Cell Therapeutics (CTIC) ADC Cell Therapeutics (5 lettori)


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Trasformazione core-business ctic ????????

Da comunicato odierno si legge, tra altro:

Cell Therapeutics, Inc. (CTI) (NASDAQ e MTA: CTIC), "società
attiva nella trasformazione delle scoperte scientifiche in terapie antitumorali innovative..."
..........“L’assunzione di Monique è un elemento chiave per guidare in modo coerente la
comunicazione a livello globale, in questo momento di transizione da società di sviluppo
prodotto a società commerciale”, ha dichiarato James Bianco."..............

Se così è, come sembrerebbe, è un bene o un male, meglio o peggio ???

Mi sembra che questo comunicato sparigli molte carte in tavola, o sto sbagliando ???
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Questo comunicato

Questo comunicato FINALMENTE mi da ragione.
E' da un paio di anni che vado predicando che la società si è trasformata in un'impresa commerciale che nulla ha a che vedere con la ricerca.

Non me lo inventai io ma lo disse JB in una conferenza dell'epoca.
Molti ci hanno girato intorno, come se dicessi una solenne cavolata.

Ora, viene comunicato per la SECONDA VOLTA.
Ve ne ricorderete ???

Le carte sono esattamente quelle di prima, la differenza sta solo in quello che prima facevate finta d'ignorare e quello che adesso vi viene ripetuto.
La società commercia brevetti. Punto.


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beh che dire :_ j.bianco anticipa sempre lo stato delle cose ! visto a cosa si sta andando incontro , lui anticipa il mercato è si mette a vendere brevetti atti alle kag@te ! STO CIALTRONE DEVE ANDARE A FINIRE IN GATTABUIA ! VOLESSE othelma :)-o) CHE ANDASSE IN MALORA IL SUO STATO DI SALUTE ! POI VEDIAMO DOVE SI ATTACCA QUESTO CIARLATANO ! AMERICA PAESE DI FALLITI CHE RUBANO LA VITA ALTRUI ! VEDASI TESLA ED AFFINI ! VISTO CHE CI SIAMO LI CHIAMIAMO CON IL LORO LINGUAGGIO : AMERICA = MANURE !:down:
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Forumer attivo
Da comunicato odierno si legge, tra altro:

Cell Therapeutics, Inc. (CTI) (NASDAQ e MTA: CTIC), "società
attiva nella trasformazione delle scoperte scientifiche in terapie antitumorali innovative..."
..........“L’assunzione di Monique è un elemento chiave per guidare in modo coerente la
comunicazione a livello globale, in questo momento di transizione da società di sviluppo
prodotto a società commerciale”, ha dichiarato James Bianco."..............

Se così è, come sembrerebbe, è un bene o un male, meglio o peggio ???

Mi sembra che questo comunicato sparigli molte carte in tavola, o sto sbagliando ???

Ciao Doc, secondo me è una buona notizia, non credo si riferisca all'intenzione di vendere brevetti, ma proprio alla vendita di farmaci, solo il tempo potrà confermarlo, ma tutti questi mutamenti post approvazione pix sono per me positivi, staremo a vedere.......altrimenti spero finiscano tutti dietro le sbarre!!!


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CTI terminates corporate communications officer

Puget Sound Business Journal by Valerie Bauman, Staff Writer

Date: Monday, November 12, 2012, 2:13pm PST

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Valerie BaumanStaff Writer- Puget Sound Business Journal Email | Google | Twitter | LinkedIn
Cell Therapeutics, Inc. has terminated its executive vice president for corporate communications, according to a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
The company didn’t immediately return calls for comment; President and CEO James Bianco is in Europe. According to the SEC report, Dan Eramian was notified Nov. 5 that his employment “will terminate” as of Nov. 15.
Eramian had been with the company since 2006. His 2011 compensation was more than $540,000 including a $226,800 bonus, according to SEC filings. He received another $675,000 last year in restricted stock awards.
He was the fifth-highest compensated official at Cell Therapeutics (CTI), and often the public voice for the company, which has had a rocky history. Despite the number of challenges CTI has faced, leadership is optimistic about the commercial launch of its Pixuvri cancer drug in the European Union.
Eramian still holds about 354,000 shares of CTI stock, according to SEC filings. He’s never separately purchased any of the company’s stock, but since 2009 has sold more than $326,000 worth of the stock he’s been awarded as a senior executive.
Before joining the company, Eramian was vice president of communications at Washington, D.C.-based BIO, an industry organization.
After seeing word of his departure, I reviewed my email and noticed I hadn’t heard from Eramian – who once told me he talks to me “more than my wife” – since the end of October.
CTI has already hired Eramian’s replacement: Monique Greer, who will take on all external and internal communications for the company. She will report directly to Bianco, who said in a statement that Greer “is a key hire to drive consistent communications globally, as we transition from a product development organization to a commercial organization.”
Greer was previously vice president of corporate communications and investor relations for Allos Therapeutics, Inc. (recently acquired by Nevada-based Spectrum Pharmaceuticals).
She also previously worked as senior director of corporate and investor relations at Seattle-based Dendreon Corporation.
Valerie Bauman covers nonprofits and health care for the Puget Sound Business Journal.​


