It’s been a grand run. The upside has measured as much as 48.8% print low to print high for the Dow, 55.6% for the S&P 500 and a resounding 62.8% for Nasdaq in only five-and-a-half months. This has truly been one of the most spectacular moves in stock market history. In the interim, bullish advisors measured by Investor’s Intelligence have gone from 26.4% on March 11th to 51.6% as of August 26th. On the same day, the bearish contingent fell to only 19,8%, the lowest since October 17, 2008, when the Dow traded 4757 points and 52% higher. Time for a correction and perhaps a pretty stiff correction as well. Below left, September is by far the worst month of the year. We expect the current month to again fare poorly.
Se i ribassisti sono meno del 20% allora siamo tutti in questo post..
la settimana scorsa ero l'unico a dire che si saliva fino al 7..
siamo arrivati al 9 e sembra non vogliano mollare
tra poco arriva il beige book vediamo se riesce a mettere un freno ai mercati e all'emorragia del dollaro.
buona serata