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Information about any adverse events following immunization (AEFI) that individuals have reported after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine in Canada. These adverse events are not necessarily related to the vaccine.
A month has passed since China locked down millions of people in Wuhan and other cities in Hubei at the heart of the epidemic. In the first part of a series, the Post looks at the race to find a coronavirus vaccine.
Erano i tempi in cui, ancora presidente trump, la cnn faceva titoli come questo ancora a settembre 2020
Titolava cnn a settembre 2020 quando Trump era ancora in carica e le elezioni erano alle porte
Con Biden la cnn ha immediatamente cambiato opinione, nel mentre i morti sono diventati molti molti di +
Oltre il doppio grazie Biden e grazie al vaccino
Il vile affarista(cit) direbbe che ne ha salvati mille milioni(bugiardo patologico come tutti i banchieri)
Information about any adverse events following immunization (AEFI) that individuals have reported after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine in Canada. These adverse events are not necessarily related to the vaccine.
Information about any adverse events following immunization (AEFI) that individuals have reported after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine in Canada. These adverse events are not necessarily related to the vaccine.