano trovato pane per i loro denti.. Ora come minimo non dovrebbero esserci discriminazioni sul termine... sarà difficilissimo, ma nulla è escluso a sto punto.. un grosso in bocca al lupo.. un po' costose per i partecipanti ;) ma queste vicende irlandesi ormai sono appassionanti...
Ultima modifica:


Bos 4 Mod
Robe da matti.. :down: Ma pare che al contrario dell'altro, con Aurelius abbiano trovato pane per i loro denti.. Ora come minimo non dovrebbero esserci discriminazioni sul termine... sarà difficilissimo, ma nulla è escluso a sto punto.. un grosso in bocca al lupo.. un po' costose per i partecipanti ;) ma queste vicende irlandesi ormai sono appassionanti...

Sotto il profilo legale, Noonan sta facendo uno scempio. Speriamo che qualcuno lo stoppi.

no perpetual no party

Forumer storico
x allinearla alla BaCa ci stà ancora tanta strada da fare, speriamo che si allineino con vista su call.
Invece capisco meno i crolli di Alpha vista la tregua sul debito Grecia e il bilancio non male della banca, se fossi io a decidere in Alpha mi ricomprerei tutte le perpetual al prezzo al meglio di 35 e avrei un utile di 300 milioni da aggiungere in bilancio, hanno 5 billion di liquidità e solo 550 mil di perpetue in giro.

arrivata cedola Alpha Euribor

eh, si.. le banche greche se potessero chiederebbero asilo politico in svizzera, pur di non avere a che fare con il loro paese disastrato..

speriamo bene, io mantengo sia alpha che efg, entrambe hanno molta liquidita e stanno tenendo botta nonostante tutto (anzi, son quasi tentato di incrementare...)

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