Titoli di Stato paesi-emergenti VENEZUELA e Petroleos de Venezuela - Cap. 2 (16 lettori)


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La vicepresidenta de #Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, acompañada del Procurador General y del Presidente de #Pdvsa, leyó este 15 de septiembre de 2020 un comunicado en el que ratifica la total disposición de Venezuela de honrar los compromisos válidamente asumidos con los tenedores de títulos emitidos por la República, por Pdvsa y la Electricidad de Caracas. Indica que en noviembre de 2017 Venezuela anunció la intención de reestructurar su deuda, convocando a los tenedores nacionales e internacionales a un proceso de diálogo constructivo para buscar fórmulas con el fin de superar las limitaciones impuestas por las "sanciones" contra el país.
Sin embargo, la emisión de nuevas sanciones por parte de Estados Unidos contra Venezuela ha impedido el desarrollo de este esfuerzo para alcanzar la reestructuración anunciada. Los plazos de prescripción han comenzado a correr.

Por tal razón, Venezuela, Pdvsa y la Electricidad de Caracas anuncian una _oferta condicional conjunta_ de interrupción de dichas entidades, para garantizar que los inversores no resulten afectados por las sanciones impuestas por EEUU. Las condiciones específicas serán detalladas por el Ministerio de Finanzas y las entidades emisoras.

La oferta será para cierta clase de bonos y se debe enviar una carta de aceptación de la oferta por escrito, acordando no presentar reclamos y procedimientos judiciales.

La oferta estará vigente hasta el 13 de octubre de 2020.


Nuovo forumer

Potrebbe essere un modo per formalizzare l'interruzione della prescrizione sulle cedole, parlano solo di alcuni bonos forse perchè non tutti avevano le clausule di prescrizione nei prospetti. Che ne pensate ?
Mi sembra comunque una ottima notizia del tutto inaspettata.


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(Bloomberg) -- Venezuela’s new finance minister offered a proposal to holders of defaulted bonds that she says will pave the way for an eventual restructuring.

Delcy Rodriguez, appointed to the post last week, said her government will waive a statute of limitations clause in some bonds’ prospectuses if creditors agree not to sue for non-payment or to not proceed with claims if a suit has already been filed. Reaching an agreement now will allow for a smoother restructuring in the future, Rodriguez said.

Some investors have disputed the limitations’ validity, and it isn’t clear what appeal the offer may hold. The country has defaulted on $60 billion of sovereign and corporate debt over the past three years amid an economic collapse and U.S. sanctions that limit negotiations with the government and forbid Venezuela from undertaking a restructuring that includes issuing new bonds.

But Rodriguez’s offer may carry some symbolic significance by indicating that President Nicolas Maduro’s administration still wants to reach an accord with bondholders. It had been months since top officials had even mentioned the arrears, and most of the debt now trades at just pennies on the dollar.

The idea “does not make much sense within the framework of U.S. sanctions,” said Asdrubal Oliveros, a director at the Caracas-based research firm Ecoanalitica. “Under Venezuela’s current conditions, with a 75% drop in its dollar revenue this year, the country will hardly have the ability to enter a cycle of debt restructuring.”

The ultimate motive may be trying to get U.S. investors to push the Trump administration to loosen the sanctions that have crippled Venezuela and left it locked out of mainstream financial markets, according to Ray Zucaro of RVX Asset Management LLC in Miami, which owns the bonds.

“Are you familiar with the expression ‘with a grain of salt?’ In this example, I would say like 10 kilos of salt,” Zucaro said in an interview. “It’s a no-brainer: They’re trying to get foreign creditors to lobby on their behalf.”

The proposal covers 29 bonds issued by the government, the state oil company and the state electricity company, according to a statement from the Finance Ministry. Investors have until Oct. 13 to respond and must suspend all existing claims in international courts, Rodriguez said. The deal only stands if bondholders who own more than 75% of the existing debt accept the offer.

“We are announcing a conditional offer to interrupt certain entities to avoid investors from being affected,” Rodriguez said in her first public appearance as finance minister since her appointment.

In September 2019, Venezuela’s government said it was ready to resume negotiations with foreign investors, but not much came of it. Sanctions effectively prevent U.S. persons from discussing financial deals with targeted officials, including Maduro, Rodriguez, and Economy Vice President Tareck El Aissami. They also preclude Venezuela from issuing new international bonds, which usually happens as part of restructurings.

Elsewhere in Latin America, Argentina and Ecuador recently completed bond restructurings after reaching agreements with creditors in the midst of the pandemic.

While U.S. restrictions also prevent Venezuela from paying its debt through traditional means, Maduro has said his government has alternatives to circumvent the rules, including using cryptocurrencies.

Petroleos de Venezuela notes due in 2022 were quoted near 3.19 cents on the dollar Tuesday, near a three-month high. The company defaulted on those bonds in March 2018.

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Forumer storico
Efecto Cocuyo: Economistas dicen que con sanciones de EEUU no se podrá reestructurar deuda venezolana. Francisco Rodríguez dice que acuerdos no tendrán validez en EEUU. Luis Oliveros afirma que "reestructurar deuda externa es imposible".


Forumer storico


Forumer storico
Proposta interessante, peccato manca qualche "dettaglio" ... a quale prezzo intendono acquistare i bond oppure se intendono concambiare con nuovi bond e la law dei nuovi titoli.
Faccenduole di poco conto, si intende.


Forumer storico
Ho letto un pò in giro su internet: proposta fantasiosa, in stile venezolano.

Se vogliono proporre qualcosa di più serio, possono chiedere le procedure ai Ministeri delle Finanze di Ecuador e Argentina.

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