Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulle obbligazioni perpetue... - Cap. 3 (5 lettori)


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Dite quello che volete ma ho l'impressione che Marione nostro il 6 Giugno ci fara' una nuova dragata...let's wait and see...
Ultima modifica:


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Riepilogo scadenze obbligazioni collocate presso clientela istituzionale e clientela retail

Aggiornamento 31 Dicembre 2012
Importi in miliardi di euro, al netto dei riacquisti


* le obbligazioni bancarie garantite includono inoltre 0,5 miliardi di euro con BEI emessi nel 2010 (0,25 mld) e nel 2011 (0,25 mld), con scadenza rispettivamente nel 2022 e nel 2021 e soggetti ad ammortamento progressivo.

Aggiornamento 31 Dicembre 2012
Importi in miliardi di euro


* Il 2013 include il prestito convertibile

ho notato che sul sito di ubi il richiamo della lt2 è conteggiato tra i rimborsi previsti nel 2013.per quel che può valere...


Forumer storico
Issuer UBS AG

Country Svizzera

Sector Banking

Issue Rating [BBB-] (S&P) /
[BBB+] (Fitch)

Size $ Benchmark

Listing SIX Swiss

Offering / Governing Law Reg S Only, Swiss Governing Law

Denominations [USD 200,000,with USD
1,000] increments thereafter

[*] May 2023

Ranking Subordinated,
pari passu with dated subordinated obligations of the Issuer

Call Option One time call at
year 5

Initial Price Talk [4.875-5.000%]

Global coordinator & Arranger UBS Investment Bank

Bookrunners BANCA

Timing Bookbuilding
Wednesday 15th

[*]% p.a. until
Call Date, thereafter reset over prevailing 5-year mid-market swap
rate plus initial spread

5Y CDS EUR SUB 133.86 b.p.

Emissioni subordinate in $ esistenti sul mercato:

UBS 7 ¼ 02/22/22 $ YTM: 4.20%

UBS 7 ½ 07/15/25 $ YTM: 4.65%

UBS 7 ¾ 09/01/26 $ YTM: 4.60%

Ciao Captain,

no, non credo sia stato postato.

Ti sei fatto qualche idea sull'attrattiva di questo bond? E sull'upside potenziale a breve, if any?
Più in particolare, sai se è un CoCo?


il Fankazzista
MARKET TALK: Bpm; conti ok, ma focus resta su governance (Equita) 15/05/2013 15:50 - MF-DJ

MILANO (MF-DJ)--Equita Sim conferma la raccomandazione hold e il target price a 0,50 euro su B.P.Milano (-1,13% a 0,4544 euro). Secondo gli analisti i conti trimestrali sono stati "molto sopra le attese". Quanto alla governance, "durante la conference il presidente Bonomi ha dichiarato che migliorare la governance resta una priorita', anche se la trasformazione in Spa non e' l`unica opzione. La nostra sensazione e' che - completato l`aumento di capitale a ottobre - inizieranno le discussioni con gli stakeholder per introdurre cambiamenti, con l`obiettivo di un nuovo assetto entro l`assemblea 2014. La Spa resta il first best di Investindustrial secondo noi, ma la visibilita' del progetto al momento e' molto bassa in assenza di un piu' ampio coinvolgimento dei dipendenti sull`argomento", commenta Equita. pl


