Titoli di Stato paesi-emergenti VENEZUELA e Petroleos de Venezuela - Cap. 2

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Sono stato di nuovo ban.nato su finanza on line dove stavolta per quanto mi sforzi non riesco a capire il motivo DECIDO DI FARE UN FAVORE A FINANZA ON LINE CIOÈ RITIRARMI.
Mi hanno rotto le scatole.
Tutti mi insultano io non rispondo e poi bannano me. Se non mi volete vado via .
Ritornerò solo con le scuse del moderatore.

Se esiste un buon di cuore che mi posti questo mio messaggio finale su finanza on line mi farà grande piacere.

Sono felice che tu sia qui.
Colgo l’occasione però per rispondere a qualche buontempone ...

Qui non esiste un pensiero unico, anzi.
Qui non esistono saputelli signori so tutto io, anzi.

Parlando per me sono infatti talmente esperto che l’ho ripresa in quel posto.
Con poco mi direte, perché poco ho.
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Tutte scuse , Non ho bisogno di finanza on line

se esistesse un buon uomo come prima che riportasse il motivo del ban su finanza on line
sarei felice.
Bogota (DPA) -- Venezuela's galloping inflation will reach a million per cent by the end of this year, the International Monetary Fund said Monday.

"We expect the government to continue to run wide fiscal deficits financed entirely by an expansion in base money, which will continue to fuel an acceleration of inflation as money demand continues to collapse," IMF said in an Outlook for the Americas report.

Venezuela's real gross domestic product, meanwhile, will fall by about 18 per cent - the third consecutive year of double-digit decline - driven largely by a significant drop in oil production, according to IMF.
(Bloomberg) --

Venezuela could delay plans to introduce its new currency as banks haven’t received the new bills and quadruple-digit inflation heightens the need for new money, according to people familiar with the matter.

President Nicolas Maduro’s initial redenomination plan called for slashing three zeros from the “Strong Bolivar” notes now in use to be replaced with a new "Sovereign Bolivar.” Originally set for a June rollout, the president in May thendelayed it to Aug. 4. Banks maintain they’ll need some lead time to ensure a smooth transition, according to four people familiar with the situation. A central bank press official declined to comment.

The government is also delaying the operation to consider knocking off more than three zeros from the currency to keep pace with inflation estimated at60,770 percent, meaning prices increase about 3.4 percent every day, according to two people with direct knowledge of the discussions.

Beginning at the end of 2017, the government started ordering more than 4 billion new notes from suppliers including Basingstoke, U.K.-based De La Rue and Boston, Massachusetts-basedCrane Currency, according to central bank documents and a person with direct knowledge of the purchases.

While some of the bills have begun to arrive in Venezuela, experts say banks need 20 to 30 days to integrate them into their systems. De La Rue declined to comment while request for comment Crane Currency weren’t immediately returned.

The country’s acute shortage of paper money has added to the misery of Venezuelans, who depend on cash for public transport, gasoline and the purchase of subsided foods. Desperate citizens now pay markups of as much as 200 percent for paper money in Caracas.
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Tutte scuse , Non ho bisogno di finanza on line

se esistesse un buon uomo come prima che riportasse il motivo del ban su finanza on line
sarei felice.
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ammesso trane gli insulti
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