Titoli di Stato paesi-emergenti VENEZUELA e Petroleos de Venezuela - Cap. 2

Qualcuno ha letto tra le righe in merito alle ultime dichiarazioni di maduro: Propongo la creacion de una nueva PDVSA, con una Revolucion Moral, Etica y Socialista que nazca de los trabajadores.....

Io l'avevo letta , comunque ti ringrazio d'averla sottolineata.
Bisognerebbe sentire (non è ironico, nè tantomeno un "non c'avevate capito niente") coloro che ritenevano impossibile la loophole della Pippocompany.(nella mia ignoranza ho sempre sostenuto che il recovery stimato per PDVSA possa essere in range 0-100).
Io l'avevo letta , comunque ti ringrazio d'averla sottolineata.
Bisognerebbe sentire (non è ironico, nè tantomeno un "non c'avevate capito niente") coloro che ritenevano impossibile la loophole della Pippocompany.(nella mia ignoranza ho sempre sostenuto che il recovery stimato per PDVSA possa essere in range 0-100).

Io per ora ho solo soberanos, non in size che possano influire in modo rilevante sul Ptf, ma qualcosa ho.
Io l'avevo letta , comunque ti ringrazio d'averla sottolineata.
Bisognerebbe sentire (non è ironico, nè tantomeno un "non c'avevate capito niente") coloro che ritenevano impossibile la loophole della Pippocompany.(nella mia ignoranza ho sempre sostenuto che il recovery stimato per PDVSA possa essere in range 0-100).
quindi per la serie :"scurdamini u passatu..." ????
Qualcuno ha letto tra le righe in merito alle ultime dichiarazioni di maduro: Propongo la creacion de una nueva PDVSA, con una Revolucion Moral, Etica y Socialista que nazca de los trabajadores.....


Ho capito, questa era solo pubblicità, adesso che sono diventati boli-borghesi e l'hanno svuotata la ridanno ai lavoratori, se faranno un buon lavoro... torneranno a svuotarla.

Ho un quasi parente che lavorava in PDVSA, l'ho visto l'ultima volta al battesimo di mio nipote 7/8 anni fa, avrà avuto tra i 28 e 32 anni.
Cresciuto insieme a altri 2 fratelli dalla sola mamma, tutti e tre laureati, con grandi sacrifici della mamma.
Auto Toyota Land Cruiser, moglie più gommata che una Ferrari con supersoft, in costruzione una villa in montagna.
Dove vive e lavora adesso con tutti i suoi fratelli? A Houston e non in Citgo, scappato appena sentito l'olezzo di PDVSA e capito che la pacchia sarebbe finita.
Sto parlando di un semplice ingeniere petrolifero senza alcun aggancio ai poteri forti del PSUV, immaginatevi gli altri.
Detenido en Madrid el hijo del magnate venezolano Roberto Rincón por blanqueo de capitales

MARISA RECUERO 6 jun. 2018 10:43

La Policía ha detenido esta mañana en Madrid a uno de los hijos del millonario venezolano afincado en Estados Unidos Roberto Enrique Rincón Fernández, en el marco de una operación contra blanqueo de capitales procedentes de la empresa estatal Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA).

Así lo confirmaron a este diario fuentes conocedoras del arresto de José Roberto Rincón Bravo, realizada por agentes de la Unidad de Delincuencia Económica y Financiera (Udef) de la Policía, en coordinación con la Fiscalía Anticorrupción, por orden del Juzgado de Instrucción número 27 de Madrid.

En el operativo también se ha registrado una propiedad del empresario y banquero portugués Joao Espirito Santo. En concreto, la conocida como La Encomienda de la Losilla, una finca del entorno de 500 hectáreas situada en las inmediaciones de Chinchón (Madrid).

Esta operación policial se enmarca dentro de una investigación inicial que abrió en España la juez de la Audiencia Nacional Carmen Lamela a mediados de 2017, y que hace apenas unos meses pasó a manos del juzgado madrileño.

