Keyeast, SM and other agencies will officially launch global 'UAM' on the 24th
Top six domestic agencies all in one place
Article date: 2011-06- 20 07:00:00
키이스트·SM 등 출자 글로벌 에이전시 ‘UAM’ 24일 공식출범
Park Jinyoung and TVXQ, Kim Hyunjoong, Soo Ae, Super Junior are some of the top stars who will gather in one place. These people will gather together in Seoul Jangchung-dong Banyan Tree Club and Spa on the 24th at 7:30 pm.
Top agencies Keyeast, AM Entertainment, YG Entertainment, SM Entertainment, JYP Entertainment, StarJ are planning to invest and launch a global company called UAM (United Asia Management).
UAM stated "We are creating an international agency which will support our artists activities in both domestic and overseas".
Other than that they are planning on expanding by casting talents and doing business abroad. Not to mention expanding Kpop which is the now known as a global wave. The launch of this combined agency will surely catch the attention of many.
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