מגן ולא יראה
Vedi l'allegato 452145
Qui le OFAC
OFAC FAQs: Other Sanctions Programs
522. Other than through the existing general licenses, under what circumstances might U.S. persons be authorized to deal in new debt of greater than 30 or 90 days issued by the Government of Venezuela?
In the Lima Declaration of August 8, 2017, twelve countries across the Americas refused to recognize the Constituent Assembly or the laws it adopts because of its illegitimate nature, while at the same time fully backing the democratically elected National Assembly. We stand in solidarity with our friends and allies in the region. If the democratically elected Venezuelan National Assembly approved a new debt issuance by the Government of Venezuela that E.O. 13808 would prohibit U.S. persons from dealing in, the United States would consider using licensing authority to allow U.S. persons to deal in the issuance.
Ricordo a beneficio Tuo e di tutti che, riguardo alla sanzione piu' importante, cioe' quella che impedisce l'emissione di nuova deuda e quindi , di fatto, un rifinanziamento...
Trump ha gia' fatto a suo tempo un passo indietro delegando la questione all' parole povere se l'opposizione dara' il suo benestare, Maduro potra' procedere con un rifinanziamento anche tramite nuova emissione di titoli
riporto il mio post del 12/11 ; non proprio una delega in bianco, "would consider".