La instrucción arrancó a partir de una denuncia por blanqueo contra directivos que gestionaron PDVSA en la época de Hugo Chávez. En concreto, contra el que fuera su presidente y embajador de Venezuela en la ONU entre 2014 y 2017, Rafael Ramírez, entre otros.

La juez se inhibió a favor del Juzgado de Instrucción número 27 de Madrid, que es el encargado ahora de investigar las transferencias hechas, presuntamente, para blanquear dinero desde terceros países a cuentas españolas. Algunas de ellas, procedentes de Estados Unidos, según precisaron fuentes jurídicas.

Los venezolanos investigados están relacionados con el sector energético y proveían de servicios y equipos a PDVSA sobornando a funcionarios para ser favorecidos con contratos públicos. Así lo reconoció el propio Rincón Fernández ante la Justicia estadounidense, tras ser detenido en 2015 y donde admitió el pago de esos sobornos para asegurar que se le diera prioridad a sus compañías, según informó en un comunicado el Departamento de Justicia de Estados Unidos.

Su hijo está vinculado a cuatro sociedades españolas domiciliadas en Madrid, según los datos que obran en el Registro Mercantil. José Roberto Rincón Bravo es administrador único de Global Maghas, Producciones Cinematográficas Venezolanas Miranda, Tradequip España Inspección y Logística, y Cibaria Gourmet.

La primera en fundarse fue Tradequip España, en 2012. En la actualidad, tiene sólo dos empleados y es propiedad de la sociedad venezolana Tradequip Venezuela. No obstante, el accionista mayoritario de la Tradequip española fue Beltway Industries, empresa domiciliada en Houston (Texas), en cuya administración interviene el magnate Rincón y sus dos hijos, José Roberto y Ricardo.

Global Maghas nació en 2013 como empresa dedicada a la producción agrícola y ganadera, según el Registro Mercatil. Producciones Cinematográficas, en 2014; y Cibaria Gourmet, dedicada a la organización de convenciones y feria de muestras, en 2015
Ricardo Hausmann‏ @ricardo_hausman 6 h6 ore fa
Ricardo Hausmann ha ritwittato Carlos Bellorin
This is a multi-dimensional crime. North Monagas used to produce more than 400,000 bpd. Today it is below 140,000. Instead of reinjecting gas to maintain well pressure, Maduro’s criminal gang is venting & flaring natural gas hurting the environment, oil fields & national income.

Carlos Bellorin‏ @carbellorin 21 h21 ore fa
This is not Hell-> Picture of the intense & irresponsible flaring/venting activities in areas Jusepin, El Furrial, Corozo and Punta de Mata, collectively known as the North Monagas fields. These were once the backbone of Venezuela’s oil production. (photo via @MariaGMonagas)

UPDATE 4-Venezuela's PDVSA raises prospect of force majeure on oil exports -sources
Reuters Staff

By Marianna Parraga and Deisy Buitrago

HOUSTON/CARACAS June 5 (Reuters) - OPEC member Venezuela has raised the prospect of declaring force majeure on contracts with major crude buyers amid plummeting output from its oil fields and tanker bottlenecks at ports, according to three sources familiar with the matter.

Falling production from Venezuela has contributed to a rally in global oil prices to a near four-year high, and other OPEC members may boost output at a meeting later this month to compensate for the shortfall and other risks to global supplies.

Oil is the financial lifeline for the embattled socialist government of President Nicolas Maduro, but his cash-strapped administration has failed to invest enough in the industry to prevent its decline.

Venezuela’s state-owned oil firm PDVSA has told some customers that they must send vessels equipped to accept ship-to-ship oil transfers rather than load at its ports. If they do not accept the terms, PDVSA is considering force majeure, in essence declaring its contracts incapable of being fulfilled, the sources familiar with the matter said.