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Pursuant to the instructions in Item 7 of Schedule 13G, Fidelity Management & Research Company ("Fidelity"), 82 Devonshire Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02109, a wholly- owned subsidiary of FMR LLC and an investment adviser registered under Section 203 of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, is the beneficial owner of 8,034,958 shares or 12.843% of the Common Stock outstanding of CELL THERAPEUTICS INC ("the Company") as a result of acting as investment adviser to various investment companies registered under Section 8 of the Investment Company Act of 1940. The number of shares of Common Stock of CELL THERAPEUTICS INC owned by the investment companies at October 31, 2012 included 4,998,000 shares of Common Stock resulting from the assumed conversion of 7,000 shares of CELL THERAPEUTICS SER 17 PC (714 shares of Common Stock for each share of Convertible Preferred Stock). The number of shares of Common Stock of CELL THERAPEUTICS INC owned by the investment companies at October 31, 2012 included 882,000 shares of Common Stock resulting from the assumed conversion of 882,000 shares of CELL THERAPEUTICS 6/30/11 WT (1 shares of Common Stock for each Warrant).
The ownership of one investment company, Fidelity Select Biotechnology Portfolio, amounted to 7,509,649 shares or 12.004% of the Common Stock outstanding. Fidelity Select Biotechnology Portfolio has its principal business office at 82 Devonshire Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02109.


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FMR - LLC (Fidelity Management Resources)

Da Form 13 G depositato alla SEC oggi, e rilevato da alert CTIC, risulta che Fidelity, e la famiglia del suo Chairman Johnson, siano i maggiori azionisti di CTIC con una quota vicina al 49% DELLE AZIONI IN CIRCOLAZIONE distribuite tra vari Fondi Gestiti da Fidelity + il nucleo famigliare dei Johnson:

Investors - Cell Therapeutics, Inc. - SEC Filings

Qualcuno mi aiuta nella traduzione del Sec, onde avere ulteriore conferma di avere ben interpretato ???


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Ecco lo stralcio del 13 G che ne parla, non capisco se il 49% di possesso della Famiglia Johnson è riferito a Fidelity o a CTIC:

CELL THERAPEUTICS 6/30/11 WT (1 shares of Common
Stock for each Warrant).
The ownership of one investment company, Fidelity
Select Biotechnology Portfolio, amounted to 7,509,649 shares
or 12.004% of the Common Stock outstanding. Fidelity Select
Biotechnology Portfolio has its principal business office at 82
Devonshire Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02109.
Edward C. Johnson 3d and FMR LLC, through its
control of Fidelity, and the funds each has sole power to
dispose of the 8,034,958 shares owned by the Funds.
Members of the family of Edward C. Johnson 3d,
Chairman of FMR LLC, are the predominant owners, directly
or through trusts, of Series B voting common shares of FMR
LLC, representing 49% of the voting power of FMR LLC.
The Johnson family group and all other Series B shareholders
have entered into a shareholders' voting agreement under
which all Series B voting common shares will be voted in
accordance with the majority vote of Series B voting common
shares. Accordingly, through their ownership of voting
common shares and the execution of the shareholders' voting
agreement, members of the Johnson family may be deemed,
under the Investment Company Act of 1940, to form a
controlling group with respect to FMR LLC.
Neither FMR LLC nor Edward C. Johnson 3d,
Chairman of FMR LLC, has the sole power to vote or direct
the voting of the shares owned directly by the Fidelity Funds,
which power resides with the Funds' Boards of Trustees.
Fidelity carries out the voting of the shares under written

guidelines established by the Funds' Boards of Trustees
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