intanto, ci becchiamo un'altra parte segreta del form q-10 che per cell potrà essere nota solo dopo il 27 marzo 2016. Ed il tempo passa...
united states
securities and exchange commission
july 5, 2013
order granting confidential treatment
under the securities exchange act of 1934
cell therapeutics, inc.
file no. 1-12465 - cf#29798
cell therapeutics, inc. Submitted an application under rule 24b-2 requesting confidential treatment for information it excluded from the exhibits to a form 10-q filed on may 2, 2013.
based on representations by cell therapeutics, inc. That this information qualifies as confidential commercial or financial information under the freedom of information act, 5 u.s.c. 552(b)(4), the division of corporation finance has determined not to publicly disclose it. Accordingly, excluded
information from the following exhibit will not be released to the public for the time period specified:
exhibit 10.7 through march 27, 2016
for the commission, by the division of corporation finance, pursuant to delegated authority:
elizabeth m. Murphy