It has separately begun notifying all its customers that it will no longer receive new tankers for loading at Jose or Paraguana, its main export terminals, until ships already in line are served.

Most customers have so far refused the ship-to-ship transfer request due to the lack of a third party supervising the operations, according to shippers and traders. Additional costs for completing the transfer also contributed to the refusals.

PDVSA has been using sanctions imposed on the company by U.S. President Donald Trump as a rationale for the change, according to one of the sources.

Venezuela’s export terminals have grown overcrowded since U.S. oil firm ConocoPhillips last month won court orders freezing PDVSA’s key Caribbean operations, where the Venezuelan company used to ship large cargoes to Asian destinations.

There were more than 70 tankers off the coast of Venezuela on Tuesday, according to Thomson Reuters vessel tracking data.

“We are going to try the ship-to-ship idea first,” the source familiar with the matter said.

“Many customers are going to prefer this than continuing to accumulate demurrage,” the source added, referring to fees charged for long waiting times.

One of PDVSA’s Indian customers confirmed it had received a request to load its cargoes via ship-to-ship transfers. The buyer so far has refused to accept the new terms, said an employee who was not authorized to speak publicly and requested anonymity.

Traders and shippers were skeptical that the transfers would succeed in easing the bottlenecks. PDVSA will still have to load vessels at its Jose port for transporting the crude to its proposed offshore loading facility, and production declines are not expected to reverse.

Very large vessels that typically do not approach Venezuela’s western coast are now visible from Paraguana Refining Center (CRP), according to a worker from the facility.

PDVSA did not reply to a request for comment.

PDVSA knew it would fall short of contracted deliveries this year because of declining output and set a goal to limit the gap, according to internal company documents reviewed by Reuters. But the firm missed even that lowered target.

“There’s an average deficit of 422,000 barrels per day (bpd) between real and planned production so far this year,” according to one of the documents.

In April, the company shipped 1.49 million bpd of crude and fuels to its customers - 665,000 bpd below the 2.15 million bpd contracted, the documents show. The firm shorted deliveries to 12 of 14 major customers with long-term crude supply contracts, the records show.

The shortfall, which has not been previously reported, shed new light on the depth of the company’s problems extracting and refining crude - despite repeated promises by Maduro and PDVSA President Manuel Quevedo to grow 2018 production by 1 million bpd.

The state-owned firm in April had so little oil it failed to deliver almost all of the crude it promised to its U.S. refining unit, Citgo Petroleum, under a 273,000-bpd contract, the documents show.

Venezuela’s exports of crude declined 28 percent in the first four months of 2018 to 1.19 million bpd compared with 1.65 million bpd in the same period last year, according to Reuters trade flows data.

In January-April, crude output fell to 1.62 million bpd, the lowest annual average in over three decades

Aggravating its export problems, Conoco last month started seizing PDVSA’s terminals, oil inventories and cargoes in the Caribbean to enforce a $2 billion arbitration award in a dispute over the socialist government’s nationalization of the U.S. oil producer’s Venezuela assets. (Reporting by Marianna Parraga and Liz Hampton in Houston, Deisy Buitrago in Caracas, Mircely Guanipa in Punto Fijo and Rishika Chatterjee in Bengaluru Editing by Lisa Shumaker, Toni Reinhold and Joseph Radford)
Gabriel Bastidas‏ @Gbastidas 19 h19 ore fa
Secretario @Almagro_OEA2015 le aclara a Jorge Arreaza que el procedimiento iniciado por el gobierno de Maduro para salirse de la OEA es nulo, porque no lo aprobó la @AsambleaVE legítima.

Mi pareva strano, un paese sottoscrive accordi come la Carta Democratica che recità "Los pueblos de América tienen derecho a la democracia y sus gobiernos la obligación de promoverla y defenderla".
Poi al primo dittatore di turno gli si permette di uscire unilateralmente? Meglio chiuderla allora, soldi dei contribuenti risparmiati.

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