Forumer attivo
Euro-Style Bail-In Plan Means Bondholder Wipe-Out: Brazil Credit

Brazil is drafting rules that would wipe out some creditors of failing banks in an effort to avoid taxpayer rescues, echoing European proposals to make bondholders shoulder more costs after three bailouts in as many years.
The central bank said May 6 it had prepared a draft of a “bail-in” proposal that would impose losses on holders of subordinated and unsecured bonds in case of insolvency and use their investments to revive the lenders. The measure would boost funding costs for the nation’s investment-grade banks, which currently pay a near record-low 3.77 percent on average to borrow dollars in the bond market, according to Carlos Thadeu de Freitas Gomes, a former central bank director.
The proposal, similar to one being considered by European Union lawmakers, comes after seven Brazilian banks became insolvent in the past three years and the deposit insurance fund spent 3.8 billion reais ($1.9 billion) to rescue Banco Panamericano SA. The rules would clarify risks for investors, save taxpayer money, and shield policy makers from political pressure to rescue lenders that took excessive risks, even as it pushes up costs for financial firms, said Freitas, now the chief economist at the National Commerce Confederation.
“It’ll help establish order and more transparency,” Freitas said in a telephone interview from Rio de Janeiro. “Investors know that, if there is a bankruptcy, they will have to cover the costs.”
Guiding Principles
Brazil’s insurance deposit fund, known as FGC, didn’t respond to e-mail and telephone requests for details on money it committed to help rescue financial institutions that became insolvent. The central bank’s press office said it was unable to provide that information.
While yields on bank bonds jumped in the weeks following Banco Panamericano’s bailout, funding costs are now lower than those of investment-grade banks in Mexico, which currently pay about 4 percent on average to borrow dollars in the bond market.
Authorities have dealt with distressed banks on a case-by-case basis in recent years, operating without any public guiding principles on which should be rescued, said Maria Celina Vansetti-Hutchins, a managing director at Moody’s Investors Service in New York City.
The central bank says its proposal is almost ready to be sent to Congress for debate.
Defining Liability
Of the lenders that became insolvent since 2010, three were liquidated, three were rescued and sold, and the fate of another is still to be determined.
Banco Panamericano received cash injections and a line of credit from state-owned minority shareholder Caixa Economica Federal and then was bought in January 2011 by Banco BTG Pactual SA (BPAC3), which took a 1.3 billion real loan from the non-government deposit-insurance fund. Bondholders suffered no losses.
In contrast, Banco Cruzeiro do Sul SA was wound down by the central bank in September 2012 after it failed to find a buyer, sticking investors holding $1.6 billion of bonds with the biggest corporate default in Latin America in a decade.
Regulators found “serious” violations and unfunded liabilities at the Sao Paulo-based lender that made it impossible to resume normal operations, the central bank said in September.
The draft proposal from the central bank would shift the burden of saving troubled banks from regulators to bondholders, said Moody’s Vansetti-Hutchins.
“It defines the liability of the government in regards to the management of the financial system,” Vansetti-Hutchins said in a telephone interview.

Protecting Taxpayers
The FGC now secures deposits up to 70,000 reais, and there is a proposal to increase that amount to 250,000 reais. While deposits of more than 100,000 euros faced losses in Cyprus’ rescue package this year, those FGC-protected funds would not be tapped in the event of a bank insolvency. Forcing depositors in Brazil to take losses would be a last resort, according to the bill.
Authorities are also signaling their intention to protect taxpayers from losses tied to the troubled banks, said Franklin Santarelli, a managing director at Fitch Ratings Ltd.
“The idea that they have to aid any bank is over,” Santarelli said in a telephone interview from New York. “Whether that includes banks of systemic importance is another question.”
European Union lawmakers will begin voting this month on a bill that would grant “bail-in powers” to regulators, after the region’s banking crisis prompted wide-spread criticism against the use of public money to prop up banks.
The Dutch government’s unprecedented expropriation of SNS Reaal NV’s subordinated debt when the bank was nationalized this year wiped out creditors holding about 900 million euros ($1.2 billion) of the Utrecht, Netherlands-based lender’s debt securities. It was the first time European authorities have immediately wiped out holders of dated subordinated bonds of a bailed-out bank, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

Euro-Style Bail-In Plan Means Bondholder Wipe-Out: Brazil Credit - Bloomberg


low cost high value
Membro dello Staff
Il CDA approva i risultati al 31 marzo 2013
15 Maggio 2013 h.08:40
Buone performance commerciali nonostante il difficile contesto economico e lo sfavorevole clima mediatico di Febbraio:

