Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 2 (6 lettori)

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ciao zeta, cos'è il nuovo avatar, non avrai mica preso una multa :stop: per eccesso di velocità in via roma :car: :lol:?

scusate l'intervento OT, ma i prezzi per ora li lascio scendere ancora senza interessarmene troppo, e sul resto (euro sì, euro no, Grecia dentro o fuori, PIIGS) la mia filosofia pragmatica mi impone il silenzio :-o:-o


:D :D :lol: stò uscendo per fare un giro in bici e devo ricordarmi di non sudare :D:up:
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inutile ripetere sempre le stesse cose, come se stampare carta risolvesse il problema :-? la speculazione attacca le debolezze del sistema (leggasi mancata integrazione finanziaria-fiscale) e non si può chiedere ai krukki di prestare fidejussione per altri popoli, per altre culture
la crisi è una crisi di sovranità, e solo in un secondo momento del debito
e, apparentemente, svuotate le istituzioni politiche, con l'agenda delle ipotetiche "soluzioni" in mano alla grande finanza, non si vede soluzione. siamo difatti al paradosso che chi ha generato la crisi si impone come risolutore della stessa :rolleyes:

Allora torniamo alle valute di appartenenza,inutile combattere con le pistole contro i cannoni delle stampatrici..


Forumer attivo
SNS ancora sotto pressione

sia l'azione che le perp ne risentono....

Articolo con traduzione googlata da beurs.nl:

SNS is counting on additional requirements in Brussels late repayment State
Tuesday, May 15, 2012 2:23 p.m.
AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones) - SNS REAAL NV (SR.AE) has a half years to the remaining aid to be repaid before the European commissioner for competition to re-evaluate the matter. In that case, additional measures may be expected, says board chairman Ronald Latenstein Tuesday.
In the current climate it is becoming harder by the deadline of the end of 2013 it shall inform Latenstein. In that case, this Netherlands must report to the European Commission, and that a firm will still look at the case, says the CEO.
He expects the European supervisor will then make additional requirements, but do not want to anticipate. "It depends on how the committee assesses the case at that time," says Latenstein. "I do not know what measures it would go," he adds.
SNS has yet to EUR848 million dollars is paid to the Dutch State: EUR565 million in capital support that the company received in 2008, plus a redemption premium of 50%.
In response to the received state SNS has already undertaken several steps to the commissioner, including the reduction of the risky portfolio with international project finance and cost reduction program, alongside other measures to the capital position and financial management to improve.
Unlike the ING Group (INGA.AE), which calls itself the European Commission to chop up into pieces after the group on two occasions many billions needed support, did the SNS business model does not fundamentally change because the state SNS was assessed as relatively light.
SNS reported Tuesday morning to continue to seek opportunities to further strengthen the solvency, to "appropriate time" the remaining aid to pay off.
Analysts wonder if the company succeeds in there in time, now it must first meet higher capital requirements, and struggling with troubled financial markets and a worsening economic climate.
During a conference call with analysts CEO Latenstein SNS says further that the EUR700 million capital program to free up already 87% completed.
The bank will continue with the sale of SME loans, even after the target for that part of the capital program is achieved, says Latenstein.
On the other hand expects the CEO in the current market no major contribution from the sale of small blocks of insurance - also part of the program. There are too few buyers for these assets, says Latenstein, and few buyers with cash.
SNS does not consider core assets, says Latenstein in response to a question from an analyst.
Chief Financial Officer Ference Lamp confirmed during the telephone call with analysts that further pressure on the Dutch property market seems to be continuing this year. While the provision for bad real estate loans in other countries are now in decline, the bank expects that the impairments in the Dutch part of the portfolio at a relatively high level will continue. The total impairment charges on loans of the problem component Property Finance in the first quarter remained at a similar level to last year, with EUR64 million.
The credit limits on the portfolio of Property Finance in the first quarter fell to EUR5, 3 billion, of EUR5, 5 billion late last year. Of the outstanding loans is 37.5% foreign and the rest Dutch. The credit limits of SNS Business, including SME loans were reduced with EUR0, 3 billion to EUR5, 4 billion.
SNS was the leader in the Dutch market for project financing the acquisition of Property Finance, the former Fund, in 2006.
The company had since the credit crisis first to write many hundreds of millions on its international portfolio with real estate loans, and now also suffers from severe weather at the Dutch property market, which includes struggling with high vacancy in the office.
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