Astro-nzata? (2 lettori)


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Buongiorno a tutti,
grazie a tontonlina per la sua traduzione del pezzo di Merriman :)
Sotto, inserisco il 'Bradley Model' per il 2005, non si sa mai,
potrebbe servire... :


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Re: provocazione

Bios ha scritto:
:-D Allora signori, mi rivolgo a coloro che si interessano di astro-finanza, perchè non ci iscriviamo al Finanzagame?

Sarebbe interessante, soprattutto vedere la GRANDE differenza gli uni dagli altri, perchè certamente ne uscirebbero performance decisamente diverse.

La cosa mi affascina, e sarebbe curiosa da vedere.

Allego link :)

Attenti che non vuole essere una sfida per vedere chi è bravo e chi non lo è, ma un confronto sul quale successivamente discutere, per affinare e migliorare le proprie operatività.

In alternativa, se possibile, facciamo una sorta di gruppo dove fare la stessa cosa ma al "chiuso" fra noi, ditemi la vostra.


Forumer attivo
Ecco il Merriman's pensiero settimanale, parla di un eventuale top
questa settimana, però senza certezza (in borsa ci sono ? :) ).

The “Great Libra Ingress” and its positive impact upon stocks markets around the world took effect this past week. Almost all markets completed their corrective declines on Tuesday, September 28, as the last of the 4 planets (Mercury) made its ingress into Libra. To briefly review, the Sun moved into Libra on September 22, followed by Jupiter on September 25, Mars on September 26, and Mercury September 28. During that period, nearly all the world’s major indices declined, after forming significant crests during the prior three trading days (September 17-21). This, by the way, is a very rare and remarkable cosmic event. I do not know that it has happened before.

In Europe, the FTSE Index of London continued to be the stellar performer, soaring to 4663.90 on Friday after completing a 6-week cycle trough on Tuesday at 4528.10. The high surpassed the major cycle crest of 4630.70, realized on September 22 when the Libra ingress began. So far, only the FTSE has made a new cycle high in the European markets since the primary bottoms of August 13-16. The DAX of Germany came close, as it closed at 3995, just 5 points off its September 17 high of 4000. Its low was also posted on Tuesday, September 28, at 3848.30. The Netherlands AEX bottomed Tuesday at 321.90, following its prior high of 335.90 on September 17. On Friday, it closed at 330.90. The Swiss stock index closed at 5579, up considerably from Tuesday’s cycle low of 5428.30. It too is not far from its recent high of 5621.40, recorded on September 22. Each of these indices looks poised to continue higher this coming week.

In the Pacific Rim, we note that the Australian All Ordinaries continued making new all-time highs, reaching 3683 on Friday, after a temporary low of 3623 last Monday. Japan’s Nikkei Index bottomed last Tuesday at 10,738, then rallied to new weekly highs of 10,987 on Friday. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng index seemed somewhat subdued. After bottoming at 12,884 on Tuesday, it could only recover back to 13,120 on Friday, still a bit off from its 13,357 cycle high back on September 22. The technical picture on each of these indices, however, does not look as strong as the European indices.

In America, the Dow Jones Industrial Average bottomed at 9977.90 on Tuesday, September 28. This fits with our comments made last week, which stated, “If the market is going to favor George Bush, then it has to probably hold this 10,000 support area that is being tested now (at least 9900), and start its next push up. Can it do it? Yes.” Don’t count George W. Bush out yet (not that too many readers of this column have). By Friday, the DJIA closed at 10,192.70, close to high of the day and week at 10,198.60. But the action was even more impressive in the NASDAQ Composite, which soared to its highest level since the primary cycle trough of August 13, closing at 1942.20. That surpassed its previous high of 1925.90 on September 21. However, the DJIA is far from its previous high of 10,362 recorded back on September 7. Thus we may be seeing the beginning stages of an Intermarket bearish divergence set up.

This week will be critical. If the DJIA cannot exceed that previous high, and the market closes down on the week, this could bode poorly for not only the stock market, but also George Bush’s chances of re-election, according to the “Pre-Presidential Election Year” cycle indicator that I have written about extensively herein. More on this in a moment. Elsewhere, the Argentina Merval Index also continued soaring all week, to a new multi-week high of 1166.24 on Friday. This market has now exceeded our forecast of a correction following the new cycle high of the previous Friday when our solar-lunar phasing indicated a possible top. I am not too worried about that, because lunar cycles are not as strong as geocosmic (planetary) cycles. And the “Great Libra Ingress” is a powerful combination of geocosmic factors. As we saw, they did indeed correspond with a powerful surge in stock markets across the globe. Furthermore they also coincided with sharp rallies in precious metals and many currencies versus the U.S. Dollar. Gold is back to $420.00/ounce. Just three weeks ago it was below 400.00. And Silver is again testing $7.00, when three weeks ago it was testing $6.00. That’s a gain of nearly 15%.

For the coming week, we note two important signatures. On Tuesday, October 5, the Sun will form a waning trine to Neptune. This is a Level 2 type, with a 61% correlation to primary or greater cycles within 12 trading days, and 52% within 8 days. And on Wednesday, October 6, Venus will be in opposition to Uranus, which is a Level 1 type (most powerful). This signature has a 71% correlation to primary or greater cycles within 10 trading days. With the NASDAQ Composite and FTSE and All Ordinaries all making new cycle highs unconfirmed by other indices in their regions, we need to be careful that a top of importance could be forming this week. But sometimes aspects to Uranus do not mean reversals. Sometimes it means a breakout of previously defined support or resistance zones.

Given that I still believe that George W. Bush will win the election (based on my interpretation of the transits to the USA chart), then it becomes very likely (in my opinion) that the crest that occurred between the “Pre-Presidential Election Year” cycle trough of May 12-17 (9852 in DJIA) and August 13 (9783) will be taken out. That crest occurred in a double top formation as Venus turned direct in late June, at 10,471-10,487. If George W. Bush wins the election as I anticipate, and the DJIA does NOT test the 10,450-10,500 area, then it will be the first time since World War Two that an incumbent has won when the PPEY has been taken out after May (preceding the election),without the crest also being taken out before the election. Something like this did happen in 1940. Then, like now, matters of national security were more important to voters than the economy.


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tradigan ha scritto:
Grande Bios
più preciso di così non potevi essere.

Allego il grafico del ciclo congiunzione marte/giove sul comit


io noto che vi sono almeno 2 congiunzioni dove non vi è stata inversione ma accelerazione! :ops:

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