Raccolta diretta sostanzialmente stabile +0,3% a/a, -0,3% trim/trim; in ulterioremiglioramento ad Aprile e Maggio
Collocamenti Bancassurance in crescita: Vita +25% a/a, Protezione +6% a/a, Previdenza+24% a/a
Consolidate le quote di mercato nei principali segmenti di business
Significativi segnali di ripresa dei ricavi caratteristici e di taglio dei costi operativi:

Margine di interesse in crescita rispetto al 4° trimestre 2012, stabile sull’aggregato proformato (*) (-0.5% trim/trim)
Commissioni nette in significativa ripresa (+12.6% trim/trim), per effetto dell’aumento dei collocamenti dei prodotti assicurativi e del favorevole andamento dei proventi da servizi enonostante le difficoltà di Febbraio
Oneri operativi in forte calo: -10.4% trim/trim e -8.3% a/a
Ancora elevato il costo del credito, pur ponendosi in miglioramento rispetto all’ultima parte del 2012, a 138bps rispetto a 188bps di Dicembre 2012 risentendo del perdurare della difficile situazione congiunturale ma nel quadro di una politica prudenziale che ha visto da una parte la sostanziale conferma delle copertura dei crediti in sofferenza (57.9%) ed all’altra flussi di ingresso a sofferenze in rallentamento rispetto al 4° trimestre 2012
Risultato Ante Imposte negativo per circa € 60 milioni, in sostanziale pareggio al netto degli interessi corrisposti sui Nuovi Strumenti Finanziari
Risultato netto negativo per circa € 100 milioni
Confermata la solidità della struttura patrimoniale e del profilo di liquidità:

Posizione interbancaria netta in miglioramento: - € 4,3 miliardi vs Dicembre 2012
Counterbalancing capacity a circa € 18 miliardi ad inizio Maggio (€ 14 miliardi a fine Marzo)
Portafoglio titoli in ulteriore calo sul trimestre precedente (circa -€ 400milioni)
L/D ratio a 103.8% vs 104.7% di Dicembre 2012
Riduzione delle attività finanziarie -2.9% rispetto a Dicembre 2012
Tier 1 ratio all’11,8%, Core Tier 1 ratio all’11,1%
Forte impegno del management nell’implementazione dei progetti di piano industriale:

Organico in flessione di 1.541 unità rispetto a Dicembre (1.554 uscite lorde) con ulteriori 225 uscite previste entro giugno, quando verrà raggiunto il 58% dell’obiettivo di Piano
Chiusi 96 sportelli in attuazione del programma di ristrutturazione della rete previsto dal Piano Industriale; previste ulteriori 160 chiusure entro luglio e 40 entro settembre, conconseguimento dell’obiettivo di 400 chiusure con due anni di anticipo rispetto al Piano
(*) Nel 4° trimestre 2012 sono sopraggiunti alcuni elementi di discontinuità di competenza economica anche dei trimestri precedenti, tra iquali si evidenziano: la contabilizzazione degli interessi sui c.d. Tremonti Bond per l’intera quota di competenza 2012 l’eliminazionedella commissione di istruttoria urgente e la modifica della modalità di calcolo degli interessi in caso di sconfinamento nonché i mutaticriteri di consolidamento di Banca Popolare di Spoleto a seguito del venir meno dell’“influenza notevole”.


