Titoli di Stato paesi-emergenti VENEZUELA e Petroleos de Venezuela - Cap. 2 (2 lettori)


Forumer storico
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela opposition leader Juan Guaido, who has proclaimed himself interim president with U.S. support, is considering a request for funds from international institutions including the IMF to finance his interim government, two sources said.
Guaido’s team is planning to name a new board to state-run oil firm PDVSA’s U.S. unit Citgo Petroleum and a new representative to the Inter-American Development Bank, two sources familiar with the discussions said.
Guaido does not yet have control of the state’s functions, which remain loyal to Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.


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fonte: rainews


Chesenso's way

questo Guaidò mi sembra il classico cretino da mandare allo sbaraglio

spero che gli yankee nn vogliano replicare lo scenario siriano ,

L'ing. Juan Guaidò è il prescelto di Leopodo Lopez, mica l'ultimo peones...............

qui siamo ALTOP............PREVEDO ROTTURA DEI 35 A BREVE.............obiettivo 50 ( la pecora canta )

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