Forumer storico
Brazil is drafting rules that would wipe out some creditors of failing banks in an effort to avoid taxpayer rescues, echoing European proposals to make bondholders shoulder more costs after three bailouts in as many years.
The central bank said May 6 it had prepared a draft of a “bail-in” proposal that would impose losses on holders of subordinated and unsecured bonds in case of insolvency and use their investments to revive the lenders. The measure would boost funding costs for the nation’s investment-grade banks, which currently pay a near record-low 3.77 percent on average to borrow dollars in the bond market, according to Carlos Thadeu de Freitas Gomes, a former central bank director.
The proposal, similar to one being considered by European Union lawmakers, comes after seven Brazilian banks became insolvent in the past three years and the deposit insurance fund spent 3.8 billion reais ($1.9 billion) to rescue Banco Panamericano SA. The rules would clarify risks for investors, save taxpayer money, and shield policy makers from political pressure to rescue lenders that took excessive risks, even as it pushes up costs for financial firms, said Freitas, now the chief economist at the National Commerce Confederation.
“It’ll help establish order and more transparency,” Freitas said in a telephone interview from Rio de Janeiro. “Investors know that, if there is a bankruptcy, they will have to cover the costs.”
Guiding Principles
Brazil’s insurance deposit fund, known as FGC, didn’t respond to e-mail and telephone requests for details on money it committed to help rescue financial institutions that became insolvent. The central bank’s press office said it was unable to provide that information.
While yields on bank bonds jumped in the weeks following Banco Panamericano’s bailout, funding costs are now lower than those of investment-grade banks in Mexico, which currently pay about 4 percent on average to borrow dollars in the bond market.
Authorities have dealt with distressed banks on a case-by-case basis in recent years, operating without any public guiding principles on which should be rescued, said Maria Celina Vansetti-Hutchins, a managing director at Moody’s Investors Service in New York City.
The central bank says its proposal is almost ready to be sent to Congress for debate.
Defining Liability
Of the lenders that became insolvent since 2010, three were liquidated, three were rescued and sold, and the fate of another is still to be determined.
Banco Panamericano received cash injections and a line of credit from state-owned minority shareholder Caixa Economica Federal and then was bought in January 2011 by Banco BTG Pactual SA (BPAC3), which took a 1.3 billion real loan from the non-government deposit-insurance fund. Bondholders suffered no losses.
In contrast, Banco Cruzeiro do Sul SA was wound down by the central bank in September 2012 after it failed to find a buyer, sticking investors holding $1.6 billion of bonds with the biggest corporate default in Latin America in a decade.
Regulators found “serious” violations and unfunded liabilities at the Sao Paulo-based lender that made it impossible to resume normal operations, the central bank said in September.
The draft proposal from the central bank would shift the burden of saving troubled banks from regulators to bondholders, said Moody’s Vansetti-Hutchins.
“It defines the liability of the government in regards to the management of the financial system,” Vansetti-Hutchins said in a telephone interview.

Protecting Taxpayers
The FGC now secures deposits up to 70,000 reais, and there is a proposal to increase that amount to 250,000 reais. While deposits of more than 100,000 euros faced losses in Cyprus’ rescue package this year, those FGC-protected funds would not be tapped in the event of a bank insolvency. Forcing depositors in Brazil to take losses would be a last resort, according to the bill.
Authorities are also signaling their intention to protect taxpayers from losses tied to the troubled banks, said Franklin Santarelli, a managing director at Fitch Ratings Ltd.
“The idea that they have to aid any bank is over,” Santarelli said in a telephone interview from New York. “Whether that includes banks of systemic importance is another question.”
European Union lawmakers will begin voting this month on a bill that would grant “bail-in powers” to regulators, after the region’s banking crisis prompted wide-spread criticism against the use of public money to prop up banks.
The Dutch government’s unprecedented expropriation of SNS Reaal NV’s subordinated debt when the bank was nationalized this year wiped out creditors holding about 900 million euros ($1.2 billion) of the Utrecht, Netherlands-based lender’s debt securities. It was the first time European authorities have immediately wiped out holders of dated subordinated bonds of a bailed-out bank, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

Euro-Style Bail-In Plan Means Bondholder Wipe-Out: Brazil Credit - Bloomberg
io mi stavo proprio vedendo i sub brasiliani...

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